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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: A Stroll Around Christmas Town

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I'm going to visit BGW on a Friday with a 10pm closing in the coming weeks. Do you guys have suggestions for the best night rides in the park? My immediate thoughts were Apollo's Chariot and Verbolten. Due to reduced park hours across the country, these will likely be my only "night rides" of the trip...so I'd like to make the most of them!

Also, does BGW close queues early?

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Most rides at this park are great in the dark, to be honest. Yes to Apollo and Verbolten but also Invadr and Alpengeist. The park is heavily wooded.

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Second Colonial Williamsburg it is really cool and if you go don't cheap out, buy the ticket that let's you go in to all the places, lots of cool stuff. IF you are REALLY a history buff the Jamestown site/museum, Yorktown battlefield and Museum of the American Revolution at Yorktown are all very cool........course I was a history teacher so that may just be me, lol.

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Ironically I even though we have been to BGW I came on here for my own question. Without boring everyone with all the details we unexpectedly ended up with BG/SW passes until April. We usually try to hit a park for Halloween and had never done CP at that time and it was next on our list, but since we always have CF passes and things have been kind of wonky there this year and we have the BG passes I thought maybe we should do BGW instead. I see on the schedule that they have some Wed and Thurs nights open, which we could do, so................:

Are most of the rides open during their haunt event? And does anyone know if it is different on those weeknights?

Anything specific to their Halloween event I should know?

Was gonna ask what the locals have been hearing about Pantheon but perhaps the survey mentioned previously answers that? 


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On 7/20/2021 at 7:32 PM, swfan1988 said:

Being the coaster dork that I am I filled out the survey

Only a fool wouldn't choose the $10 voucher and fireworks. 2023 will come soon enough for Pantheon.

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On 7/26/2021 at 1:47 PM, teacherkim said:

Ironically I even though we have been to BGW I came on here for my own question. Without boring everyone with all the details we unexpectedly ended up with BG/SW passes until April. We usually try to hit a park for Halloween and had never done CP at that time and it was next on our list, but since we always have CF passes and things have been kind of wonky there this year and we have the BG passes I thought maybe we should do BGW instead. I see on the schedule that they have some Wed and Thurs nights open, which we could do, so................:

Are most of the rides open during their haunt event? And does anyone know if it is different on those weeknights?

Anything specific to their Halloween event I should know?

Was gonna ask what the locals have been hearing about Pantheon but perhaps the survey mentioned previously answers that? 


Most rides should be open during Howl-o-Scream, with the exception of water rides (that's what they've done in the past, at least). Battle for Eire (simulator) and the Skyride haven't been open since 2019. 

I've heard nothing about Pantheon's status.

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10 hours ago, DBru said:

The sky ride was running on Friday! (7/30/21)

Hmm--I was there Friday evening and don't recall it operating (they have been training staff for it, though).

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Probably going to make my first-ever visit to BGW next week on Wednesday or Thursday. How busy should I expect the park to be? If I’m looking to ride all coasters and some flats once with a few rerides, would I need a Quick Queue (Unlimited) to do this? Any other tips for a first-timer?

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I'm headed to the park next weekend. We have three day passes and will be in Williamsburg Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night (August 12th, 13th, 14th).

We probably plan on going to the park on Friday and Saturday, and maybe Sunday morning before we leave. 

Quick Queue (it's $100 per person for unlimited right now which is hefty)?

Like VF15 above, any other tips and tricks?

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^^-- 3 days is a lot for a 8 coaster park. They've been crowded but if you don't expect to do much mid-afternoons, get to it at rope drop and work the late night, shouldn't really need QQ with that much time ... except for Saturday.  I'd suggest skipping Sat. entirely if it can work, they'll probably be out to the overflow lot.  Thursday would be ideal.

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3 hours ago, bill_s said:

^^-- 3 days is a lot for a 8 coaster park. They've been crowded but if you don't expect to do much mid-afternoons, get to it at rope drop and work the late night, shouldn't really need QQ with that much time ... except for Saturday.  I'd suggest skipping Sat. entirely if it can work, they'll probably be out to the overflow lot.  Thursday would be ideal.

Going to BGW only for the coasters is really something only an Enthusiast would do.

I could easily spend 3 whole days in BGW, doing the shows, looking at the animals, enjoying the grounds, shopping in the artisan shops over by Le Scoot/Invadr. And that's not including the handful of flats or the things like the riverboat excursion which is a lovely way to spend 20 minutes and can be done over and over.

there's a TON to do in that park that's not just the coasters.

(not to mention that Colonial Williamsburg is literally 10 minutes away from it and if interested in History, one can spend a full day + there as well).   And Water Country is close by too, if you got a ticket that includes it).

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^ That's a good suggestion and I did have in mind one might find some other things to do while "not doing much" but that's not you would need QQ for, unless you want to be able to throw strategy out the window. Crowds can affect everything though -- expect to wait a long time for food if you insist on eating near normal lunchtime on a crowded day with the current staffing.  Most of the show casts are back in masks too right now.

I can't tell  you if Colonial W is very affected by Saturday, but I'm certain the park is.

