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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  thrillrider said:
We are heading to the park on Friday afternoon to stay the night before the winter tour.


Any TPR members going to be in the area? Was thinking of a possible meeting at the thirsty pony(great food and many beers on tap) near the park for some cold beers and coaster talk.


Hit me up on here if interested.

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  thrillrider said:
  thrillrider said:
We are heading to the park on Friday afternoon to stay the night before the winter tour.


Any TPR members going to be in the area? Was thinking of a possible meeting at the thirsty pony(great food and many beers on tap) near the park for some cold beers and coaster talk.


Hit me up on here if interested.


Come on someone hit him up! Unfortunately I cannot do a meet up because I'm in the early morning group and driving to the park that morning from Cleveland.

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I really hope the train never gets stuck on that hight with me in it, got a slight fear of hight and those stairs I really like to avoid. If I even plan to descend them in the first place I might just stay put and wait for them to push the train from there.

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  bluestreak said:
  thrillrider said:
  thrillrider said:
We are heading to the park on Friday afternoon to stay the night before the winter tour.


Any TPR members going to be in the area? Was thinking of a possible meeting at the thirsty pony(great food and many beers on tap) near the park for some cold beers and coaster talk.



Hit me up on here if interested.


Come on someone hit him up! Unfortunately I cannot do a meet up because I'm in the early morning group and driving to the park that morning from Cleveland.


Actually, we are going to be there Friday night.

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  Geartooth90 said:
I'm not a major fan of the placement of the stairs. Wish they were on the back side of the MCBR and more behind the drop.


I never thought I'd see the day when someone complains about the placement of stairs on the MCBR!! lol



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  Geartooth90 said:
I'm not a major fan of the placement of the stairs. Wish they were on the back side of the MCBR and more behind the drop.


Also those stairs have nothing compared to these stairs. These are 300 ft tall and somewhere in China.

I've been up some big stairs in my life but nothing compared to these.


Chinese knock-off stairs...

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  FaithPlus1 said:
  Geartooth90 said:
I'm not a major fan of the placement of the stairs. Wish they were on the back side of the MCBR and more behind the drop.


I never thought I'd see the day when someone complains about the placement of stairs on the MCBR!! lol



Not really complaining, But someone who does a lot of detailed work, small things like this could of been placed in a less noticeable place.

Edited by Geartooth90
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  bluestreak said:
  Geartooth90 said:
I'm not a major fan of the placement of the stairs. Wish they were on the back side of the MCBR and more behind the drop.


Also those stairs have nothing compared to these stairs. These are 300 ft tall and somewhere in China.

I've been up some big stairs in my life but nothing compared to these.


Chinese knock-off stairs...



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  Coaster Curt said:
Does anyone remember the policy for eye glasses? Can you wear them on the coasters or do you need a strap? I am asking about prescription glasses not sun glasses.




Here is a screenshot of the loose articles policy. The park says all glasses must be secured with a strap. Hopefully this answers your question!



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For the record on my visit last summer I rode everything all weekend with sunglasses w/o a strap on (relax yo - they are tight to my head and have survived dozens of rides on El Toro) and only once did an op give me a hard time on just one out of six rides on Maverick over the course of the weekend. No one else said anything to me at all. Not saying anyone should risk your glasses flying off (and potentially hurting someone) just saying they didn't seem to enforce it.

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in my 4 days at the Point last summer, I was asked only one time to take off my glasses and that was on TTD at night. Sometimes I removed my glasses, but many times I just forget to as I am so used to them being on. I did however get asked by a rider in front of me once if I was afraid of loosing my glasses. Usually i just put them in a secure pocket.

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  Coaster Curt said:
Does anyone remember the policy for eye glasses? Can you wear them on the coasters or do you need a strap? I am asking about prescription glasses not sun glasses.

Unless your glasses are adjusted for a perfect fit and don't slide around on your face at all, I'd strongly recommend getting the strap regardless. I almost always use one myself for peace of mind. (Then again, I have glasses that are loose as heck and five years old, so maybe it's time to invest in a new pair.)

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I learned this trick while on my massive trip last year. If you don't have the strap on and they comment, just tell them "I understand the liabilities of loosing them on the ride, but they are secure and will not fall off" I would usually get the response of "ok, they're your glasses!"

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