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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Before anyone freaks out about that land clearing, there was a thread in the KD FB group... the land is NOT owned by the park. Calm down.


Also, good news about the pouches. Excited to try them when I'm down there really soon.

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Analysis of KD's Winterfest potential offerings.


See, I was thinking more like the attached map (red areas are closed, green circled rides are open).





Just bumping my own prediction from last year when this was announced...wasn't that far off, aside from the whole Safari Village theory LOL.

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3/13 on coasters


I mean that's still better than no coasters but Six Flags is racing circles around them.


I understand that they have different approaches to their winter events but I do think it’s a bit insane that the Six Flags Park in Massachusetts (and likely the one north of Chicago) has a better ride lineup than the Cedar Fair parks in South Carolina and now Virginia.


Aside from that, I still find some of their decisions puzzling even aside from the coaster thing. I’m not here to tell anyone how to run a theme park because I admittedly don’t know sh*t but like, basically the entire kids area is open but the indoor family friendly shooting dark ride with heat is closed??? The Racer 75 area is open but the Ferris wheel and Windseeker are closed when everyone knows that family friendly rides that allow people the opportunity to get an aerial view of the lights are often the single most popular type of ride at holiday events (and Windseeker has the added bonus of an amazing light package that would honestly do their job for them in terms of decorating that area with awesome lights).


I don’t get it.

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3/13 on coasters


I mean that's still better than no coasters but Six Flags is racing circles around them.


I understand that they have different approaches to their winter events but I do think it’s a bit insane that the Six Flags Park in Massachusetts (and likely the one north of Chicago) has a better ride lineup than the Cedar Fair parks in South Carolina and now Virginia.


Aside from that, I still find some of their decisions puzzling even aside from the coaster thing. I’m not here to tell anyone how to run a theme park because I admittedly don’t know sh*t but like, basically the entire kids area is open but the indoor family friendly shooting dark ride with heat is closed??? The Racer 75 area is open but the Ferris wheel and Windseeker are closed when everyone knows that family friendly rides that allow people the opportunity to get an aerial view of the lights are often the single most popular type of ride at holiday events (and Windseeker has the added bonus of an amazing light package that would honestly do their job for them in terms of decorating that area with awesome lights).


I don’t get it.


I agree 110% except for windseeker. Imagine spinning in circles in temperatures in the 30's, 200 feet in the air. The Eiffel tower would make the most sense. You could get a great view of the lights from there.


I'm also perplexed about the 2 indoor rides being closed. The dark ride could easily get a holiday overlay, and the "indoor" coaster is a no brainer. Also, I dont see the adult bumper cars listed.

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Wow I completely missed the dark rides being closed. I thought the same about Windseeker being so high in the air, but then I remembered Great Adventure keeps their SkyScreamer open. I distinctly remember riding it while it was in the 20s.


While it doesn't top some of the Holiday in the Park lineups at Six Flags, this is still a whole lot better than what we had available a few years ago during winter.

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Imagine spinning in circles in temperatures in the 30's, 200 feet in the air.


Don't have to imagine when I've ridden Great Adventures Sky Screamer in the 20s.

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I know parks are generally a warm weather thing, but I love that parks are doing winter events. I honestly don't get why enthusiasts scoff at the idea of riding big fast things in the cold. People do all sorts of outdoor activities in the winter - skiing, snowboard, sledding etc.


Put on a scarf, gloves and a friggin' hat, sit down, shut up and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.

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I know parks are generally a warm weather thing, but I love that parks are doing winter events. I honestly don't get why enthusiasts scoff at the idea of riding big fast things in the cold. People do all sorts of outdoor activities in the winter - skiing, snowboard, sledding etc.


Put on a scarf, gloves and a friggin' hat, sit down, shut up and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.


Don't forget to secure all loose articles or leave them with a non-rider

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I honestly don't get why enthusiasts scoff at the idea of riding big fast things in the cold. People do all sorts of outdoor activities in the winter - skiing, snowboard, sledding etc.


Put on a scarf, gloves and a friggin' hat, sit down, shut up and keep your hands inside the ride at all times.


Because people are bitches.


Honestly I'd much rather go to a park when it's in the 30's than some of those brutal 100+ degree, ridiculous humidity days we experienced at the Florida parks last June. You can dress for the cold. You can'd do anything about heat and humidity.


Riding coasters in the cold is the best, in part because of the absurdity of it all but also because it's just flat-out fun. It's also terrific drinking weather (especially since parks always roll out warm, spiked deliciousness) and tons of firepits.


... OMG can it be Holiday in the Park like... now?

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What's worse than waiting on line for 4 hours for Anaconda? Sitting at home commenting about it.


I'm was pretty sure the 240 minutes was a mistake when I saw it posted by boldikus. I went to queue times when I saw his post (maybe an hour after he posted it) and the Anaconda wait was 45 minutes, while all the other wait times were about the same time.


Due diligence people.

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:lol: I assumed it was a mistake too but would make for a funny post.


And for the record, that was not doctored/shopped, I did screenshot that just as it looks.


I know you didn't doctor it, but I knew it couldn't be true having been at the park a week ago when the park had the same size crowds and Anaconda was 60-90 minutes it just didn't make sense. Anaconda still draws a line, people love their loop de loops.

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