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Masquerade last won the day on March 15 2022

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About Masquerade

  • Birthday 05/01/1992

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  1. https://www.themeparkinsider.com/flume/202412/10627/ Excellent... excellent...
  2. Ban Bet: Ka's top hat remains, but the rest of the new track winds through the newly-razed areas like a roided Pantheon layout with a 700ft. spike. Suck it, Saudi's.
  3. Late report (went early June), but Wildcat's Revenge is one of the greatest coasters ever built. Also nice to ride Comet without the trim breaks for a change.
  4. I'm always a little scared whenever this thread gets bumped to the top of the page. Glad to hear.
  5. I'm sorry, do they find their maintenance staff at a community college for clowns?
  6. Pantheon Dragster is an option. An expensive option with legendary amounts of downtime, but an option.
  7. More theme parks need to go the indoor coaster route (though technically I guess you can call Verbolten one, but this is very dope nonetheless).
  8. That's the most progressive metal artwork I've ever seen for a theme park and I say that as a compliment.
  9. A re-enactment of exactly what happened on Pantheon 7/2/22 at approximately 4:10pm: Dispacher - "All clear." *All restraints go up* All riders including me - "What the fuck?!" Dispatcher - "Uh sorry, pressed the wrong button." This was about two cycles after it reopened from maintenance.
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