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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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My only beef with Hershey has been their stupid skip-the-line program... until now! This is so great. A little pricey yes, but comparative to CP not to mention any kind of fastpass should be a bit of a luxury imo. If its cheap, everyone can afford it and then its pointless. When I travel beyond my local parks I always budget for it so I'll now be prepared to plunk down the cash if necessary next time I'm at the sweetest place on earth. I'm so stoked about this.

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Wait, that's $110 on top of the admission price?


Maybe this is just the "needs vs wants" unpopular-opinion young person in me, but that seems a little steep. How many hours would that save in a day, anyway?

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It'll be interesting to ride those coasters with new restraints this summer even though I had no complaints about the old ones. Also very happy about the new fast track as I wish I had been able to ride their awesome coasters like storm runner and skyrush a bit more. It might not be the cheapest but compared to the standard "skip the line once" option its way better.

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Wait, that's $110 on top of the admission price?


Maybe this is just the "needs vs wants" unpopular-opinion young person in me, but that seems a little steep. How many hours would that save in a day, anyway?


Cedar Point charges a similar price, no? Would we want it cheaper where its affordable for more people therefore making the fast lane lines long and the standby wait even longer?


IMO fast pass should always be a bit exclusive since as we've seen with Six Flags parks they give the things away and everyone loses.


Not to mention Hershey is still offering a cheaper one-time skip pass so there's that option for folks who can't afford the unlimited.

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When I went, there was a very friendly storm that conveniently rained lightly in the morning and cleared up by the early evening, so I got to ride everything several times. If you don't have weather control powers like I do, and still want that sort of day, then get Fast Track!

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With how crowded the park can get even during the spring and fall, this seems like a good option for someone visiting once a year or less who wants to get a lot of rides in. As a pass holder, I wouldn't bother with it since I try to only visit on days when lines are short.


The only issue is with more people probably using the system, I think they need to control the merge points better and let less people in line past the merge points. I was at the park on a Sunday in October and although I didn't see anyone using Fast Track, if someone were to use it, it still would have been around a 25 minute wait because the line was all the way to the bottom of the stairs and 1 train was running and Fast Track would have saved maybe 5 minutes and would make it difficult to marathon the coaster. It would be better to leave the stairs empty and leave most of the line in the switchbacks so it's only a 3 - 4 train wait for Fast Track. At Comet, over multiple visits I noticed it depending on the person at the bottom of the ramp if they let the ramp fill up or tried to keep the ramp so Fast Track users could walk right into the station. Most let the ramp fill up. Wildcat is another bad one, the merge point is at the "30 minute wait from here" sign.

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Wait, that's $110 on top of the admission price?


Maybe this is just the "needs vs wants" unpopular-opinion young person in me, but that seems a little steep. How many hours would that save in a day, anyway?


Cedar Point charges a similar price, no? Would we want it cheaper where its affordable for more people therefore making the fast lane lines long and the standby wait even longer?


I paid maybe $70 for FL+ at CP in 2016. Which I found incredibly fair at a park with unlimited amazing coasters (and long lines)


$110 seems awfully steep for a park like Hershey. From my experience, only a few coasters had long lines (Fahrenheit, spinner in a box, kinda Storm Runner?). Maybe I've just been lucky? Hershey admission is already on the higher end to begin with. That being said, if I only had one day and I could never return to Hershey, then I might consider it.

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Granted it was Memorial Day weekend and the place was rammed but we paid around $110 per person per day for Fast Lane Plus @ CP (yes we spent like $800 on fast lane). I dunno, I feel like as long as they still offer the cheaper one-time skip option then they're justified in charging a lot for unlimited. I'd rather they do that to ensure its not as accessible and not abused. As has been pointed out, its great for someone making a one-time visit but even for me who lives 2 hours away Im just happy to know its an option.


Let's also keep in mind this is brand new - maybe they will consider lowering the cost later this year/next year if it doesn't sell at the $110 price point.

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Wait, that's $110 on top of the admission price?


Maybe this is just the "needs vs wants" unpopular-opinion young person in me, but that seems a little steep. How many hours would that save in a day, anyway?


Cedar Point charges a similar price, no? Would we want it cheaper where its affordable for more people therefore making the fast lane lines long and the standby wait even longer?


