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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Family inverted coaster announced for 2025!

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I see Alpengeist is getting a different paint scheme. I just wanna know who asked for that shit?!?  The green and white really contrasted and fits well with the ski lodge theme. Now it blends in with Griffon, to me. . .

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11 hours ago, jarmor said:

I see Alpengeist is getting a different paint scheme. I just wanna know who asked for that shit?!?  The green and white really contrasted and fits well with the ski lodge theme. Now it blends in with Griffon, to me. . .

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I do rather like those colors, will agree it feels a lot more alpine now! Though yeah a Griffon touch up would've been nice so it could stand out still. I really like the new Kraken colors as well, good job Sea World....on the paint choices, not so much opening your 2020 rides but who's salty? not me XD

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Busch Gardens Williamsburg has announced that Pantheon will open on March 25!



Pantheon™, the world’s fastest multi-launch roller coaster, is officially launching at Busch Gardens® Williamsburg on March 25, 2022. Members will have exclusive opportunities to ride starting March 4! Harnessing all the speed and strength of five of the greatest Roman gods, this record-breaking coaster stands 180 feet tall with a top speed of 73 mph, and features a 95° drop, 4 launches, 5 air-time hills and 2 inversions.

One of the world’s most anticipated coasters of 2022 will open in the park’s Festa Italia village, elevating Busch Gardens Williamsburg’s portfolio to eight world-class coasters that are sure to delight even the most daring thrill-seekers.

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To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

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6 hours ago, SharkTums said:

To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

I feel the exact same. 

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7 hours ago, SharkTums said:

To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

I think its gonna ride like Velcicoaster which is a good thing 

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8 hours ago, SharkTums said:

To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

I agree with this too except I think Pantheon could still be the best. It has a good shot, at least in my eyes.

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9 hours ago, SharkTums said:

To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

I completely agree.

I lives 30 minutes from Iron Gwazi and while I'm completely stoked about it, there is something about Pantheon I love. That beyond vertical dive off the top hat into the ravine is going to be legendary. I can't wait to visit in April.

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20 hours ago, SharkTums said:

To be honest, I'm almost more excited about this one than any of the other SeaWorld/Busch Coasters! I mean, I get it, Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like. Pantheon is going to be super unique and very different from most coasters!

The good people of Williamsburg second your motion. 

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On 1/24/2022 at 10:58 AM, SharkTums said:

Iron Gwazi will be the best but we know what that one will be like

Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Floooooaaaattt, Twist, Twist, Buck, Buck, Twist, buckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuck BRAKES 

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20 hours ago, prozach626 said:

Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Twist, Buck, Floooooaaaattt, Twist, Twist, Buck, Buck, Twist, buckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuckbuck BRAKES 

This perfectly summarizes my feelings about Steel Vengeance. I enjoy the ride but... yeah... ^this captures it perfectly.

Luckily Iron Gwazi doesn't seem to "try too hard" like Steel Vengeance and ends after an appropriate amount of elements (a good variety, too) rather than the buckbuckbuckbuck of SV. I honestly think I will prefer Gwazi based on what I know about its layout but we'll see in 2 weeks!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg for the first time yesterday 2/20. I figured I’d write a report since this is my first new park in awhile aside from my disastrous trip to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom in October where I only got to ride Boomerang and Medusa and my rental car was broken into on the way back to the airport. The less said about that trip the better. 


Next two paragraphs are somewhat boring background. Skip ahead for my the trip report. 


Plan was to visit a friend in Virginia but due to some last minute work stuff he ended up being in California the same week I was supposed to fly out to Virginia. Since my friend and I had already bought our plane tickets out there, we decided to go spend a day in DC and a day at Busch Gardens. Neither of us had ever been out there so we tried to cram a lot into the long weekend. Turns out we maybe tried to cram a little too much into our DC day. My friend aggravated her back injury and was close to bailing on Busch Gardens but decided she had come that far and agreed to go as long as she could rent a scooter. She is not an enthusiast at all and was more interested in seeing the park and the animals. 


I have a platinum pass from San Antonio since I visited that SW last year for Texas Stingray and thought I would be able to use the pass on my Florida trip, but I ended up not getting out to either BGT or SWO. I have been able to use it at SWSD since that is the closest park to me although IMO that park is a mess right now. So many things never reopened and the food has gone downhill. I’ve been debating if I should renew my pass as I do plan to head to Florida for Iron Gwazi or if I should just buy a Platinum pass from San Diego. It’s not that much more and I’d be able to use the free tickets and other benefits for friends and family. Afraid the price for the SD pass might go up once the new Sesame Place opens up. 


