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The "GP" of Theme Parks Facebook Thread!

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Wow! Every time someone tries to tell her that what she's doing won't work, she turns around and says that they're the ones being immature. Basically, she's acting like the spoiled child that will keep on whining and crying until she gets what she wants. So who really is the immature one?

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Actually, some parks practice this, but only if the guest is really disgruntled with this inconvenience.

EDIT: However, these passes are usually referred to a front of the line pass (good for one use), not a re-ride pass.

I've heard ride ops refer to these as exit passes, but maybe that's just staff slang.

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I wasn't sure where to post this, but parks such as Cedar Point, Dollywood, ect. have been posting this link on Facebook to vote for the 10 Besties Readers Choice Awards.


Here is part of the website's description about KD:

Kings Dominion to ride some of the fastest, most spectacular rollercoasters around, including two suspended roller coasters, Volcano and the Blast Coaster.


Since when is Volcano: The Blast Coaster 2 roller coasters?! Also, the park is still owned by Paramount apparently, even though its been 5 years.


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That reminds me of the BGW facebook page. A lot of people keep asking if verbolten is in Williamsburg or in Florida. I'm just sitting there wondering how they don't see Williamsburg, Virginia right on the main page


Well I kinda wish they they would say either Tampa or Williamsburg on their page title as I get confused on occasion myself.

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This one goes in the category of deduction failure....


SeaWorld said:


SeaWorld San Diego

Science is not only important, it's SUPER COOL and FUN! Our eduction team's exhibit on sea turtles was a fan favorite at the San Diego High Tech Fair. Who loves SCIENCE!!!!


GP Says:


What's an education team?


Hmmm....maybe, just maybe, it's a team of people who educate?

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Magic Mountain should Have Kingda ka !!! >.< lol
No need for KingDa Ka at my home park.
Hey guys no-offence or anything but Green Lantern was a waste you have to wait like an hour in line for a 1-2minute ride unlike the other 1-2minute rides Green Lantern sucks...
Then don't go on it dumb butt.
Are you guys getting rid of Deja Vu?

Like · · February 11 at 12:07am ·


Little Late dude.
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All on SFDKs wall.

Hate kong! Last time my son rode it the think actually unlocked an was only held in place by the seatbelt thing we are lucky mu sons quick thinking friend grabbed it and held it in place by wrapping his arm through prob saved my sons life! Take it down!!!

All about Superman-Ultimate Escape

Woah, is it gonna be JUST like the one that's at Six Flags Over Georgia?! I didn't even know that was coming there!!
yeah put it back i like tony hawks if you may re open it in another park location i like this ride
i want tonyhawk back i rode it 500 times as my marathon
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All on SFDKs wall.
Hate kong! Last time my son rode it the think actually unlocked an was only held in place by the seatbelt thing we are lucky mu sons quick thinking friend grabbed it and held it in place by wrapping his arm through prob saved my sons life! Take it down!!!

All about Superman-Ultimate Escape

Woah, is it gonna be JUST like the one that's at Six Flags Over Georgia?! I didn't even know that was coming there!!
yeah put it back i like tony hawks if you may re open it in another park location i like this ride
i want tonyhawk back i rode it 500 times as my marathon

Just... Give just give up.

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