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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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If you look at the volume of people purchasing food at the festival events opposed to the volume of people in the park there's no comparison. The festival events are not practical for most families and younger people don't care about them. So, you're looking at way less people split up among a fraction of the guests. Try this strategy with the entire park and it's going to fail.


All of the restaurants were packed when we visited in June and the longest line I saw at the food festival stations were maybe a few people deep, if they had any line at all. They're also serving about sample size portions and simply collecting coupons. I have to think that events like this are more geared to bring people in the park than to make a profit off of food. Most importantly:


I don't know that there is a disconnect necessarily. As long as they can get away with it, they will sell the cheapest product at the biggest mark-up they can. If they are making a profit on it what incentive do they have to change it?

People praise Steel Vengeance, but they bitch about parking, bitch about Fast Lane customers, bitch about merchandise costs, and bitch about food. Where does the money to build these large attractions come from? There's a lot more to making money than the cost of admission. You can't cry about the food and then say, "What kind of 20 million dollar coaster do you think Cedar Point will get for their 150th anniversary?"


I feel like a lot of this goes back to Robb's spot on "Don't be a Theme park idiot" post in reference to purchasing food. Kid of like waiting in line for 30 minutes to buy burned chicken strips. If you're into this hobby and expect anything other than some of the aforementioned experiences then you're not good at adapting. We like going to Cedar Point because they're one of the few large corporate parks that actually offers some diversity from dry pizza and stamped hamburgers. I named six different examples just off the top of my head where Cedar Fair has 'stepped up their game' over other parks. If you're expecting anything else then pack a cooler lunch.

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There are legitimate criticisms to levy at Cedar Point but at this point I wouldn't make food options one of them any more. There's enough choice there at this point that I think unless someone is TOTALLY UNREASONABLE, they will find something pleasing. Melt is outright good. IMO definitely the best sit down restaurant in a regional park and probably in the top 5-7 of any park in the nation. I willingly ate there this weekend when I stopped in the park for two hours knowing I could have gotten a much cheaper meal outside in Sandusky. Like, what am I gonna miss out on that's better in Sandusky than Melt?

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If you look at the volume of people purchasing food at the festival events opposed to the volume of people in the park there's no comparison. The festival events are not practical for most families and younger people don't care about them. So, you're looking at way less people split up among a fraction of the guests. Try this strategy with the entire park and it's going to fail.


I disagree with the Festival food not being practical for most families. The amount of food I got for the price of less then 2 Chick-fil-A dinners was enough to easily feed a family of 4. The festival food is better then most of food offered in the park. If people would rather have long waits for Chick-fil-A or Panda Express it works for me. Less time to wait in line for the better food for me.

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wondering if they ever announced what was coming to the area where they removed Witches Wheel?


we were at the park just when they announced it was going away, and i remember talking to some park reps during our ERT session, and them saying that what they had planned for that area was going to really excite everyone, it was going to blow expectations away.


this isn't the haunted trails stuff is, right? (that went where Dinosaurs Alive was). . . so did they ever officially announce anything for that ride pad space over there?


just wondering.

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^ hm. . weird.


they certainly were talking like it was going to be a ride of some sort, but I guess another decent food place IS something to get excited about

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If food that’s supposed to be hot is literally cold, send it back. If “cold” means “not immediately out of the oven/fryer/pan, onto your plate and sat in front of you”, then you need to re-evaluate your expectations of amusement park food.

Edited by southpuddle
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It's funny we are having this discussion. My father and I have lived in Memphis, St. Louis, and Kansas City - so if there's one thing we know, it's good barbeque. One of my father's first remarks entering Cedar Point and driving around Perimeter Road was "oh hey - they have a Famous Dave's here". He's been around me than me (obviously) and said it's alright barbeque, nothing special, but we both agreed that the location on the marina was pretty neat.


I thought about maybe eating there just for the location, but we only ended up eating twice in the park. We're pretty good at not eating in parks, but for our first meal of our stay we hadn't quite gotten our bearings together yet, so we grabbed Chick-a-Fila. We're big Chick-a-Filla fans (strictly nonpolitical about it; I'm a health conscious person and it makes my short list of decent fast food. I love their grilled chicken clubs on multigrain buns) and because it's pretty sentimental to us as we ate there a lot on our first trip ten years ago. The prices there are also very respectful - everything was less than a dollar more than at any other Chick-a-Fila. When it rained on us later in the day, we left the peninsula and went to Kroger to buy picnic food that we ate for the rest of our meals.


Plus, whether you like Chick-a-Fila or not, you have to admit it's the best Chick-a-Fila in the world if there is one because it's 10 feet from the exit of one of the world's best rides.


