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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Yeah, I guess it will draw a bit of a crowd towards that area, I just hope that it doesn't draw a lot more people to the park itself (at least when go there in August).

Yeah. It would be a shame if CP spent all that money on a new ride and MORE people showed up to go to the park, especially during August, the busiest time of the season. Good reasoning.


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Of course I know that the whole point of having a new ride is drawing more people into the park and I also know that August is the busiest time of the season. What I was trying to say was that I'd obviously like that in the last week of August (which is a lot less busy) the increasing crowd due to gatekeeper wouldn't make it impossible to ride every coaster at least once.

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They seem to be working on the inclined dive loop today, given the pieces nearby and position of the crane. Looks like the entrance to the inversion is already up. If they keep this up, they'll be at the MCBR by the end of the week!


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Of course I know that the whole point of having a new ride is drawing more people into the park and I also know that August is the busiest time of the season. What I was trying to say was that I'd obviously like that in the last week of August (which is a lot less busy) the increasing crowd due to gatekeeper wouldn't make it impossible to ride every coaster at least once.


Buy Fast Lane. Problem solved.

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Hmm I don't know how late they will end today's sift but will they place one more track piece today? Or work on the next support already? Or will they leave that till tomorrow? I just watched the supports of the Diveloop and there almost ready with that too, only two left, one big one small. There fast Hop to see the Inline twist soon.

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OMG, enthusiast nit picking The complaining about the Gaps have surpassed Yolo's coasters backward launch and St louis getting an old boomerang.


As Wes already pointed out, more people have complained about the people complaining than have actually complained. Say that five times fast.

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Hey guys I am planning my first trip to CP this year for opening weekend May 11 and was wondering which hotel should I book at Hotel Breakers or Breakers Express? I guess Sandcastle suites are fully booked for that weekend b/c it's not even giving me the option to book there. I also notice it says no shuttle service from Breakers Express is it far from the point? is it a reasonable walking distance?


Also to get from the airport would it be better to rent a car and drive myself to the point or is there a shuttle service or taxi be a reasonable option?

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^You can't actually walk from Breakers Express to the Point, as it is illegal to walk across the causeway. There also isn't really a reasonable way to get from the Cleveland airport to Sandusky, so the only option that works is renting a car, really...


Hotel Breakers is a nice option being directly on Point, next to the beach, and with restaurants/gift shops; but Breakers Express is a great cheaper option. It's up to you which amenity you prefer.

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I drove past the park today and the dive loop is much tighter than I thought and actually looks like it can produce some decent forces! Also it was a rare sunny day in northern Ohio and Gatekeeper looked beautiful against the sunlight and really popped. It is just such an impressive looking coaster!

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Hey guys I am planning my first trip to CP this year for opening weekend May 11 and was wondering which hotel should I book at Hotel Breakers or Breakers Express? I guess Sandcastle suites are fully booked for that weekend b/c it's not even giving me the option to book there. I also notice it says no shuttle service from Breakers Express is it far from the point? is it a reasonable walking distance?


Also to get from the airport would it be better to rent a car and drive myself to the point or is there a shuttle service or taxi be a reasonable option?




How many people are in your group or are you going alone? I am planning a trip for the 16th and 17th and am looking for a 4th in our group.


Last we stayed at the Lighthouse Point and it was great, for the four of us it came to be something like 200 bucks a person for the stay and park passes. Also within easy walking distance for the water park gate.

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^ I know what you mean this been bugging me the last few hours. I can see something but can't confirm if it's a piece of track or part of a crane.

You can clearly see a difference there on the screen-shot atop of this page and on the current image. I guess we need to see where the next piece lands.

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