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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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  Vonni said:
Its odd how track construction just came to a hault after such speedy progress.



It also has gotten damn cold in OH recently, dropped to low 30's/HIgh 20's in the past week. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

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  Vonni said:
Its odd how track construction just came to a hault after such speedy progress.


Considering Thanksgiving is nearly upon us, and crappy weather is predicted, I don't think this is "odd."

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I think you guys over analyze the construction. These people do this for a living and know what they are doing. I would think they have a schedule for everything. I would bet they have a timeline with every day spelled out. Of course there is wiggle room for complications but I don't think weather(at least cold weather) would change the schedule.(high winds maybe) If you noticed they pulled the big crane down a week ago. I think this could be a built in break that would of been a catch up time if anything slowed progress down. Don already said the track will be completed in January so they have some kind of timeline. Just my over analyzing of construction.

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  dropzonefan said:
Only been on Vortex at Canada's Wonderland, which is the ride FD's cloned from. It was intense enough, but a lot rough met than I expected, with even more head banging than the SLC they have. I'd imagine FD/the bat would be the same, with all the other suspended coasters still in operation looking quite tame.


I've had very little head banging with Vortex, its an amazing coaster in my opinion. I would expect Flight Deck (KI) to be similar.

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  loop-de-loop said:
  dropzonefan said:
Only been on Vortex at Canada's Wonderland, which is the ride FD's cloned from. It was intense enough, but a lot rough met than I expected, with even more head banging than the SLC they have. I'd imagine FD/the bat would be the same, with all the other suspended coasters still in operation looking quite tame.


I've had very little head banging with Vortex, its an amazing coaster in my opinion. I would expect Flight Deck (KI) to be similar.


KI's version is smoother than Vortex at Wonderland.


There is no head banging on The Bat at Kings Island.

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Stayed at Great Wolf on Monday with the family and saw The Bat in person. Must say that it is going to look amazing when it's finished. Just hope they do some theming in the station also to tie everything together. And, on my Christmas Wish list would be for themed cars (think old Bat cars) for it also.


(credit to KI Fansite, http://kifansite.com/2013/02/the-bat-revisited/bat1-3/)

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Hey everyone! I'll be raising money for Banshee "Scream for a kid again" event. The previous event for Diamondback in 2009 yielded over $107,000. Money will be used to enrich the lives of children with life-threatening illnesses and their families by providing healing times of respite through fun-filled group activities and destination events. I set a goal of $500 but hope to raise much more.

Feel free to hop onto my page and give a little something for the kids!



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