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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Nice report! It looks like KD WinterFest has created a great event like Kings Island has. The lights look great and there are some nice offerings for family as well. It's rough when it's so cold but I'm glad they have a couple coasters open as well. Didn't sound like Flight of Fear was open, maybe next year?

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Nice report! It looks like KD WinterFest has created a great event like Kings Island has. The lights look great and there are some nice offerings for family as well. It's rough when it's so cold but I'm glad they have a couple coasters open as well. Didn't sound like Flight of Fear was open, maybe next year?


Flight of Fear has the issue of being very far in the back of Safari Village which that entire section is not open for Winterfest.

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Nice report! It looks like KD WinterFest has created a great event like Kings Island has. The lights look great and there are some nice offerings for family as well. It's rough when it's so cold but I'm glad they have a couple coasters open as well. Didn't sound like Flight of Fear was open, maybe next year?


Flight of Fear has the issue of being very far in the back of Safari Village which that entire section is not open for Winterfest.

Flight of Fear was closed last year for us but this year they opened it and added lighting in that area as well as opening and lighting the path that goes from Diamondback past Vortex toward FoF. Yes, yours is even more set back than ours but you never know. If WinterFest is a huge success I could see them scaling up and maybe someday adding some lighted trail or themed area or something with the endpoint being Flight of Fear.

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Winterfest stopped at the entrance to Safari Village, but if the event's a big enough hit, who knows? (Busch Gardens' Christmas Town gradually absorbed the whole park over its ten-year run.)

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just now getting time to hope on TPR and play catch up.


those are some fantastic pictures, Chuck. . and as you, and some others, have said: the Eiffel tower decorations are phenomenal.


and absolutely love what KD did to Candy Apple Grove and Carousel area.


great job.

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Screamscape stirring the pot about 2019 at Kings Dominion and CGA.


Park News - (11/2/18) Could new announcements for Kings Dominion and California's Great America be coming soon? According to a post on Twitter an early teaser poster for Yukon Striker that was up at Cedar Point has been removed and now there are a few new letter envelops to be found that contain some interesting longitude and latitude coordinates on them.

The first, 37.8399 N 77.4442 W, takes us to a landscape planter location inside Kings Dominion’s Planet Snoopy area.

The second set, 37.3984 N 121.9752 W, takes you to a location just outside the main entrance of California's Great America.

The #CanadasWonderland teaser poster has been swapped out at #CedarPoint, with some new envelopes to review...


Interesting coordinates:

37.8399 N 77.4442 W

37.3984 N 121.9752 W pic.twitter.com/67j3NGAWG2


— CP Food Blog (@CPFoodBlog) July 25, 2018


Not sure if this means anything in regards to the exact position. If it does then well more Planet Snoopy stuff, yay for those with children. But CGAs marker is outside the front gate which makes me think the coordinates are not exact. Digression if it's not a Planet Snoopy expansion my guess would be some kind of flat.............or nothing since it's November and both of these parks just opened Twisted Timbers and Railblazer.



Cant wait to see Dorney park teasers pop up at.... Geauga Lake.


They could be doing some type of hinting, but then again, it is november.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was Volcano on FL+ last year? It was when we visited in 2017 and it saved us a lot of time. We just dropped in late one night last year to ride Twisted Timbers so we didn't check. Volcano was down most of the year anyway.


It's not listed on the FL+ list now, which is probably last year's list.

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I renewed my platinum passes but decided not to get a 2019 all season fast lane like we did the previous 2 years. I originally got them because we could hit up the park on a Saturday afternoon without waking up ridiculously early to be there for park opening and then hit up Busch at night and the next day since Busch is usually less crowded on Sundays but we have too many other trips planned for this year to make it worth it.


Before the all season fast lane we were going to Busch on Saturdays and Kings on Sundays since that makes the drive home on Sunday easier but not sure what I'm going to do this year since I don't think we will make it down there much this year.


If the drive was just a bit shorter we would end up at both all the time.

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It did, but once it broke and they knew it was done for the season they took it off the list. When it was open it was on Fastlane Plus.


Yes I can confirm it was on the FastLane Plus and that was the only reason I was able to ride it multiple times. I went on a Friday in April when the park was empty. Everything was a walk on except Twisted Timbers at 15 minutes and Volcano at over an hour. That thing is never a walk-on.

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Looking for some locals advice. I'm making a weekend trip to both Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens sometime in April. I've searched for ticket combos to keep the price down a bit but really haven't been able to find any solid information on it.Will there be a ticket online or is that more of a buy locally when you get there sort of thing? I'd be around Friday through Sunday. I'm assuming it would be better to hit up Busch Gardens on Friday and Kings Dominion on saturday since Busch probably gets bigger crowds? Planning to hit Richmond as well one of those days just to check out the city for a bit. Any info or advice is appreciated.

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"Combo Tickets" for both parks don't exist; they have different owners.


KD tickets will be approx. $20+ less than gate cost per person if you buy online in advance and choose what specific day you're going. The website is currently showing 2019 Any Day tickets for $39.99, which I believe is $20 off the gate price.


If you're going to any other CF parks this year, a Platinum Pass pays for itself in three trips when you consider parking.


Busch Gardens website is showing 1-day admission for $59.49 right now, down from $84.99 at the gate. That offer "expires Jan 30th."


Both parks should have minimal crowds on a weekend in April.

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