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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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On the glasses discussion, I had no problem wearing my glasses on any rides strap-free. As long as they are tight enough and you feel safe with them, I usually don't get any comments from any ops about them.


I only got one comment on TTD to put them backwards clipped onto my sweatshirt, and they were fine the whole ride. I'm glad they didn't force me to keep them aside or put them in a locker. CP is a lot more relaxed than other parks about this. Last year at Hershey I was told 2-3 times that I had to keep them aside. Skyrush is understandable, but they would have been completely safe on Great Bear and Fahrenheit.

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I don't wear glasses myself but am bringing one of the spawn with to Cedar for the first time, she is 11 and loves coasters. I suggested we get her a set of contacts for the couple days we are there but she seems set on wearing her glasses. I will just get a nice strap and make sure the glasses stay on her head. I can't imagine a worse thing than driving from Minnesota than lose her glasses the first hour we are there.


Thanks for the comments.

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I thought a break from coasters was walking to the next coaster.

And the reason Fast Lane is a bad thing. Those lines give you a break between rides so you don't scramble your brains.


I suffered scrambled brains at Dorney Park during an August visit years ago. Apparently it's a bad idea to alternate between Steel Force and Talon without proper hydration while it's nearly 100°F outside.

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And the reason Fast Lane is a bad thing. Those lines give you a break between rides so you don't scramble your brains.


I suffered scrambled brains at Dorney Park during an August visit years ago.


I suffered scrambled brains from reading that post.

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Damn. I didn't know the boat ride was no longer operating. My wife and I went on it several years ago and actually thought it was a nice/fun break from coasters.


A break from coasters.........that's cute


Most times it's not a sickness/endurance thing. I just don't get much enjoyment out of marathoning a coaster, or going coaster-to-coaster constantly. It becomes monotonous.

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We just checked in for Winter Chill Out at Castaway Bay and were told that this year water park passes were not being included in our reservation, even though every receipt we have says they are (and even their website still lists them). We'll be getting a refund for the passes we bought later, but thought other folks should know so they can fight this up front when they check in. (And has anybody else been told this??)

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No more track....


I think all of the track and supports were moved out of the Breakers Express staging area into the parking lot for staging once the season ended. If you look back at the Chrismas video that Tony put together for CP in the scenes where the track / supports are involved it is in the side overflow lots.

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We just checked in for Winter Chill Out at Castaway Bay and were told that this year water park passes were not being included in our reservation, even though every receipt we have says they are (and even their website still lists them). We'll be getting a refund for the passes we bought later, but thought other folks should know so they can fight this up front when they check in. (And has anybody else been told this??)



We just got to castaway bay as well. Going into Waterpark soon.

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Damn. I didn't know the boat ride was no longer operating. My wife and I went on it several years ago and actually thought it was a nice/fun break from coasters.


A break from coasters.........that's cute


Most times it's not a sickness/endurance thing. I just don't get much enjoyment out of marathoning a coaster, or going coaster-to-coaster constantly. It becomes monotonous.

I agree. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I find great enjoyment at just walking around a good park. I bought the Flash Pass when we went to SF Great America, and I didn't ride any coaster more than 4 times. Most I rode 1 or 2. I got it just to make it a relaxing day where I didn't have to stand in lines for 80% of it. A theme park day should be relaxing. I know I didn't feel that way when I was a teenager; I think I might be starting to grow up. Nah, I'm posting on a roller coaster forum. I'm safe from that for a while.

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Damn. I didn't know the boat ride was no longer operating. My wife and I went on it several years ago and actually thought it was a nice/fun break from coasters.


A break from coasters.........that's cute


Most times it's not a sickness/endurance thing. I just don't get much enjoyment out of marathoning a coaster, or going coaster-to-coaster constantly. It becomes monotonous.

I agree. Maybe I'm just getting old, but I find great enjoyment at just walking around a good park. I bought the Flash Pass when we went to SF Great America, and I didn't ride any coaster more than 4 times. Most I rode 1 or 2. I got it just to make it a relaxing day where I didn't have to stand in lines for 80% of it. A theme park day should be relaxing. I know I didn't feel that way when I was a teenager; I think I might be starting to grow up. Nah, I'm posting on a roller coaster forum. I'm safe from that for a while.


I feel like even at my age right now (20), I've been going to theme parks and all that jazz for a little under 15 years now, and it's harder to pull the numbers that I use to. When I was 11, I think (or during the first two seasons of Kingda Ka) I pulled off an impressive 20 some odd times in one day. At SFNE, I did S:RoS about 15-16 times in one day (all of this with aide from the Flash Pass, of course). Now, I would be hard pressed to reach those numbers again. I think I could do it, but I might need a break in the middle.

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