They only other place we ate at was Chickie and Pete's, and strictly for the crab fries. As a midwesterner who's only ever been as far north as New Jersey once, Ohio is pretty much "the East" (if it's in EST, it's the east) to me, and so I was very excited for another Chickie and Pete's. I'll break my diet and for a thing of crab fries once every five years (yes, that is exactly how long it'd been). The view of Raptor inside is really nice, but are the crab fries really $10 anywhere else or is that just an amusement park thing?

Edited by RollerManic
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If food that’s supposed to be hot is literally cold, send it back. If “cold” means “not immediately out of the oven/fryer/pan, onto your plate and sat in front of you”, then you need to re-evaluate your expectations of amusement park food.


The lines were too long to go back and complain. I was there to ride that weekend. I always have low expectations for their food. I'm not hard to please. I just heard this place was soooo good. Not my experience / opinion.

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Sorry I was a little harsh. I think you kind of 'did it wrong,' though. There are a lot of good options at the park. You just have to follow the advice of frequent visitors and go during off hours to eat and go to the right places. Sucks, since you're a long way away from any decent park and you didn't have a stellar experience. I've been to parks before where I really wasn't impressed, but on my revisits I change up the formula and get a much better outcome.


I know you were there to ride, like you said. But, it can really change the overall experience to invest a little more time in all of the things that will make the memory more positive. Little things like food and stopping to relax and taken in the atmosphere can really make a big difference. Every bit counts. I'm not sure how deep you are into the hobby at this point, but I think a large portion of us focus less on riding and more on the bigger picture the longer we do this. I hope you have a better experience next time around.

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Cedar Point has sent us a press release about the return of Cedar Point Nights starting tonight!



Courtesy of Cedar Point.

When the sun goes down, the fun goes up at Cedar Point’s annual summer nighttime beach festival, Cedar Point Nights. Every night, guests can customize their fun, whether they want to unwind and relax next to a lakeside fire pit or dance the night away to live music and DJ’s.


Lakeside Beach Music Festival


New this year along the Lakeside Midway, the Lakeside Stage will host a nighttime music festival featuring continuous live performances from local bands playing the best beach summer hits. Guests can relax on the outdoor lawn, on blankets or Adirondack chairs, roast s’mores and enjoy family games, crafts and more.


The Lakeside Beach Music Festival includes bands Not Fast Enuff, Surf’s Up!, Mellow Yellow, Country Chill and Walkin’ on Sunshine. The show will conclude with the Beach Bash for the ultimate end-of-the-night beach blowout playing beach party anthems.


Near the Lakeside Stage, the beach boardwalk atmosphere lights up with stilt walkers, clown performers and characters dressed in mesmerizing LED costumes, entertaining guests of all ages. Plenty of activities for kids will be available, including Lake Erie driftwood painting, mini pirate raft building, a seashell sand dig, glow face painting and giant corn hole.


On the Famous Cedar Point Beach


The sandy surface where the park had its start becomes a nighttime glow-in-the-dark party place with even more activities that extend beyond rides and roller coasters.


The diverse soundtrack to Cedar Point Nights guarantees something for everyone with Silent Disco, an opportunity for guests to grab custom headphones tuned to the musical genre of their choice. DJ Hurrikane and DJ Resistance will play the best summer sounds while guests dance the night away at the Beach Glow Party, while the Toes in the Sand Band will crank out soothing sounds and live music near the Sand Bar at Hotel Breakers, along the Cedar Point Boardwalk.


The beach comes alive with oversized glow inflatables, beach activities like glow volleyball, glow corn hole, light-up limbo and glow cube team trivia. Fire pits and glow furniture will provide places to relax and chill.


Surf’s Up Food Fest


When guests get hungry, a wide variety of late night food items will be available at the Surf’s Up Food Fest, located near the Lakeside Stage and along the beach and boardwalk. Summer favorites like perch tacos, jerk chicken pitas, custom hot dog creations, grilled pineapple-on-a-stick, ice cream novelties and blueberry crumb dessert will be served up fresh, grilled on the beach or from the Cedar Point Food Truck.


The new Moon Glow signature drink, a blend of tart green apple flavor with Sprite®, served in a souvenir light-up glow cup, joins many other summer thirst-quenching beverages from electric lemonade to bottled beer, craft beers and wine.


New Ticket Deal


Guests can join in the fun of Cedar Point Nights inside and outside the park with the new “25 after 5” ticket.


Valid for admission to Cedar Point only, the ticket is just $25 (plus applicable taxes & fees) and can be used after 5 p.m. any single evening during Cedar Point Nights. The 25 after 5 ticket is available online only and cannot be purchased at the park.


Cedar Point Nights runs nightly (weather permitting) starting at 6 p.m., July 12 through Aug. 18. Schedules for bands, activities and entertainment vary and can be found at cedarpoint.com/events.


Courtesy of Cedar Point.


Courtesy of Cedar Point.


Courtesy of Cedar Point.


Courtesy of Cedar Point.


Courtesy of Cedar Point.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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