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Six Flags Great Adventure (SFGAdv) Discussion Thread

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  jlp94 said:
Looks really good. Hopefully I'll be able to convince my parents to add a day to our trip for Great Adventure!

Hopefully they stay open amid the virus panic. Im personally taking advantage of the situation to visit parks with low crowds (for example Im going to SFA for the first time on the 28th)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  RaceBoarder said:
You're probably looking at 8-10 weeks from now at a minimum. Best case scenario will be June 1. Worst case, the season is a total loss.


Either scenario is a clusterfuck.


How would the park (and quite frankly, any other park in the SF chain) recover from this?

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  Jason Maier said:
  RaceBoarder said:
You're probably looking at 8-10 weeks from now at a minimum. Best case scenario will be June 1. Worst case, the season is a total loss.


Either scenario is a clusterfuck.


How would the park (and quite frankly, any other park in the SF chain) recover from this?


It's going to be a rough year (probably few years) for the travel and entertainment industries all around.

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  Jason Maier said:
  RaceBoarder said:
You're probably looking at 8-10 weeks from now at a minimum. Best case scenario will be June 1. Worst case, the season is a total loss.


Either scenario is a clusterfuck.


How would the park (and quite frankly, any other park in the SF chain) recover from this?


SF probably has insurance policies in place. It's not going to be pleasant, but this could be manageable. There are a number of factors that will play into this so it's hard to predict.

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psh I know you're gonna get tired of my Brainiac fangirling like you did with my Grid fangirling. Except Brainiac is a more well known DC character (his name is a word in popular culture) and I just wonder why Six Flags hasn't themed a ride to him yet. They could retheme the Twister to him...


BTW I associate

with him and imagine me and him dancing to it. I don't know why all my crushes are genocidal non-humans...
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I was going to say that the word braniac was a term before it was used for a villain name, but I googled it and it appears you're actually correct. Still, most people aren't familiar with the character, so I wouldn't get your hopes up about SF giving him much more than a poster like the one you took a pic of.

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  JG-77 said:
I was going to say that the word braniac was a term before it was used for a villain name, but I googled it and it appears you're actually correct. Still, most people aren't familiar with the character, so I wouldn't get your hopes up about SF giving him much more than a poster like the one you took a pic of.

They gave Bizarro a ride and most people aren't familiar with him. Brainiac (like Bizarro) has been on the Super Friends and many TV shows, but never in a movie for some reason.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
Hey, maybe Six Flags will open the coaster with the park after all.


Still not a bet I would put money on!


To be serious, would building a roller coaster be considered "essential" to the government if a stay at home order is in place? Maybe? But honestly, it shouldn't be for the safety of the workers.

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