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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's a liberty that that is being taken away.


Haha you can't be serious. Listen I'm with you guys - assigned seating is lame. But when ya'll start saying ridiculous sh*t like picking your seat is a "liberty that is being taken away" lmao. Dramatic much? It never was a liberty. Parks are private property and they can enact any rule they want. Some parks don't allow you to pick your row on anything, some don't care at all. Groupers are just doing their jobs, which exist specifically to make the line move faster, and they've been around for as long as theme parks have.



I'll have to agree with this one. Nothing you do at a park is a "liberty." You are a customer and are expected to follow their rules and policies. Don't like it? Don't go.

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If you've driven two hours to visit the park for the third time this season, fair play.


If instead you've traveled halfway across the planet having saved and saved and saved for years to make the trip, then with all due respect, f**k the ride op's power trip and let me ride Raptor's back b*stard row already, thanks.


This is exactly the sort of thing that would make me hesitate to visit the park.


Maybe I'm just used to Asian parks but I've been to so many parks where you don't get a choice of row and the fact people react like this in a hobby that's for fun is just weird to me. Yes, some seats are better but it's not enough for me to fly off the handle and let it wind me up this much. I've done trips where I might not go to those parks again or for a long while waited for almost an hour for Hair Raiser at Ocean Park (single rider line was closed) and probably the same for Draken at Gyeongju World and both times the staff would assign every-one to keep the line moving. Sure I had a place I wanted to sit but at the end of the day that's the person (probably with orders from higher-ups) to keep the line moving and get as many people through as possible. It’s not enough to ruin my ride or day at the park to still be upset by the time I get home and am writing on TPR


And people forget that its all a zero sum game when you pick seats. If you wait longer for the front or back, it means another person won't get that seat, or will have to wait an insane time just to get a crack at it. Assigning seats leaves it up to chance and fate. Everyone gets an equal crack at the preferred seats, but nobody has to wait an insane time just for it. It pisses me off when I see a coaster that's a walk-on running empty seats, but the front row as a 5 train line. The policy should at minimum be that all seats get filled up before front row requests are taken.


Ultimately, its actually not hard to just take requests for the front. Most rides that use grouper and keep their row lines clean will keep extra queuing space for the front, and take front requests. Usually its only the front or back people care about. They don't care about row 3 vs. row 4.

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I just want to throw it out, that I agree it's stupid not to allow people to choose their own seats (in most situations), but if it's the park policy or that's what an op says, you have to just deal with it as that's life.

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Wow, I think my “liberty” comment has been taken out of context just a little bit. All I meant is that we have had the freedom to pick a row forever, and now we don’t.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I would guess that you have the freedom to not visit the park or to pick a different chain. Who knows.


On that note, when we went to the park a few weeks ago I had no issues picking a seat or being granted a seat when I asked. But, seeing as how we waited a couple minutes to ride when the majority of people waited about an hour, I mostly never cared to ask. I definitely didn't bother asking for SV. Aside from maybe Valravn,


I try not to let my assigned seat ruin a 120mph launch, a 300 foot drop, or keyholes over the front gate. Don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy.

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A little off the path from the original post but are there still any parks that don't allow single riders in the back row? I used to come across this now and then but can't remember the last time it happened. They always said it was a liability thing.

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A little off the path from the original post but are there still any parks that don't allow single riders in the back row? I used to come across this now and then but can't remember the last time it happened. They always said it was a liability thing.


Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington.

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A little off the path from the original post but are there still any parks that don't allow single riders in the back row? I used to come across this now and then but can't remember the last time it happened. They always said it was a liability thing.


I believe Lagoon doesn't allow single riders in the front or back rows

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Is Valravn open? My cousins came up from Texas and are going to CP tomorrow. Thanks!


I was going to say probably not, but it appears it’s actually open again!


Was there yesterday. It wasn't open.

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Cant see them stepping on KI's giga but i assumed we'd see something for the 150th....


If anything, this is perhaps just as much about not stepping on the still-pretty-new SV as it is not taking away from what's going on 4 hours south...


From Zimm himself:



Citing Cedar Point’s record-breaking roller coaster Steel Vengeance, which debuted in 2018, and Carowinds’ acclaimed Fury 325, new in 2015, Zimmerman said: “We can continue to leverage those for many years in our marketing campaigns.”

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Just know that parks don't necessarily care about adding a new addition on an anniversary year. The animosity comes with a history of people insisting that something major will be added during anniversary years. Instead, parks add attractions as needed based on budgets and research. Steele Vengeance and Valravn are new so wouldn't expect any roller coasters for a while. 150th anniversary will likely include some signage, special events/celebrations, and commemorative gifts.

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