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  • Birthday February 22

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  1. It’s looking like project 2025 is most likely a very large Premier Rides launched coaster, which should be awesome given how big this is shaping up to be. Hopefully no comfort collars.
  2. Great update, Chuck. Not knowing much about Kolmården other than being some sort of zoo with a giant wooden RMC, it was such a welcome surprise how great the property and the zoo were, especially with the gondola tour. Definitely a bonus on top of a new favourite RMC coaster.
  3. A great lineup at this park. The Beast, the best "new" invert, a great suspended and a giga coaster? Great stuff for wanting to get back there asap. When I first saw Orion, the layout caught my attention as being pretty cool and one of the more interesting ones out there, that I didn't even care how tall it was. It was going to be a giga anyways, and happened to match Millennium Force in height, which is still one of my all time favourites. Sure, deep down it's cool that Leviathan has a taller height and drop but you have to give CW that at least, considering the great invert that KI has, compared to the dynamic duo of Flight Deck and Time Warp. I'm not sure if it explains anything about the brake runs, but with Leviathan it's a block section over Dragon Fyre, which would normally be an MCBR, followed by the brake run and then a transfer track section. Not sure about that height, other than using gravity to the transfer track and station. I'm sure Orion is going to be a huge draw. Just seeing those towering hills over Racer is going to be amazing. Diamondback already has that awesome effect, towering over the park. Absolutely the park did its research and worked with B&M to get what they wanted. Even if they worked with Intamin, the park would have still gotten what they wanted and it would have looked and ridden exactly like Orion. I mean, enthusiasts complain about how lame Millennium Force is, so manufacturer makes no difference other than having a track record over another, for being able to do what a park wants at a given time. Regular park guests don't know or care about what an Intamin or B&M is. All they'll talk about is, "OMG, did you try the Orion" or "Look at the blue one" or "Did you see the Leviathan? We need to try it", which turns into ridership. I was at a park event listening in on an enthusiast asking a park rep why they are building "x" coaster when they could have built "y" coaster, which would be so much more awesome. The park rep just said that if they built what enthusiasts wanted, no one would come (referring to regular guests and pass holders that keep the business going).
  4. No, it's a separate event. Actually, the Gold and Platinum Passes do allow guests to visit Halloween Haunt an unlimited amount of times. Take a look at the benefits of the season passes in the link provided. Ah, thank you I stand corrected That's bonus news for me lol
  5. That is correct. Haunt has its own version of Fast Lane and Fast Lane Plus, either for the mazes and/ or the rides. Haunt is a distinct event from the regular park day so if coming for Haunt, you would need to pay again for parking as well if you leave. If you're already at the park, you can opt to stay for the dinner packages they offer in between the end of the regular day and the start of Haunt. This is based on past Haunts, so definitely keep an eye out for when 2019's event information is posted for the latest and greatest. During the day, you can always choose to buy Fast Lane after getting into the park and seeing how busy it is first, to judge if you'll really need it.
  6. I wouldn't worry about the weather. Storms and rain generally clear up at some point. I don't remember the park closing due to weather during the regular season. Usually, everyone just waits out heavy rain or storms while they pass through. The only time the park has closed early on me was during an October Haunt day, where a wet snow squall made it difficult to enjoy. Even then, I assume the park closed due to very low attendance that evening more so than the weather. Guests received a voucher to return another day.
  7. The joke is that broken / worn-out cables on Intamin rides knock them out for the season. I know it's actually happened to Top Thrill Dragster and Xcelerator several times. I don't remember who said it or where I read it, but someone mentioned a rumor (?) that Skyrush may be closed due to the new construction happening right next to it, and that its sudden Sunday closure was merely a coincidence. I think that was me, just a questions I asked in the FB Group, since there wasn't any signage or info about the closure and new footers looked to be so close to SkyRush. A local guest to the park cleared up that it is a part that the park is waiting for. In any case, there's still a lot to do at the park. You can easily spend all day on Great Bear, Storm Runner and Fehrenheit. Wildcat is a li'l rough and Lightning Racer has become noticeably rougher, but definitely not to the same extent as Wildcat. Comet and Super Duper Looper are always a blast. The log flume drop has this little, not sure how to describe it, "launch" bump at the bottom that's super fun. I think we popped a wheelie lol
  8. So true. Understandable that some people can become jaded. I hope it doesn't spread easily! When driving up to the park and seeing that skyline, it's easy to remember why we love this stuff. Yukon Striker is a custom design, the furthest from cookie cutter for the very reasons you mention. Its use of the terrain on the side with the second Immelmann, tunnel and vertical loop is definitely different. The pathway beside that section, near the Splash Works entrance, was still under construction so we couldn't get closer. The spiral with the viewing area worked really well. It was definitely the most popular viewing spot. I love how dive coasters work so well for parks, being one of the coolest looking rides to watch for the non coaster rider (viewing/ F&B areas built around splash downs and now spiral elements), and one of the coolest to ride for the the coaster rider. Also, keep in mind that they built an entirely new themed area that this coaster belongs to. Both the ride and area are well themed. Some great details all over. If you love dive coasters, you'll love this one. I've been on six, including Yukon Striker, and it's the most unique. Best themed I hear goes to Baron 1898, although Krake is up there as well. It was definitely cold in the morning and cool throughout the day. The station wheel heaters were on all day. I can't wait to try it again in the summer. It snowed during Leviathan's opening day and the last turn into the break run didn't seem like it would happen every time haha The shake/ wobble is there on the mid course. It's the only place I noticed it unlike Valravn where it felt wobbly/ shaky throughout the entire ride, in particular the lift. Adds to the thrill I guess?
