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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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before Volcano has a chance to f*ck itself in spectacular fashion


Are we talking premature eruption here??

Good to know that opening day onwards is all good....thanks.


We definitely plan on doing BGW again.....that park has special resonance for me as it was my first ever park in the US of A. That is why I rank Apollo's Chariot so highly (at the moment) because it was my first Hyper outside of the UK and I just remember loving it at the time (I almost don't want to go on it again and spoil my memories).

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We are planning to visit Kings Dominion next year as our annual park outside of Florida. I305 and Twisted Timbers are on the bucket list for sure. I have to say that I am intrigued by Volcano also, as it definitely looks different from other hanging coasters!

Early planning stage, but just had a couple of timing questions.


First, when does school break up for the summer in Virginia?

Second.....the park does not yet have the hours for 2019 yet on the website (which of course is understandable), but I am going to assume that the park is open on weekdays in June? If not, when is it safe to assume that it is open on a daily basis and not just at weekends.


Just trying to figure out leave picks at work right now, and flights to Richmond from Canada. Thanks in advance.

Fly porter to washington dc and rent car from there. This way you avoid pearson/ air canada and get free in flight drinks too!

Edited by Doppel Looping
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We are planning to visit Kings Dominion next year as our annual park outside of Florida. I305 and Twisted Timbers are on the bucket list for sure. I have to say that I am intrigued by Volcano also, as it definitely looks different from other hanging coasters!

Early planning stage, but just had a couple of timing questions.


First, when does school break up for the summer in Virginia?

Second.....the park does not yet have the hours for 2019 yet on the website (which of course is understandable), but I am going to assume that the park is open on weekdays in June? If not, when is it safe to assume that it is open on a daily basis and not just at weekends.


Just trying to figure out leave picks at work right now, and flights to Richmond from Canada. Thanks in advance.


Most of the schools in the area end June 13th or 14th (with some later). Richmond City Schools however is June 7th.

Kings Dominion goes to daily operations starting Memorial Day based on previous calendars (which would start May 27th 2019).

I would try to plan any weekdays starting the Tuesday that week or the following week (through June 7) if you're able to for the least crowds. The week after that shouldn't be too bad either.

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Just trying to figure out leave picks at work right now, and flights to Richmond from Canada. Thanks in advance.


Fly into DC, you'll find a lot more options and way better fares. It's only about a 2 hour drive to KD from there. Unless you take I-95 then it'll be about a 6 hour drive!

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Fly porter to washington dc and rent car from there.


Fly into DC, you'll find a lot more options and way better fares. It's only about a 2 hour drive to KD from there


Thanks for that, I hadn't considered DC as an option (just because I have flown to Richmond before). Not worried about flying out of YYZ as I live close by (and also work there) and it is a lot easier to get to for me than downtown to city centre airport (although that is a great option if it is easily reachable for folk).


Will start making plans based on the tips here. Will be back in a month or two no doubt with the local questions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

There's a chance I might be able to make it to the park on Saturday, 10/20. How are the lines with Fast Lane Plus? I know at King's Island that everything is under ten minutes with FL+, so I'm hoping for more of the same.


Also, how's the beer situation there? I remember during our only visit a couple years ago that we could only find one place to get a beer and you couldn't go further than the patio.

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The million $ question is . . .


Why is Volcano so finicky with operations?


Because... Intamin.

Just for the record, the other Intamin had absolutely zero downtime the day I visited the park. So...


Because... Launched Intamin.

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The million $ question is . . .


Why is Volcano so finicky with operations?


Because... Intamin.

Just for the record, the other Intamin had absolutely zero downtime the day I visited the park. So...


Because... Launched Intamin.


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There's a chance I might be able to make it to the park on Saturday, 10/20. How are the lines with Fast Lane Plus? I know at King's Island that everything is under ten minutes with FL+, so I'm hoping for more of the same.


Also, how's the beer situation there? I remember during our only visit a couple years ago that we could only find one place to get a beer and you couldn't go further than the patio.


I haven't been during Halloween but fast lane plus is fantastic here because just like Kings Island almost all of the fast lane entrances put you straight into the station so I can't imagine it would be more than 10 mins for anything except maybe Twisted Timbers.

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I was told you can take beer anywhere except Planet Snoopy. I am not sure if you will be able to take the beer in lines for rides, though. There are several places that sell beer, especially near the front of the park.

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Both times I've been to Kings Dominion we've drank fairly heavily and I distinctly recall beer jail both times. That said, there is plenty of places to get booze. Two years ago during Haunt they even had additional temporary bars set up that we checked out. Also, FL+ is pretty great here, it literally dumps you into the back row of I305, all the other rides the wait is minimal.

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Kings Dominion has its own beer now, too. It's brewed by Center of the Universe in nearby Ashland (the IPA is petty good). This brewery has improved quite a bit in the last year or two.