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Saturday will be the busiest of the three days, and Quick Queue would come in handy. Bier Fest is also going on that weekend, if you're into sampling local craft brews (some breweries will have reps to talk about their beer, too). 

I'm going over there myself for Bier Fest today. I'm curious about the status of the Sky Ride, too (they've been testing it and training a crew).

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Busch Gardens Williamsburg has released a ton of new details for this year's Howl-O-Scream!








Legend tells of the old Witch of the Woods, who descended upon the ancient village and wreaked havoc. Nobody alive has seen her, but if you’re brave enough to travel the woods at night, it’s said that you can hear her chanting and crying out to the skies. Those who give in to her control become her disciples, and those who don’t…inevitably meet the same fate. But this is only a story, right?





What say, Daddy-O? Word around town is that something landed in the forest right behind our favorite sock hop. Will you make it through your meal before becoming the flavor of tomorrow’s blue plate special?



An unearthly plague ravages the land. You cry out for help, and the nobility turns a deaf ear. You perish in the streets, and the nobility turns a blind eye. You are reborn, and the nobility is silent forevermore. Welcome to the gothic nightmare of Prospero, last heir to the House of Usher – inspired by the works of Edgar Allan Poe.




Will you submit to the new dystopian world order? You may not have a choice. 








In the wastelands, help is given to those who seek out the new utopia. The final bastion of hope lies with the new society who has scavenged together the last remnants of technology and power. Not all who seek shall find, but all who find shall join… or perish.

The entrance to Dystopia is located at the Escape from Pompeii queue, just past Italy and before Sesame Street® Forest of Fun™.

Special effects include strobe lighting and fog machines.




What lies within the mysterious billowing tents of Circo Sinistro? Find out if you dare. 







No one knows when or where the tents will rise, but all who see them are drawn to find out what lies inside. This haunted house is not of this world and not of this time. Beware! What you see, you soon will be.

The entrance to Circo Sinistro is located in the terror-tory Sideshow Square, just past The Trade Wind in Festa Italia.

Special effects include black and strobe lighting and fog machines.




This village, and all who travel through it, are cursed by an ancient magic. Dark magics flow freely in the Hollow, and nothing is ever going to be the same.

Hexed Hollow is located in Rhinefeld Village.



Fresh meat! The denizens of this devious dwelling are serving up delectable delicatessen and gorging on human hors d’oeuvres.

Meat Market is located in New France Village.




A ghastly transformation has taken place in the Gardens, where the graves of the deceased carry a dark secret, and grieving spirits wander freely. 

The Garden of the Souls is located in Italy.




Don’t wander the streets of Whitechapel after dark – you never know who you might run in to. Murder, mayhem and mistaken identities abound in the back alleys of this English town.

Ripper Row® is located in England.




Don't miss our four spirited productions that are said to be "worth dying for." Guests can enjoy showtimes throughout the day in indoor theatres and in Ireland village.




This isn’t your typical singing contest. Join the living audience as your favorite ghouls take on spooky hits, and the winner is put to vote. The more spirited the audience is, the more exciting the competition is.




These lively musicians and singers leaves nothing but bones on Il Teatro di San Marco located in San Marco Italy. Take a break from the scares with this spooky ensemble.





The popular disco dance celebration returns to Ireland village with pumpkins, scarecrows & Howl-O-Scream’s leading character, Jack. 



This modern rock and rhythm spectacular features Jack the Ripper like you’ve never seen him before. Electrifying percussion, dynamic dance and sensational singing return to Globe Theatre stage in a pulse-pounding revue. Monster Stomp on Ripper Row opens Oct 1.







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There's a video circulating of a huge brawl that took place on the 11th inside the Griffon Queue line. Don't know if links are allowed but you can find it if you search "Busch Gardens Williamsburg Fight". Really wild stuff

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^ yup. . there's a reason no one mentioned it here, even tho it happened a few days ago.

and I'll say here what I said online when someone posted it to Twitter - kudos to the guy who got the girls out of there.   He's the only one classy in that whole thing (which appears to have been started due to line jumping)

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Yes, "huge brawl" is an exaggeration here, but fights like this are very unusual at the Williamsburg park. In fact, I can't recall any other such incident there, but I might be mistaken.

Now that donnybrook at Mt. Olympus in the Wisconsin Dells a few years ago . . . that was more of a "brawl."

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7 minutes ago, bert425 said:

^ yup. . there's a reason no one mentioned it here, even tho it happened a few days ago.

and I'll say here what I said online when someone posted it to Twitter - kudos to the guy who got the girls out of there.   He's the only one classy in that whole thing (which appears to have been started due to line jumping)

Agreed. Thought the whole thing was sad and pathetic and a shame that those 2 girls had to deal with that situation and most likely have to deal with it on a normal basis growing up. 

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Just watched this and what a farce, grown adults just beating on each other. I work in corrections and even this was bad. The one woman was essentially being beaten by one and held down by another. If they catch them im sure some assault charges will be filed. Im suprised none of the employees stepped in, just goes to show how rude and obnoxious people have become lately. It's like all the nonsense with people on planes and causing issues.

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