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About Brandy524

  • Birthday 03/28/1981

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  1. Just have to let y'all know that I'm currently rehearsing for Les Misérables! Before you get too excited, I am not a named character, just ensemble. I am a factory worker, lovely lady, student, beggar, etc., anything and everything. Here's a sneak peek of our Valjean singing Bring Him Home: And if you happen to be in the vicinity of Gadsden, Alabama in March here is a link to buy tickets: http://www.wallacehall.org/events--tickets.html It is going to be a phenomenal show. Loads of talent. The set is massive with a rotating stage. It's going to be well worth a visit to Gadsden!
  2. Sorry I'm just now catching up on everything! I was off work from Christmas Eve until yesterday. Yay for an extended vacation, but boo to having to catch up on a million things afterward. Not to mention I've now started rehearsing for another show, and I had a family member pass away this past weekend. Welcome to 2015, lol. I too am disappointed when folks don't post that they've received something. It's very frustrating. There are only 2 or 3 folks who we haven't heard from and I'll check with them to make sure that they did in fact receive a gift, just to make sure nothing got screwed up on the post office's end of things. And I have to post, the Saturday before Christmas as Danny and I were headed out to our last shopping trip I checked the mail and low and behold I had an anonymous card (although the address was not entirely unfamiliar, lol) with a restaurant gift card inside. That was a welcome (but completely unnecessary) treat and we enjoyed a nice lunch at Macaroni Grill (without the kids!) during our shopping. Thank you very much, "Secret Satan." I really enjoy doing this, y'all. It's so much fun to see what everyone comes up with.
  3. Yes, please, please let us know when you've received something! I've gone through the thread and my list and here's where we stand: 13 people have not posted that they've received a gift. 9 of those 13 senders posted when they mailed their gifts so we know at least that many are in transit. 7 of those 13 were either coming from or going to international folks so they could be taking a little longer.
  4. My gift arrived on Wednesday but I didn't get a chance to post until now. I love everything! Thank you Craig! Cute wrapping! I wonder what's inside? Doctor Who ice tray! TARDIS socks! And a pound of the BEST candy ever! I've pretty much finished off all the Smarties the girls got at Halloween so this was perfect timing! And here's the lovely Dalek and TARDIS ice cubes! Thank you again, Craig!
  5. We had a great time! We were in Gatlinburg for the cheer and dance competition and we took our girls to Dollywood. It was my first time! It was a last minute decision, though, so we didn't go until later in the afternoon. We hardly had to wait in line for anything, but trying to wrangle 7 little girls took a lot of time and we didn't make it through the whole park. We're already planning next year!
  6. I wanted to be anonymous but the zombie strippers weren't eligible for gift options so I had no choice. Glad you liked them! I couldn't get over the severed arm holding the money! I thought that was too perfect, lol. And I was at Dollywood on Saturday, too!
  7. I am morbidly fascinated with the Titantic. We saw the traveling exhibit when it came to Birmingham but it didn't have all the elaborate rooms and staircase and stuff. There was one thing that really stood out to me: there was a perfume sample kit that was found in the wreckage and the perfumes still smelled even after all those years on the bottom of the ocean. I could have spent all day at that exhibit and would love to visit this one.
  8. My gifts are ordered! One of them should arrive on Friday, but the other one was not Prime eligible and says it will be between Dec. 5-11 before it gets there.
  9. A couple of the folks who their Secret Santas thought they had not posted had actually posted at the beginning of the thread and I've messaged those Secret Santas to let them know where to find the posts. And I've messaged one other person asking them to post something. According to my list that will take care of everyone. However, not everyone messaged me back to confirm receipt of their addresses, but since the messages are no longer in my outbox I can only assume that y'all got them. Deadline to ship out is Friday!
  10. I've been trying to reply, but it just stays in my outbox. I don't know if it is the computer I'm on (at work) or what. I did have a question about mine, as when I seach the members for the username, I'm not finding that person. Can you double check it for me as it also wasn't in the list on page one. Thanks. I just replied to your last message, but I got several messages from you that said "message has been deleted by sender," which was what happened to some of my messages when I sent out addresses last year.
  11. Please check your inboxes everyone! There are still a bunch of folks who have not confirmed receipt of their address. Thanks!
  12. Addresses have been sent out! Please check your inbox and message me to confirm receipt! Also, there are still seven folks on my list who have not posted something in the thread. Don't make me call you out! REMEMBER to mail your gifts out by December 5. Now get to shopping, y'all!
  13. That's it, y'all! I'll start matching folks up and sending out addresses at some point today. Can't wait to see what everyone gets! EDIT: Also, there are a few folks who are participating but haven't posted any info about themselves in this thread. Y'all know who you are! Post something please!
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