  9. Yesterday, TPR was at Canada’s Wonderland to preview Yukon Striker, the world’s tallest, fastest and longest Dive Coaster, designed by B&M. With a 245 ft drop, the ride is a fantastic complement to the park skyline, along with its distant relatives, Behemoth and Leviathan. 72 lucky raffle winners, who participated in a fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto, were the first of the public to ride. The fundraiser raised $34,000 in support of children’s medical research, education and building a new hospital. Judging from the reactions and huge number or re-rides, Yukon Striker is already a hit. Congratulations to Sick Kids and Canada’s Wonderland on this fundraising initiative. I'll post separately about this event. Yukon Striker, and its Yukon goldrush theme, is the anchor to a new themed area of the park, Frontier Canada, which was originally planned to be built in the early 1980s. It goes to show that it’s never too late to follow through on great ideas. From the food selection, theming, rides, characters and more, it’s a very refreshing and distinct area to enjoy while walking through the park. There’s no shortage of theming details to check out. As for Frontier Canada’s halo attraction, Sophie Bolliger, Vice President & Head of Sales at B&M, explained to TPR what makes Yukon Striker so unique. In addition to having the first loop ever on a dive coaster, Ms. Bolliger highlighted the dive through Vortex in a 200ft length underwater tunnel, a dive through a second tunnel, two Immelmanns, a zero-g roll and a dynamic spiral as a surprise ending. “I think what is also very unique about Yukon Striker, is that it was custom designed for Canada’s Wonderland. It has a great variety of elements”. After riding twice, once in the middle and once in the front, it is both familiar and unique. For anyone who has been on a dive coaster, the dive, impressive look of the ride, width of the trains, smooth ride, relative short length and re-rideability, will all be familiar. It’ll be instantly unique once seeing the breathtaking view looking over Vortex and down into the underwater tunnel. Yukon Striker is special in its use of the terrain, combined with riding through the course of a ride so massive in scale, when you consider the track gauge, train width and how high the inversions are. All of the inversions, in particular the zero g roll, are fantastic and above all, super smooth. Sure, the park has lots of inversions, but these are a first—Smooth ones! Yukon Striker is a great addition to the classic loopers at the park. Guests are going to love it. There’s no doubt that this ride will be an instant landmark and hit. Enjoy the pictures below. Be sure to check out TPR's YouTube and Twitter channels for video. More video coming soon. Park Information: This Friday, April 26, is Season Passholder Preview Night, from 5:30pm to 10pm. The park opens for the 2019 season on Friday, May 3. Let's do this. Time to check out the world's tallest, longest and fastest Dive Coaster! No one can really work on an empty stomach. A great preview of new food offerings in Frontier Canada. Majestic. It's testing. No chickening out. Frontier Canada, in the original design of the park, is finally done and it looks fantastic! Gold, huh? The station is really well done. Before the 72 raffle winners get to ride, we hear Jack's inspiring story. He is a Sick Kids patient, cancer survivor, ambassador and a huge coaster fan! The fundraising effort means the world to Jack, and every patient, at Sick Kids. A little peak at the conveyor system that will carry bins full of our stuff over to the ride exit. First public train out with Sick Kids Hospital fundraisers. How's the ride? Just take a look at the faces n the next series of pics. Underwater time! Watch your head! You'll fly through a 200 ft long tunnel in under 2 seconds! Falling at 90 degrees Bunny hop before the spiral. My homage to SkyRider. It's going to be a great season.
  10. Awesome coverage again and loved the video. I always look forward to the Intamin visit and it didn’t disappoint . The GCI model looks amazing and Gravity Group still looks like they’re still doing their awesome thing. Thanks for headinf out there again this year.
  11. These tips work. There was a point where I couldn't fit in Wicked Twister for the first time and El Toro was almost an issue. With El Toro, I moved bunched up clothes and pocket contents out of the way and it was good, after a few more push downs. Other trips, I just planned to use a locker, ditched the cargos and wore thinner material shorts or pants. My measure of how I was doing weight-wise was the old Rotor during annual fall visits to Lake Compounce. If I stuck the wall, things were good. If I slid down, I gave myself a flashing yellow light lol
  12. Awesome update, thanks Jarmor! Trade you all a first gen B&M giga and a dive coaster for this and your giga, please? Copperhead Strike looks incredible. Really happy to see another twisty, launchy and terrainy coaster come to a major US park. It's been a while since Maverick.
  13. Construction is moving quickly. I think the end of summer is making everyone squeeze in a last visit as the park was super busy compared to other summer days. Every queue was full and overflowing on to the walkways. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to be having a good time, if with a slight look on everyone's faces that summer is just about over. Is it really Labour Day weekend already? Nicman, that looks to be the general location of hotel. It will be facing highway 400 on the plot of land next to the CW highway sign. Here are some pics. Have a great long weekend, all! Looking forward to this drop out of the station. The base of the lift hill being, well, lifted, into place. Tilted into place and.. ..installed. Only up from here. Lift columns. Footer fun. (for the helix surrounding the walkway). Lift hill footer. Mine Buster queue. It's just a touch busy. Lift hill columns Vortex queue
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