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The Off-Season Survival Thread

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Good movies over the holidays, quality time with family, great football games to end the season and bring on the bowl games, and the start of the NCAA basketball season...lots of other stuff perhaps to list but I'm really tired.

Edited by Hoppy
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  jray21 said:
Snowboarding used to be on my list, until most places got to almost $100 a day!


Buy a SnowBomb Tahoe Platinum Pass. It gets you a lift ticket to Sierra At Tahoe and Homewood plus two other places south of Tahoe, discounts at a bunch of places in Tahoe, and free equipment rentals.



Also keep an eye out for the Shell Ski Free offers starting in January at participating Shell stations that give you BOGO coupons to certain places with 10 gallon fill ups. Every time I've gone to Tahoe I've used deals or coupons and usually pay around $50 or less for a lift ticket, with the exception of two years ago when I payed $92 for a Heavenly ticket because they were the only place that had good snow.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

A little over three weeks until the offseason begins for me (as well as for many others) . I've already started to focus on my other interests a bit more. I'll still visit TPR daily, play NoLimits and RCT3, watch some POVs, and keep up to date on industry happenings, but I try not to do those too much, or I will suffer from severe offseason depression. I'll probably make a trip or two to Nickelodeon Universe so I don't go six straight months without riding a coaster, but overall, my coastering life will be quiet from November through Early May.


I have to agree with others: this is definitely TPR's most depressing thread.

Edited by VF15
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We Minnesotans are so lucky that there is Nickelodeon Universe, other people can't ride coasters when it is snowing out, and we are here riding a log flume when it's ten degrees outside!

Edited by GCI Wooden
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  jtaudioacc said:
luckily, so cal doesn't have an off season. this time next year i'll be going to Magic Mountain and doing some colossus marathoning on an October Friday before Fright Fest.


Yep, everything (except water parks, oddly enough) is year-round. Which, for most folks, that's a god-send. So, yay, more park time... and tourists. Because when other parks close for the season, those park-goers like to plan trips to my neck of the woods, and I get to deal with this:


Of course, Disneyland gets the worst crowds ever period. But that also happens at Sea World, Legoland, Knott's, Universal, Magic Mountain and just about everywhere that has an animal, exhibit or roller coaster when it's off-season everywhere else. And due to college and work, my only time off is when it's off-season or when school's out.


So, for my "off-season", I tend to watch movies, cook, play videogames excessively, bake, chop wood and plan out what days are least crowded at the parks.

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The off-season for most people is my riding season, which has just started. SFDK is now open year-round, so I take full advantage. I hate waiting in lines, so I avoid my local parks during the summer. I'll be going to SFDK roughly every other Sunday and marathoning my favorite rides (I'm looking at you, Superman). Definitely my happy time...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now that the offseason has officially arrived, it's time for me to lie in my bed and cry for the next six months. Just kidding, but I seriously don't know what I'm going to do with myself for the next six months. I'll probably go to Nickelodeon Universe once or twice, but besides that... ugh.


I really need to pick up a new hobby .

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