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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Can anyone confirm that the setup of the platinum pass permits entrance to multiple parks in a day though? Have any of you done it before? I know that theoretically I *could* but am I actually allowed to?

I visited both Kings Island and Cedar Point in the same day with my platinum pass and they never said anything to me about it, so I'm sure it's legal.

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^^ not surprising, from here on out everything is relatively close to the ground, I sure we will see it go up relatively quickly... Not Furys sweeping section fast, but faster than what we have seen


I hope they keep up the progress, I read some where they want to open the ride by May 7th. I have plans on visiting in May and I hope that things are done and in place when I get there!


It's a B&M and it's at Cedar Point. It will be open on time. It isn't Sux Flags

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Oh lol yes I know you can't do both entirely in one day, I'm not stupid.

After a full day at Kings Island leading up to two days at Cedar Point I'm considering a morning at KI, travel midday, and evening/night at Cedar Point. Thanks though.


That's exactly what we did this summer, a couple of hours in the morning at KI then off to Cedar Point. Worked really well.

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Oh lol yes I know you can't do both entirely in one day, I'm not stupid.

After a full day at Kings Island leading up to two days at Cedar Point I'm considering a morning at KI, travel midday, and evening/night at Cedar Point. Thanks though.



We have done this the last two years. Spending the day at Kings makes the drive up to Cedar very very long and tiring. This year we are not doing Kings at all and just doing two days at Cedar, much better coasters and a great deal less driving.

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Oh lol yes I know you can't do both entirely in one day, I'm not stupid.

After a full day at Kings Island leading up to two days at Cedar Point I'm considering a morning at KI, travel midday, and evening/night at Cedar Point. Thanks though.



We have done this the last two years. Spending the day at Kings makes the drive up to Cedar very very long and tiring. This year we are not doing Kings at all and just doing two days at Cedar, much better coasters and a great deal less driving.

Thanks for the input, but I've already got most of our trip planned out. I created a trip planning thread not long ago, so if anyone has some more advice is appreciate it! I haven't booked anything yet but I intend to in the next week or so.



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I would say yes, I think the policy is one entrance per park, per day. So I don't see why you couldn't. Well, since we aren't experts I suggest you contact the parks, as they always have the answers. (Most of the time)


You should be able to use it multiple times per day, like if you leave the park and don't get a stamp for some reason then want to re-enter.

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I would say yes, I think the policy is one entrance per park, per day. So I don't see why you couldn't. Well, since we aren't experts I suggest you contact the parks, as they always have the answers. (Most of the time)


You should be able to use it multiple times per day, like if you leave the park and don't get a stamp for some reason then want to re-enter.

That would probably not work actually... By allowing that, you allow people to hand passes off in the parking lot and enter... No different than not allowing someone with an already scanned day pass but no stamp in...

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Forgot to post this last week. I was at the Cavs Lakers Game for Kobe's farewell tour. Cedar Point and Valravyn promos were all over the video board and digital displays around the arena.


Whatever happened to that whole Lebron James ride renaming thing that was mentioned a year or two ago? I seem to recall people speculating that Mantis was going to be renamed 'Lebron' or 'The King' (or something stupid like that) and that a statue of him would be at the top of the lift.

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Forgot to post this last week. I was at the Cavs Lakers Game for Kobe's farewell tour. Cedar Point and Valravyn promos were all over the video board and digital displays around the arena.


Whatever happened to that whole Lebron James ride renaming thing that was mentioned a year or two ago? I seem to recall people speculating that Mantis was going to be renamed 'Lebron' or 'The King' (or something stupid like that) and that a statue of him would be at the top of the lift.


Instead of renaming a ride after himself, LeBron wanted CP to just partner up with the LeBron James Family Foundation, which they did in I think September of 2014.

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