Yeah, I could've done that, but I was leaving room for expansion. I was only part way through the scenario. If I used too much land for just this one ride, the others would be a bit crowded, so I limited the area. A nice Suspended coaster now occupies that land.
Over the past few days I have discovered a podcast series called "Welcome to Night Vale". It's a fictional radio station that gives the news in the small, strange town of Night Vale, which is somewhat like Area 51.
I was wondering if anyone else here has listened to it or has heard of it.
[i'm not sure if there is a better thread to post this in, but I did a search and found no previous mention of it]
You see, If I had more room and money, I would have done that, but I had neither. Also, the brake is more for show, at the height it only slows down a little. It's more of a trim than a mcbr.
How would people like the idea of me making a thread of sorts to Put up and present my finished ll scenarios? I've thought about it and want your thoughts on it. Also, thanks for the input, TW. I was going for a sort of Beast feel with that curve, but it's definitely a low point of the ride
I figured I'd post here again after however long its been. I found my copy of LL, and have been playing today. Here is Feral, in the Leafy Lake Scenerio.
1: Arcade Fire - The Suburbs
2: Okkervil River - The Stand Ins
3: Wilco - The Whole Love
Honorable Mentions:
The Decemberists - The Crane Wife
Peter Gabriel - So
Netsky - 2
Okkervil River - Black Sheep Boy
I don't know if anyone else has, but I recently finished a game called OFF. It's an indie game somewhere in-between rpg and horror. I personally was a big fan; it had some very good music and a very nice plot. It's not too long of a game and I recommend it to pretty much any PC gamer.
Jesus Christ, this song is one of my favorites.
The cello part kills me every time
Listening to Otis Redding at Home During Christmastime - Okkervil River