BGW is a beautiful park as advertised. Epcot is still the most beautiful in my eyes, but BGW does have a lot of natural beauty. It felt like an Europe only World Showcase; even some of the merch they have give off World Showcase vibes. As hilly as the layout was, I found it much more manageable than Magic Mountain. I’m not sure if we just didn’t know where to go, but we were unable to make a full circle of the park due to my friend using a scooter. The incline next to Land of the Dragons ends with steps. I was kind of surprised they didn’t have any type of ramp there. I can’t really speak to the accessibility of any of the rides since the only thing my friend went on all day was the sky ride. They made her get off at each stop and get back in line. She was able to handle short periods of walking, but I wonder if they’d do the same for someone more dependent on a wheelchair or scooter. At other parks I’ve been to with a similar transportation system, people with wheelchairs are able to ride round trip. 


We did Howl to Coexist: An Inside Look or as everyone and the signage inside the park referred to it as: the wolf tour. I probably could have gotten a discount on it with my platinum pass but it was only $25 to book online so I just did it that way. $25 was a decent price compared to how much SW has raised the prices of their animal encounters, although the behind the scenes tour I took at SWSD was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had at an animal park. For the wolf tour they close off some areas so only those on the tour are allowed in but you never actually go backstage. You learn a lot about the wolves and you get to throw food to them. You don’t actually get any closer to the wolves than any other member of the general public. They don’t advertise this, but they take photos of you during the tour and send them to you. I felt I got my money’s worth, but it’s not something I’d want to do every visit. 


I was kind of surprised how many private tours seemed to be going around. The park was in winter operations so many of the rides were closed and some of the animals were not on display. The only two coasters open were Apollo’s Chariot and Verbolten. I guess even with so much closed, it’s worth it for some families to take the tour and get to the front of the line on family rides. Apollo’s Chariot was a walk on. I didn’t get to it until late in the day since we had to backtrack through the whole park to get to Italy. They were warning people that it might shut down if it got too cold (under 42 degrees) but to my knowledge it never did. When I got to the station there was just one group in the back (all other rows empty) row so I took the front row. Glad I got to get a ride in the Fabio seat, but that windchill was rough. I was impressed by how smooth the ride was, but also surprised that it wasn’t more intense. I thought about doing another ride in the back row but honestly my face was so frozen I decided against it. 


Verbolten was probably the longest line I waited in and it was probably 15 minutes. They left the quick queue line open and unmanned which resulted in a lot of people cutting. A bit frustrating. A group was trying to ride together and let me go in front of them so I got on in less than 5 minutes. I like the ride a lot but my man parts took a beating thanks to that large nub they put in the seat. I totally forgot that there are multiple experiences in the show building part of the ride so I only rode once. I enjoyed it and I thought the dark ride portion was fun, but I guess as a first timer I would be able to tell what effects were no longer working. 


Mardi Gras was also going on, but aside from a short lunch rush, the food “booths” had short lines. I saw “booths” because for the most part they were using existing dining locations instead of temporary booths which I felt led to better quality. Some of the items were seriously good, but there were a few duds as well. I was at Mardi Gras in SWSD last weekend and the food from the temporary booths looked so unappealing that we didn’t try anything besides a drink. I’m their defense, it was a really hot day in San Diego and the samples they had on display looked like they had been sitting in the sun for a few hours. Their 7 Seas Food Festival is usually pretty good. Strangely enough, a lot of food locations didn’t have their soda fountains working. I kind of figured out which ones did and hit those for my souvenir bottle refills. We tried to take in a show but we showed up a few minutes late and the door to the theater was locked. Not sure if they don’t allow late arrivals or if the show had been cancelled. 


So I guess this was my intro to BGW since they were on limited operations for winter. I really liked the park and hope to get back soon for another visit plus a visit to Kings Dominion. Of the two coasters I did get to experience, I can’t say I preferred one over the other. Both were fairly new experiences to me. Actually kind of liked Steel Eel a little more than Apollo’s. Verbolten I would have liked a lot better if it wasn’t for the thumping I took between my legs. Might be one where I have to learn how to sit properly on. Sorry for the lack of pictures. As I mentioned, it was really cold and I kept my hands in my pockets most of the day. 

Forgot to mention, even with limited operations tickets were $94 at the door. Half that price if purchased online. 

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Winter has been tricky in Williamsburg this year. January was mostly frigid, but we've had some February days that felt more like spring (sunny skies and temps in the 70s). Sorry about your friend's back issues. The bridge between Italy and Germany has been closed since January (they're doing a lot of work on it), which makes it even tougher for people in wheelchairs and ECVs.

Back row is the best spot to ride Apollo's Chariot--lots of nice, if floaty, airtime.

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^^-- back row is also a lot warmer, front in the cold can make a hyper seem a lot longer than usual, merciless!  Note the ice cream shop has hot chocolate instead -- even now, but should be switching soon, that's faked me out both ways.

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10 hours ago, clippers6 said:

Verbolten was probably the longest line I waited in and it was probably 15 minutes. They left the quick queue line open and unmanned which resulted in a lot of people cutting.

Yeah, that was my same experience during Howl-O-Scream last October. My family and I actually paid for the quick queues so it was a little surprising to see that they didn't have the staff available to man it. That was the only ride or haunt where the quick queue line didn't have an attendant though.

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