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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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I LOVE that more and more parks are opening their doors for the winter holiday season. I agree that Hershey opening yet another coaster is a way to stay relevant within the amusement park world.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather. April thru October is plenty. People need to diversify their hobbies.

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^ I don't do any of that stuff. I stay nice and warm inside my apartment.

Thanks! People like you are the reason I can ride coasters in December with no lines. Really appreciate it.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather


Like shovel, dodge massive potholes, sit around wishing it wasn't winter, drive to work when it's dark, drive home when it's dark even though it's only 5:00 and eventually get so sick of winter's bullsh*t that you buy plane tickets to Florida so you can get away from the snow? That's what 90% of people do in the winter. Winter sucks hard. Occasionally we'll go skiing so we can try to embrace winter and pretend it doesn't suck but overall it sucks and we all know it sucks. Being able to ride Nitro makes it suck less. F*ck winter.


Thank god theme parks are expanding their holiday events. It's great.

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^ I don't do any of that stuff. I stay nice and warm inside my apartment.

Thanks! People like you are the reason I can ride coasters in December with no lines. Really appreciate it.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather


Like shovel, dodge massive potholes, sit around wishing it wasn't winter, drive to work when it's dark, drive home when it's dark even though it's only 5:00 and eventually get so sick of winter's bullsh*t that you buy plane tickets to Florida so you can get away from the snow? That's what 90% of people do in the winter. Winter sucks hard. Occasionally we'll go skiing so we can try to embrace winter and pretend it doesn't suck but overall it sucks and we all know it sucks. Being able to ride Nitro makes it suck less. F*ck winter.


Thank god theme parks are expanding their holiday events. It's great.



Not being a Winter Sports guy (or a Winter guy in general), I'm all about the concept of riding coasters in the Winter! I've never done it, and no parks nearby really run any of those promotions. But I like the concept!

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I LOVE that more and more parks are opening their doors for the winter holiday season. I agree that Hershey opening yet another coaster is a way to stay relevant within the amusement park world.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather. April thru October is plenty. People need to diversify their hobbies.


Well for some of us coasters/amusement parks are our greatest passion - we live and breath them. I think a lot of people here can agree with me on that. So, we are going to look for every opportunity to go to them. I am confused why you are a member of a amusement park/roller coaster enthusiast forum if you do not feel that same way?


To say people need to diversify their hobbies is jumping to some pretty high conclusions. I for one have many passions/hobbies. Luckily, they all can fit together nicely. Also, I HATE winter and the cold so there is not much that I enjoy doing when its cold out. However, if an amusement park is going to open its gates for me in the winter and it happens to be a nice day (we have 60 degree days here during the winter) I am going, especially if its Hershey or a Six Flags since I carry a yearly season pass to them.

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^ I don't do any of that stuff. I stay nice and warm inside my apartment.

Thanks! People like you are the reason I can ride coasters in December with no lines. Really appreciate it.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather


Like shovel, dodge massive potholes, sit around wishing it wasn't winter, drive to work when it's dark, drive home when it's dark even though it's only 5:00 and eventually get so sick of winter's bullsh*t that you buy plane tickets to Florida so you can get away from the snow? That's what 90% of people do in the winter. Winter sucks hard. Occasionally we'll go skiing so we can try to embrace winter and pretend it doesn't suck but overall it sucks and we all know it sucks. Being able to ride Nitro makes it suck less. F*ck winter.


Thank god theme parks are expanding their holiday events. It's great.


Couldn't agree more - it just seems like summer flew by this year too. I am not looking forward to another winter yet, so I am hoping that the fall will be nice - and I will be able to get to at least one fall or winter theme park event!

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I LOVE that more and more parks are opening their doors for the winter holiday season. I agree that Hershey opening yet another coaster is a way to stay relevant within the amusement park world.



There is more to do in the winter than ride coasters in 20 degree weather. April thru October is plenty. People need to diversify their hobbies.


