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Best First Drop on a Wooden Coaster? Which one do you think?

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I would say the Coney Island Cyclone and Cyclone (Six Flags New England) are two that make it into the "insane" category, but there is no argument that El Toro takes my vote and dangles it tauntingly out of reach over every other wooden coaster in America! And you bet the back is the best on each one.

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  coastercrazy 9 said:
  Chroniq said:
I think the topic should be changed to "Does anyone that has ridden El Toro not think it's the best first drop on a wooden coaster?

LOL! I think that most votes have gone to El Toro, so their is not much of a point.


I'd enter my opinion here but....

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  accelerate said:
I'm going to get bashed for this, but... I thought SoB's first drop was pretty breathtaking.

I don't think many people had a problem with the first drop, it was everything that came after it. My only ride on SOB was post-loop in the front row, and it was a pretty intense drop for sure. I just wish I could have jumped off the ride before it completed the rest.

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1. El Toro - I don't think I need to explain why.


Not the first drop, but still count:


Beast - I'm kind of cheating since this is for the second main drop being just a ramp. It was unique to gradually build up speed before entering the helix.


Thunderbolt - Also not the "first" drop, but the drop and unbanked turn after the lift are great. It doesn't look that tall, but I was surprised at how intense it was.

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  Skycoastin Steve said:
  accelerate said:
I'm going to get bashed for this, but... I thought SoB's first drop was pretty breathtaking.

I don't think many people had a problem with the first drop, it was everything that came after it. My only ride on SOB was post-loop in the front row, and it was a pretty intense drop for sure. I just wish I could have jumped off the ride before it completed the rest.



You probably would have suffered less injuries that way...

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I've been pondering where El Toro's first drop stands in my mind, since I love the coaster, but not quite to the extent that others do. I have to conclude that it is, indeed, one of the best first drops in the wooden coaster world.


It also seems that many wooden coasters have an average or even lackluster first drop. Coaster at Playland is well-known for having a surprisingly tame first dip, making the following ones all the more dramatic. I believe Boulder Dash doesn't get wild until some point after the first drop. On the other hand, Timber Terror tends to have an amazing first drop in the back seat (but don't let that inspire you to ignore the front seat). I recall Voyage having either two or three airtime-filled drops at the beginning of the ride, kind of like a deadlier, longer and more complex El Toro.

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Honestly, there aren't many first drops on woodies that really impress me all that much these days.


If we were going with past coasters, or versions of coasters, I'd probably go with the original first drop combo on the Riverside Cyclone, before they reprofiled the hell out of it. That thing was INSANE. The sad part is that they left the track there, so you get to look at the track that you can no longer ride! (I've heard that it's part of the support structure of the ride, so they can't remove it well, though I'm not sure if that's true.)


If we were going to count a coaster at its very best with proper maintenance, then the Coney Cyclone's first drop is definitely a contender. Or maybe even Timbers in its heyday.


But for currently running coasters that are actually currently running at their best, El Toro might just take the prize. I can't think of anything offhand that would beat it, although I haven't given it too much thought.

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Here goes my opinion..


I have only ridden three Wooden Rollecoasters. The grand national and the big dipper at Blackpool and Megafobia in Wales. I must say, Megafobia holds the best drop for me. It's a ridiculous headchooper and the airtime in the back is unreal! I love the first drop on the Grand National aswell. The double dip has so much airtime. However Megafobia beats it for me.

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I think it'll be hard to beat the first drops of El Toro at Great Adventure and Balder at Liseberg. Both are Intamin woodies. Coincidence? I think not. I also the initial drop of the "Cyclone" rides and how they jog off the left a bit (really catches you off guard).

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  David H said:
If we were going with past coasters, or versions of coasters, I'd probably go with the original first drop combo on the Riverside Cyclone, before they reprofiled the hell out of it. That thing was INSANE.


Quoted for truth. Ah the memories.

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  cfc said:
I think it'll be hard to beat the first drops of El Toro at Great Adventure and Balder at Liseberg. Both are Intamin woodies. Coincidence? I think not. I also the initial drop of the "Cyclone" rides and how they jog off the left a bit (really catches you off guard).


Not having ridden El Toro myself, however I have ridden Balder, and without a doubt, it is insane, especially at around midnight after a day of running.....in the back seat Experience like no other !

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1. Boulder Dash-Lake Compounce


2. Thunderhead-Dollywood


3. Cyclone-Six Flags New England


Boulder Dash and Thunderhead's amazing turners made them amazing. I also love the thrill of the drop on Cyclone. I myself have never ridden El Toro, Balder, or any of the Intamin woodies.

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  Nicole. said:
  Skycoastin Steve said:
El Toro's drop in the back seat literally scared me. I had actual fear running through my body, which hadn't happened on a coaster since I was about 10 (my first ride was last year at age 24).


I totally agree. I rode it in the back seat not expecting it to me anything different than the other wooden coasters I had ridden and it blew me away. It almost seemed like I was out of my seat more than I was in my seat! So much airtime!


How bout riding the backseat at age 12, hands up before the first drop? I was literally screaming for my life when the train started going down. I've only been on it twice, and I rode it in the first car this past summer and managed to keep my hands up the whole time. The back car is the opposite experience. I felt my stomach drop more in that seat than on Kingda Ka and Nitro combined. I definitely wanna go in the backseat again now that I know what to expect, it was such a crazy experience.

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