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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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It's kind of funny how I've only ridden S:EFK at night. I'm sure next time will be during the day so I can get a good idea of what the park looks like from way up the tower.


Yes, what a green room that was. Kinda caught me by surprise, actually.


I forgot to mention the positive G forces on the way back down the tower while going through the radius from vertical to horizontal. Not blackout force or anything, but some good forces.



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I was Gunna post a report about my experience on Sunday but Robb beat me to it lol. I agree 100 percent with Robb the ride is amazing. You can really feel the speed now and the height is breath taking. As far as the restraints go the launch is powerful but not so much that it force you into the restraints. I was able to avoid slamming into the restraints fairly easily.

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Superman backwards at speeds over 100MPH was amazing, but the real dream come true has to be the LEG ROOM! Yes, good news big, tall, or big and tall people, the new trains have plenty of leg room (Something the original cars lacked) and the new restraints are easier to fit comfortably in.

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Just like everyone else has said. Backwards and 100+ MPH is hot. A much better ride turned around and faster. The new cars are awesome, a lot more leg room, the restraints were comfortable. I thought front seat was best, only got two rides (ha! only, was lucky to get two). Front was first and give a real cheek flapping experience. Next ride was second to last and was still great, but I preferred the front.


We had tickets for a 12-1 ride, but there were some issues with getting the ride going and the staff was very honest, telling us not to wait around, go ride other stuff, come back when we see it launching. So we did and in line for Goliath after we ate lunch we saw about 5 test runs, get on goliath and could see from the lift hill the car was stuck just at the curve like it wanted to go up but didn't fire right.


Watched them *VERY* slowly reel the car back in and headed up the hill (My calves are killing me right now, climbed that hill too many times today). The staff was again very honest and told us to go ride other stuff and not wait around, thanks for our patience etc. We'd hit just about everything we wanted to, so we decided to sit up there and finally got treated to the ride at about 4pm, they let us go twice and I'm sure we could have done another circuit through the exit if we wanted. Thanks Six Flags, was a great day, love the revamp.

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Same! That and i'd love to see the new improvements installed on Tower of Terror 2. I've only had one ride on the original tower going that high. And I was the only person in the car... apparently the less weight the higher it went.

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Excellent! I'm looking forward to riding this one at WCB (after finally riding the forward-facing version last year). Then I get to go to Australia with a bunch of of other TPR people and do it again at Dreamworld!

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That's really exciting that they upgraded the ride; a nice dose of respect for such a groundbreaking attraction. It's great to see both sides with new trains and that it's going 104 mph! Just another reason why one of these days I'm going to take a random flight to LAX and finally go to Magic Mountain (this summer seems like a good time, right?).

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