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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Gotta respect them running everything, even in moderate rain. On my last visit in June, it was raining half the day, and they never closed anything.


This is the only time I'll have say this: Thankfully there were actually a few groups in the park that day, because if it wasn't for them, there would have maybe been 100 other guests total.

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Something of note - I was not stopped at Twisted Timbers with my phone in my cargo shorts pocket, and I'm fairly sure staff noticed in the station, and at the front of the line. Especially given that the rain outlined it and my wallet in the other pocket pretty well.

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Man Twisted Timbers is insane, I got stapled bad on my first ride in the last row and thought that was gonna ruin it but it still did not dissapoint. Second ride in back row again I got a decent amount of slack and it was just literally nuts.

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Something of note - I was not stopped at Twisted Timbers with my phone in my cargo shorts pocket, and I'm fairly sure staff noticed in the station, and at the front of the line. Especially given that the rain outlined it and my wallet in the other pocket pretty well.


The bottom line in all of this for CF with this latest "overreaction", is liability. There was no outright ban on cell phones at KD, therefore, the woman who got hit with one can sue the park for "allowing this to happen". However, with the new ban on TT and SV, signs posted, and all that fanfare, anybody getting hit in the future is going to have a much harder time in the future winning any suit or claim against the park for getting hit, since the park's stance is they are not allowed. It's clearly posted, and known. Tweeted about and everything. However, having said all that, I would be SHOCKED if the park ever actually goes after somebody who has their phone out in line, or has their phone secured in a zippered pocket while riding. This new policy saves the park money in the event of a lawsuit, and makes the park money from increased fluffy bunny usage. It's really a business win/win for CF, while undoubtedly a nuisance for the majority of us sensible, coaster riding public. But honestly, I wouldn't get too worked up for it, because I wholeheartedly think this nothing more than a CYA policy change by CF, that won't affect you if you're sensible and responsible with your cell phone when it comes to coasters.

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They're pulling people out of the queue line at Cedar Point - Sven, and make them use a lockup. Then they then start at the end of the line - 2 hour wait. Rideops are searching people in line for "loose objects." I have a friend there today and he was carrying a magazine and they let him into the queue, but said it must be discarded on the platform. They are definitely enforcing this in Sandusky. These Cedar Fair people are idiots!!!

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I bought tickets during the flash sale last week that have to be used this week. Worked out well as I am moving out of the DC area on Saturday so this will be my last convenient chance to make the drive down to KD. Does TT generally run in bad weather? The forecast this week is pretty ugly, so I'm trying to pick the best day to come down and get my first RMC rides in. I don't care about getting rained on, but I would be bummed to get there and not be able to ride TT...

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I had one of the most satisfying visits I've ever had to an amusement park this past Thursday at Kings Dominion. Yeah, the signs were out and the loud announcement was blasting about Twisted Timbers but the park was dead. I have no problem leaving my loose articles in a locker when an RMC is a walk on every time. Marathon the hell out of it and totally forget about what was in your pockets. Now, on a Saturday, I'm sure this is a lot harder because of lines...But glad I got my experience without the line and having my phone wasn't an issue. And as good as Twisted Timbers is, it's still not I305 good, imo. Intimidator 305 still has my heart after all these years...I'm a loyal bastard! Also, what's up with the weird porn music over by Volcano? No, making me think about porn isn't making me feel any better about Volcano being closed.


And here's an intriguing question...With Volcano in the line up and running perfectly well...Would you consider Kings Dominion to have the most intense line up of coasters in the Cedar Fair chain?


Top 4


Twisted Timbers



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^ I'd argue Cedar Point can still take the crown.


Yes I305 is probably the most intense out of all of them. But Cedar Point can fight back with a formidable top 4 of Steel Vengeance, Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster, and Raptor. That doesn't even include their giga, hyper, or other B&Ms.

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Yeah, I guess you have a point with CP...KD is definitely a solid 2nd place though.


One more thing, not sure if it has been reported or not...But the singing mushrooms are broke. Pretty sure that's bigger news than the fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo.


The singing mushrooms are fixed! Just watched them! Now we can get back to the fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Dammit! I miss the mushrooms everytime!


I have as well. So today I made it a mission to see them. They were playing on a weird schedule. It seemed to be the 05/20/35/50 today.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Screamscape is saying they're replacing some track and it won't be open until next year. Take it for what its worth.

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Hi Screamscape may be right on this one. When I was at the park a few weeks ago I was talking with a security guard who has been there a long time. She said Volcano will be down the rest of the year. She seemed to be pretty sure. Like anything she could be wrong.

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Was at Kings Dominion yesterday for the better part of the day with a buddy. Some notes:


-Platinum Pass got us in the park early. Notably only I had a pass but they let me and my friend through. Now that Early entry is Avalanche/I305, the entry point is between Dominator and Camp Snoopy.

-Early entry got us us two rides on Avalanche with no waiting. Second ride was a reride where we just switched spots without having to walk around. Great ride that I hope they never remove.

-Didn't see any holes in Volcano's mountain; they may have been there but I couldn't see them from the ground or Avalanche's lift.

-Early entry also got us two rides on I305, but we had to walk around. Literally passed out on the second run (back row); came to on the brake run. Probably due to alcohol intake.

-One ride on Flight of Fear. Very back row was roped off, so we were in the front row of the last car.

-Two rides on Twisted Timbers (front and back). Holy amazeballs what an awesome ride. New #1 RMC, and very, very close #2 at this park.

-Got to meet Robb Alvey briefly. Cool guy.

-Went to the waterpark for the next 4 hours. Tornado is long gone with a fence up around its site.

-Got a ride on right side of Rebel Yell, 2nd row. Seems like more of the ride has been retracked since the last time I was here in March, and aside from some jostling leading up to the turnaround, very smooth for an old woodie.


After that we were both feeling pretty tired so headed out.

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Apparently they are testing pouches on Twisted Timbers' trains for loose articles. Since I'm not sure what coaster sites are banned from this forum, just do a search for "cell phone pouch on Twisted Timbers" and you'll find it. It's been posted in numerous places on FB.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm seriously considering defecting from Six Flags to Cedar Fair as far as passes go.


KD is a 2 hour drive for me; Dorney Park is 2 hours 45 minutes for me.


That and I haven't been to KD since a summer camp day trip in '94 (and I'm realizing KD has a better coaster collection).

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I'm seriously considering defecting from Six Flags to Cedar Fair as far as passes go.


KD is a 2 hour drive for me; Dorney Park is 2 hours 45 minutes for me.


That and I haven't been to KD since a summer camp day trip in '94 (and I'm realizing KD has a better coaster collection).


Did you just find out Kings Dominion exists?

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(and I'm realizing KD has a better coaster collection).


You mean to tell me the years of Coasterbill telling everyone and their mother to "go to Kings Dominion instead" meant nothing!?

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