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Six Flags Over Georgia (SFOG) Discussion Thread

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Glad to hear Shake, Rattle and Roll is not gone for good. It's the best place to cool off! Can't wait to see construction on the coaster start!

I'm wondering though if it will be re-located to another indoor location. I remember when Perilous Plunge went into Knott's they said that Whirlpool would be re-located, but it turns out they just put the Scrambler outdoors somewhere...

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i really hope they put Shake, Rattle, & Roll into a building again, riding in the dark with the music is awsome, can't wait for dare devil dive


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I'm wandering where Shake, Rattle, & Roll will be re-located... I wish it could stay in USA because it fits the theme, but the park announced it'd be in a different area. Maybe Brittan or Peachtree Square (Georgia Cyclone/Acrophobia area). If not there than maybe Gotham City, with all the crazy lights I'm sure it'd be easy to find a Gotham theme!

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Yes, it previously held the "Chevy Show" and several other shows over the years.

Gotcha. I have pretty much ignored that area for a few years, so I had no clue they actually put a ride in that building.


I completely agree that a good area for it would be in Gotham City.

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Glad to hear Shake, Rattle and Roll is not gone for good. It's the best place to cool off! Can't wait to see construction on the coaster start!

I'm wondering though if it will be re-located to another indoor location. I remember when Perilous Plunge went into Knott's they said that Whirlpool would be re-located, but it turns out they just put the Scrambler outdoors somewhere...


I really hope that doesn't happen! It's always so cold in there! A nice place on a hot Georgia day. Though the last few times I've ridden it they didn't do the lights and stuff on the ceiling.

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  • 4 weeks later...

As much as I love that drive in sign, I'm glad that they found a legitimate reason to use it. It somewhat lost it's value when there was only the occasional show that it advertised. That layout on the hand is looking great, even if it is a slight copy of Anubis, though most people (including myself) will probably never ride both of these so there's no reason to complain!

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I haven't been to SFOG in the past 3 years. It is my "home park" for my season pass, but I'm a mail in pass holder. Looks like it's time for a visit in 2011 ! I feel there B&M flyer - Superman is the best version of this ride. It the smoothest, or it was that way 3 years ago.

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