I actually prefer riding coasters in 30 degree weather than 95 degree weather in the summers. I actually don't go to parks very often, if at all in July or August. It's normally too crowded and too hot for me.

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Well here's my video blog from a visit to a fantastic amusement park over the summer. This park has never ceased to amaze me with all its great rides and overall atmosphere.


Nice video. I f**king love this park. If the stars align I'll be back next month!

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^ That's what gloves are for!




I think its hilarious that so many enthusiasts scoff at the idea of riding coasters in the cold, yet people do all sorts of activities outside in the cold in winter months - skiing, snowboarding, sledding, etc. Just bundle up, its fun!!


Actually I have a medical condition that makes me more sensitive to the cold than the average person. You guys can have my place in line from October through April. Even with a snowboard jacket, gloves, hat, abbr scarf I wouldn't be able to do it.

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I personally dislike riding coasters in freezing weather. Many coasters run noticeably slower in the cold. I hate anything that slows down my coaster experience.


Oh, I don't actually care too much about the temperature. As long as there are rides open, I'm on them! (I have experienced SFMM with temperatures in the low forties. I would take low thirties as long as I had a good quality jacket).

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Well here's my video blog from a visit to a fantastic amusement park over the summer. This park has never ceased to amaze me with all its great rides and overall atmosphere.





I always enjoy watching your vlogs, especially when I can get a feel for a park I haven't yet visited. Thanks for posting.

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Hopefully the park considers opening those days to pass holders maybe in upcoming seasons since those are usually buyout days. I like how they are trying it on September 30th this year, the park is closed to the public but pass holders can attend as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me what crowds are like during Christmas Candyland? were thinking of going the first weekend its open, I've never done a park outside of Disney at Christmas Time. I've also been to Hershey plenty of times during the summer, so I was just wondering what the comparison is too that.

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Can anyone tell me what crowds are like during Christmas Candyland? were thinking of going the first weekend its open, I've never done a park outside of Disney at Christmas Time. I've also been to Hershey plenty of times during the summer, so I was just wondering what the comparison is too that.


It probably depends a lot on weather. We stopped by for a few hours last year on a random Sunday in December when it was unseasonably warm out and ended up waiting 45 minutes for Looper. Laff Trakk was well over an hour.

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Can anyone tell me what crowds are like during Christmas Candyland? were thinking of going the first weekend its open, I've never done a park outside of Disney at Christmas Time. I've also been to Hershey plenty of times during the summer, so I was just wondering what the comparison is too that.


It can be very crowded. Now that they are opening more and more rides for the holiday event I would expect there to be more and more people. Especially since the past few winters have been unseasonably more warmer.

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Well here's my video blog from a visit to a fantastic amusement park over the summer. This park has never ceased to amaze me with all its great rides and overall atmosphere.




I always enjoy your park videos and I appreciate the perspective you provide. Really want to get to Hersheypark one of these days, and this gives a nice taste of what a day there is like. Thanks!

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Can anyone tell me what crowds are like during Christmas Candyland? were thinking of going the first weekend its open, I've never done a park outside of Disney at Christmas Time. I've also been to Hershey plenty of times during the summer, so I was just wondering what the comparison is too that.


Everyone else said it would be crowded but I had the exact opposite experience. Granted, it was also in the mid-30 degrees on my visit. Everything that was advertised to be open WAS open, though! Those icy rides on Wildcat will stick with me for a while! We had a great time and blew through everything they had to offer in a little over three hours. Make sure you take full advantage of the hot chocolate mug deal! Last year it was something like $10 or $11 to buy the souvenir mug/thermos and refills were free all night. We bought one to share and refilled that bad boy at least nine times! Hershey's hot chocolate is also the best damn hot chocolate I've had, so go wild!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Locals/regulars: Best place in the park to find magnets (like fridge magnets)? Do they have any for any of the Intamins? lol. Thanks in advance.

Hersheypark Outfitters and Hershey Souvenirs and Gifts at the front of the park right as you go in. The first one has Hershey Triple Tower magnets and some other random ones. The second one I think had a Skyrush magnet.

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