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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

P. 322: "Georgia Gold Rusher" announced for 2025

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Crystal ball 1. Doubts none.


However, the name does leave something to be desired... I know there's new people in managment all around SixFlags, but PLEASE may they name thing a -wee- bit more originally.


(Considering the proximity of SFOG to Atlanta international, perhaps 'Hub Buster' might even be better...)



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I rate this addition at an A-. Which is very very high!


The park wanted clearly wanted a small coaster to fit in freefall's spot, with little money spent on theming. They definitely picked the right company in that category. If they actually did make a choice to upgrade from the spinner to the Eurofighter, then that was a GREAT decision. Park already has four non-inverting family (I count the woodies) coasters, didn't need another one. Listen to the enthusiast reaction: Overwhelmingly positive so far. In forum terms, that means it's a REALLY good addition.


My two small negatives: Could have been the park's first launcher, and the name is umm...already taken in the park.



Anyone getting the vibe that this coaster is actually an upgrade from original plans? Smaller coaster announced 1st of September but won't open until Memorial Day, Media package is a little weak, ride name is already in the company's portfolio...maybe the turnover going on at Six Flags corporate is making this seem a little off?

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According to their Facebook post, the first beyond vertical drop was a mistake,
Sorry about that. It’s the country’s first beyond vertical coaster with a PAUSE element. We’re updating our materials to avoid any further confusion. Thanks.

Sounds like it will have a hold brake like on B&M Dive Coasters, which sounds really fun. I only wish they would have shown more pictures so we know where it would be, and the layout...



Think more like Mystery Mine, its got a slanted track segment before the major drop. That part has a brake that holds briefly before the effects take place.

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This ride seems like a great addition! Six Flags Over Georgia has a GREAT collection of coasters already! The only sluggish thing about SFOG was the park's operations... Euro Fighters don't have the best operations, and with no flash pass, better run to the coaster first thing in the morning


I'll try to visit SFOG in the next 2 years, definitely worth going back!

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I think they borrowed the name from SFGADV like Dorney borrowed out the Dominator name to GL. Dare Devil Dive has been our skycoaster at SFGADV since like 1994-95.


Ok gang I see where SFOG has used the name themselves on their skycoaster. Can we (SFGADV) get our Scrambler back?

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I am pumped about this coaster. Couldn't have fit a coaster in that area that has a huge footprint, so I count us lucky here in GA it wasn't a used Wild Mouse or a Tony Hawk Clone (though that was surprisingly entertaining)


Now I wonder if the station will be around back with the immelman flying over the midway there or if that will be back toward the lift of Mindbender.


Can't wait to find out more, well done SFoG!

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Another Eurofighter?

Gerstlauer seems to have a pretty good sales department!


Good addition since they are still not common in the US.


I'd like them to start selling some Bobsled coasters to the US parks. While I like the Eurofighters (and they can offer great theming opportunities) I just don't love any of them.

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it was said that...

the only coaster with a pause before the beyond vertical FIRST drop.


but still...mystery mine only has one beyond vertical drop...the one with the pause. The other one is vertical or near vertical. Give it up six flags your new coaster is just a regular ole coaster (and for this coaster thats not a bad thing at all). Sometimes that can be good six flags...atleast its not a clone...yet .

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I dunno...I think SFoG has had only one "first" coaster while Great America has had atleast 3 "first" groundbreaking coasters...but they both shared the 'Vu's with Magic Mountain. Oh yeah Z-force was kinda a "first" and only that made its way around the same 3 parks lol.

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