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The "GP" of Theme Parks Facebook Thread!

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So Carowinds posted a pic of what is clearly Carolina Cyclone under construction for their "Time Travel" picture of the day. Check out this gold:


Thunder Road, most definitely!


Thunder Road! who cant forget that wow!


Yes, the dual racing tracks. It is Thunder Road.


Wind seeker


That is Thunder Road I love that coster!


Waynes world wooden coaster


it cant be the cyclone cause there is no loops and it cant be thunder road not enough hills i say the hurler


Looks like the Vortex from Kings Island in Cincy!


Thunder Road??



Yeah, that pic of a STEEL coaster definitely looks like Thunder Road (a WOODEN coaster).

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Saw some of these gems from the Cedar Point FB page about the Blue Streak being painted.




Yup that was an epic comment.....because Blue Streak is the same as TTD.


That new ?


Yes that is new.


finnaly you guys have to work on it more i swear the car starts to go off the tracks and make it more smoother please!?




wasnt it always blue streak??


This was a gem


this ride hurts and i fly out of my seat


Um isn't that the point?


I love to unbuckle my seatbelt on the blue streak and pop out of my seat every time the ride peaks at a hill. Feels like ur gonna fly away. I love this ride. What a classic!


Have to wonder when we will read about this rider because they flew out of the car.


Well, this is terrible news.


You are right it is terrible news they decided to paint the ride.

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Saw some of these gems from the Cedar Point FB page about the Blue Streak being painted.
I love to unbuckle my seatbelt on the blue streak and pop out of my seat every time the ride peaks at a hill. Feels like ur gonna fly away. I love this ride. What a classic!

Have to wonder when we will read about this rider because they flew out of the car.



I was thinking the same thing...LOL


Instead of "GP" for general public, how about "DGP" for dumb general public?

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I am appalled by your commercial having a family sitting around and screaming. This is far from funny. Are you aware that this is a sign of autism and Tourettes. I find this very hurtful to these families. Go and visit a family with autism and Tourettes and then tell us this is a good commercial.

I find your post has no logic, therefore you should never step foot into an amusement park where screams happen all the time.


Honestly, I had neighbors across the street who were autistic and their conditions (was able to hear loud-ish noises in place of speaking) were nowhere similar to CGA's scream commercial. I did not even think of autism or tourette's syndrome when I saw this commercial multiple times. Really, these people spamming CGA's Facebook are far more irritating than what the commercial could potentially be (not that I'm irritated/offended by it).


Now glad I got this off my chest.

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I am appalled by your commercial having a family sitting around and screaming. This is far from funny. Are you aware that this is a sign of autism and Tourettes. I find this very hurtful to these families. Go and visit a family with autism and Tourettes and then tell us this is a good commercial.

I find your post has no logic, therefore you should never step foot into an amusement park where screams happen all the time.


Honestly, I had neighbors across the street who were autistic and their conditions (was able to hear loud-ish noises in place of speaking) were nowhere similar to CGA's scream commercial. I did not even think of autism or tourette's syndrome when I saw this commercial multiple times. Really, these people spamming CGA's Facebook are far more irritating than what the commercial could potentially be (not that I'm irritated/offended by it).


Now glad I got this off my chest.

Talk about political correctness gone mad. I mean sure, its a pretty bad ad, but its not in the least offensive.

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I am appalled by your commercial having a family sitting around and screaming. This is far from funny. Are you aware that this is a sign of autism and Tourettes. I find this very hurtful to these families. Go and visit a family with autism and Tourettes and then tell us this is a good commercial.

I find your post has no logic, therefore you should never step foot into an amusement park where screams happen all the time.


Honestly, I had neighbors across the street who were autistic and their conditions (was able to hear loud-ish noises in place of speaking) were nowhere similar to CGA's scream commercial. I did not even think of autism or tourette's syndrome when I saw this commercial multiple times. Really, these people spamming CGA's Facebook are far more irritating than what the commercial could potentially be (not that I'm irritated/offended by it).


Now glad I got this off my chest.

Talk about political correctness gone mad. I mean sure, its a pretty bad ad, but its not in the least offensive.

There is also the possibility that this guy knows how to make some pretty darn good satire posts.

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This is a post from the VF FB page about the crews putting the cars back on one of the rides.


That would really suck if they didnt secure one of those cars and it fell


Yeah because they routinely just lift things up without securing them.


Another gem from the VF site.


The only thing i could possibly ask is that the coasters get refitted with shoulder harnesses and not lap bars, those things are made for people who are at most 5' 9" tall and have zero gut at all, if you have any type of belly, even one that would not be considered obese lap bars = hell. and if your tall your knees will not allow it to go down enough. Its old tech and it needs to be replaced.
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This is a post from the VF FB page about the crews putting the cars back on one of the rides.


That would really suck if they didnt secure one of those cars and it fell


Yeah because they routinely just lift things up without securing them.


Another gem from the VF site.


The only thing i could possibly ask is that the coasters get refitted with shoulder harnesses and not lap bars, those things are made for people who are at most 5' 9" tall and have zero gut at all, if you have any type of belly, even one that would not be considered obese lap bars = hell. and if your tall your knees will not allow it to go down enough. Its old tech and it needs to be replaced.

Second one made no sense. I'm 6' and have had no issues with lap bars at my height. If anything it's OTSRs that are worse for tall people.

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This is a post from the VF FB page about the crews putting the cars back on one of the rides.


That would really suck if they didnt secure one of those cars and it fell


Yeah because they routinely just lift things up without securing them.


Another gem from the VF site.


The only thing i could possibly ask is that the coasters get refitted with shoulder harnesses and not lap bars, those things are made for people who are at most 5' 9" tall and have zero gut at all, if you have any type of belly, even one that would not be considered obese lap bars = hell. and if your tall your knees will not allow it to go down enough. Its old tech and it needs to be replaced.

Second one made no sense. I'm 6' and have had no issues with lap bars at my height. If anything it's OTSRs that are worse for tall people.


I still don't have issues with them. I've been on various Boomerangs and SLCs, and none of them have bothered me. I have massive shoulders and a fairly muscular neck, so that probably helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is more interesting because the park actually responded:


idk they cause they spend their money on things like windseeker that was a waste time and money no1 even likes that ride it sucks! please kings island i luv ya but you seriously need faster bigger better thats what people want~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WindSeeker was a popular attraction with our guests, giving nearly 500,000 rides after its June 21 opening, Seth. Not everyone comes to the park to ride roller coasters. There has to be a balance between thrill rides, family rides and attractions, kids rides, and water park.


That's not the first time KI's responded to something in this manner, but I really haven't seen other parks confront someone like this on Facebook.

Edited by BigDipper 80
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