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COTU was one of our favorite spots we hit on our trip down to Kings Dominion this year. We weren't able to get the KD beer while we were at the park, but we made it up to the actual brewery on our day back towards home and had a great time and good brews.

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Went to Haunt two Friday's ago and never posted. I didn't take too many pictures because I was busy trying to catch as many rides as I could. First of the night was Drop Tower and was the only person on it. Have to say, that was pretty surreal! Then got a back to back on 305 without having to get off at night. Super intense and as always, way better at night! After that, took two spins ones Delirium which was awesome because at the top of the swing, you broke free of the fog. Got one back row ride on TT in the dark"ish". Tons of lights on the track and from the mazes it isn't really in the dark. Last ride of the night was on Dominator which would've been so much better if they turned the bus lot lights off!


Now for the Haunt stuff. I didn't do any mazes because those aren't my thing.

Necropolis looked awesome and is always one of my favorite areas. Theming is always on point, great setting, and tons of scare actors. Didn't make it into the Lair as the people I was with took one step in and turned right back around. The amount of fog and strobe lights was impressive and I would've had a hard time walking through there.

IronWorx just looks cool. Got lucky as the fog completely settled into the walkway and you could barely see six feet in front of you. Plenty of scare actors in character!

CarnEvil was well staffed with enthusiastic characters.

The Yard had an awesome set up and was great to see them expanding a maze outside into the area surrounding it!

Didn't go through the Congo area as we just ran out of time.

Caught the Blood Drums show. Seems to be very similar to the show they had a few years ago when they had Blood Dums then. Definitely seemed upgraded with video wall panels and a ridiculously loud sound system! The video panels were definitely a nice addition to the Overlord show.

Lastly, the fog was insane! Like, way more fog than I ever remember having seen at the park. Had a great time and hope that I can make another trip before the end of the season!


View of the fountains and stage from the Eiffel Tower


Look at all of the fog coming out of the IronWorx zone!

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I haven't personally been there to see / confirm it but I'm seeing some reports that Twisted Timbers now allows phones in the queue and they now have zippered pouches on the seat backs. Operators apparently check to ensure that they're zipped shut before lowering the restraint.

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^Yep--they have zippered pouches under the seats now, although the "no cell phones" sign is still up at the queue entrance.


Nice photos from the Eiffel Tower. I was at Haunt on Saturday night, and I'm planning to post a TR later this week.

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I haven't personally been there to see / confirm it but I'm seeing some reports that Twisted Timbers now allows phones in the queue and they now have zippered pouches on the seat backs. Operators apparently check to ensure that they're zipped shut before lowering the restraint.


Interesting approach to trust humans to not be s**theads and pull their phones our after leaving the station.


Interesting to see if this is a test and it'll carry over to Steel Vengeance. I'm personally more in favor of free lockers for certain time frame than charge after that.

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^Yep--they have zippered pouches under the seats now, although the "no cell phones" sign is still up at the queue entrance.


Nice photos from the Eiffel Tower. I was at Haunt on Saturday night, and I'm planning to post a TR later this week.


Awesome! They had those pouches on New Texas Giant and they seemed to work well. Hopefully something like that can make its way to Steel Vengeance if it works for Cedar Fair.

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fingers crossed that humanity follows the rules, and the pouches work!


they seemed to work well at Texas Giant when I was there on Labor Day - despite the sheer number of folks in the park. . everyone seemed to be following the rules and using the zippered pocket on the seat.


so I have a little tiny bit of faith in humanity based on that . . .not much, but a tiny bit.

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I haven't personally been there to see / confirm it but I'm seeing some reports that Twisted Timbers now allows phones in the queue and they now have zippered pouches on the seat backs. Operators apparently check to ensure that they're zipped shut before lowering the restraint.


Interesting approach to trust humans to not be s**theads and pull their phones our after leaving the station.


Interesting to see if this is a test and it'll carry over to Steel Vengeance. I'm personally more in favor of free fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo for certain time frame than charge after that.


We'll see, but from what I noticed, you'd have to be a contortionist to pull your phone out of that zipped pocket after the restraint was down and locked.

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I haven't personally been there to see / confirm it but I'm seeing some reports that Twisted Timbers now allows phones in the queue and they now have zippered pouches on the seat backs. Operators apparently check to ensure that they're zipped shut before lowering the restraint.


Interesting approach to trust humans to not be s**theads and pull their phones our after leaving the station.


Interesting to see if this is a test and it'll carry over to Steel Vengeance. I'm personally more in favor of free fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo for certain time frame than charge after that.


We'll see, but from what I noticed, you'd have to be a contortionist to pull your phone out of that zipped pocket after the restraint was down and locked.


To add on here, the zippered pockets are not on the seat back in front of you, but on your seat front below you between your legs. Your calves rub up against the pocket if you brace yourself in that manner.

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