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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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Fast Lane at KI only would be worth it on Sat. Weekdays in June your longest wait probably would be Firehawk at about 45 minutes. Flight of Fear would be a close second and everything else should be 30 minutes or less. Also usually early in the season Racer only runs one side until noon or so so don't wait in line because once they open the second side it usually is a walk on.

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Kings Island can get pretty busy on Friday's in June. Our friends that go about once a week were mentioning that Friday's can sometimes be worse than Saturdays. We ended getting Fast Lane for Friday and it paid off. Diamondback had hour long waits that day and The Beast had pretty long lines.



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I might have missed some speculation, but do people think the new Banshee coaster will be a B&M inverted, Giga, or a RMC masterpiece? Or something else?

I think most of your speculations match our rumors!

Hoping for a RMC, or launch coaster

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^As for me, I'm hoping it's an I-beam coaster that has a wicked layout.


"Iron Beast, Iron Beast, Iron Beast . . ."


Whatever it is, I want three things from it: To be something that will force me to renew my Cedar Fair Platinum Pass , to be something new for me to experience, and for number three . . . I want something that I'll take one look at and . . . wet my pants.


Thank goodness I wear my swimming trucks as shorts whenever I visit an amusement park.


I'm not perfect; I just love to ride!!!

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^I am totally feeling the Iron Beast man! I want it to be either that, or a custom B&M Invert that breaks records (longest, tallest, fastest invert)! The suspense is killing me! lol

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Yes, Firehawk and Flight of Fear can at times have the longest lines in the park. Beast's wait can get quite lengthy, followed by Diamondback. However, when Diamondback's queue is full to the sign, it is 45 minutes to the station. Vortex can get a pretty lengthy wait was well, but it and Diamondback are both people eaters. Windseeker's full queue is only 3 - 4 full cycles.


Sundays through Thursdays are typically the best for getting multiple rides.


I usually visit twice a week. Last Sunday of the season is usually DEAD.


I warn you. KI is also day care. Parents drop their brats off then go to work, or where ever. They are rude, cuss like sailors, and line jump.

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My gut says it will likely be a B&M Giga or Winged since Cedar likes to feature the same attractions at their different parks (though using different brands a little more frequently than Six Flags). What would probably be the most useful B&M to add would be a Dive Coaster as this would be new for Cedar and would give people whom are visiting Cedar Point a completely different experience to justify including Kings Island in their trip.


They seem to be in a B&M streak currently so i doubt it will be an Intamin (unfortunately).


As much as I would like them to try to redo Son of Beast this time with a better layout, with a better manufacturer (RMC, GG, GCI, etc.), and different name as they redid the Bat with the Top Gun/Flight Deck, my gut says they probably want to let the memory of Son of Beast fade before trying something like that again.

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My gut says it will likely be a B&M Giga or Winged since Cedar likes to feature the same attractions at their different parks (though using different brands a little more frequently than Six Flags). What would probably be the most useful B&M to add would be a Dive Coaster as this would be new for Cedar and would give people whom are visiting Cedar Point a completely different experience to justify including Kings Island in their trip.


They seem to be in a B&M streak currently so i doubt it will be an Intamin (unfortunately).


Matt Ouimet was quoted as saying during the GateKeeper press day something along the lines of "we have given B&M another job." However, in another interview that day he was also quoted as saying something like "we do not have another Wing Coaster on the drawing boards." So take from that what you will....


Personally, I'd like to see an Intamin, to mix it up a bit. The Mega-Lites all look like great coasters. As are Maverick and I305 and some of the more recent Intamins'. I'd rather not KI just get a larger Diamondback, and I think Intamin can provide something totally different. But that's just my hope, and only time will tell.

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IF the inverted B&M rumor comes to truth, I hope it does not sound as awful as Raptor in the station.


Raptor is the worst B&M inverted in terms of SOUNDING like it is falling apart.


Montu, Alpie, Talon, Patriot, 4 Batman clones withing 7 hours of Cincinnati, Dragon Challenge, do not make that loud banging sound that Raptor makes entering and leaving the station.


After riding all 3 wing coasters in the US, the only one that clicks is Gatekeeper. I thought it was the chain dogs and anti roll back devices, but it was the wheels clicking. Chain dogs and anti roll backs have a completely different sound.


KI has had pretty decent success and reliability with Diamondback, I hope they put in a B&M giga.

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I was bored Friday and decided to ride the two kids coasters. I've not ridden the Beastie since I was 7. The first two hills are intense! I was very surprised, pretty extreme for a child for sure. I also rode the Vekoma Suspended snoopy coaster. It reminded of Raptor less all the inversions. It was pretty rough and hurt my head. I'm sure it way rough for a child....but it's Vekoma so.....

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I was there saturday, and I noticed a few steaks going into the ravine where Son of Beast was as well as a couple going toward Adventure Express. If they do build that direction, I hope they don't remove a lot of the trees around AE since they add a lot to the jungle theme.

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