I paid maybe $70 for FL+ at CP in 2016. Which I found incredibly fair at a park with unlimited amazing coasters (and long lines)


$110 seems awfully steep for a park like Hershey. From my experience, only a few coasters had long lines (Fahrenheit, spinner in a box, kinda Storm Runner?). Maybe I've just been lucky? Hershey admission is already on the higher end to begin with. That being said, if I only had one day and I could never return to Hershey, then I might consider it.


Cedar Point (and other CF parks, I believe) vary the price of FL/FL+ by what month/day it is. Saturday in July? You'll be paying over $100 for FL+.

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No freaking joke.


Hersheypark's system was always the worst. So glad they've gotten with the program, like Kennywood (which, yes, used to be similar, but ultimately had several points in its favor over Hershey).


Only downers from where I sit (no pun intended): the seating assignments, if they continue, and, as mentioned above, the merge points. Even though I'm strongly opposed to limiting choices for line-skippers, I'd even settle for "any seat except front [or back]," as opposed to having a middle row blocked off.

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^Excellent! That was probably what grated me the most--I'm not a fan of being kept to a schedule, but I can work with it if needed. Being relegated to what some people (including non-enthusiasts) would consider a "worse" ride experience always rubbed me the wrong way.

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I paid maybe $70 for FL+ at CP in 2016. Which I found incredibly fair at a park with unlimited amazing coasters (and long lines)


$110 seems awfully steep for a park like Hershey.


Don't forget that Fastlane at Cedar Point is not a "front of the line pass". On Maverick you can easily wait 45 minutes and generally wait about 15 with Fastlane. On Millennium Force, Magnum, Dragster and others you're waiting at least 20 (assuming of course that you don't want the front). At Hershey you pretty much get dumped into the station (usually up the exit path) and board the next available train with seats reserved specifically for people using the pass.


Obviously if they sell a lot of these the experience might be diminished but if they keep the price point where it is and the experience stays about the same then you're arguably getting a better product at Hershey (although you can't always pick your seat which is unfortunate).

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I paid maybe $70 for FL+ at CP in 2016. Which I found incredibly fair at a park with unlimited amazing coasters (and long lines)


$110 seems awfully steep for a park like Hershey.


Don't forget that Fastlane at Cedar Point is not a "front of the line pass". On Maverick you can easily wait 45 minutes and generally wait about 15 with Fastlane. On Millennium Force, Magnum, Dragster and others you're waiting at least 20 (assuming of course that you don't want the front). At Hershey you pretty much get dumped into the station (usually up the exit path) and board the next available train with seats reserved specifically for people using the pass.


Obviously if they sell a lot of these the experience might be diminished but if they keep the price point where it is and the experience stays about the same then you're arguably getting a better product at Hershey (although you can't always pick your seat which is unfortunate).


Yoshifan just pointed out that old system changed. There's merge points just like CP now.


And still, I like the merge points better because I can wait for a back/front row ride for hardly any time instead of always taking row 5 or whatever.

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^Oh man, it's just dawning on me that merge points would not be compatible with the "reserved" seats. Did not catch that when complaining/expressing concerns about both things, haha. I do like waiting in the station, so I know I'll have free (and guilt-free) seat choice, and won't mess up grouping for others.

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These are the merge points I remember

Comet, ramp to the station

sooperdooperlooper, bottom of the stairs

Skyrush, bottom of stairs?

Great Bear, right outside the station

Trailblazer, exit with rows blocked off

Storm Runner, bottom of the stairs

Sidewinder, right outside the station

Fahrenheit, either the top or bottom of the steps

Wild Mouse, ramp to the station

Lightning Racer, in the middle of the ramp to the station, maybe 15 feet from the loading area

Wildcat, end of the switchbacks before the ramp

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$110? . . . That's it? . . . I laugh at this!


But seriously, I think it's a great thing! I've paid more for a Platinum Flash Pass at Magic Mountain ($145 if I remember correctly), and I did it why: FOR CONVENIENCE!


I understand that some people complain about the price. Others complain that this service is towards the "rich." In my honest opinion, I love it! True, I'm single . . . True, I don't have any kids . . . BUT . . . I'm not wealthy either. I have to work a job just like everyone else do. I keep my bills at a minimum, and I'm 27 with no debt! My hobby: I LOVE THEME PARKS! So, I save up the extra funds to purchase whatever Flash Pass, Fast Track, or whatever to get on the rides soon as I can. The keyword is "SAVE!"


Don't get me wrong, I will wait in line if need be, but if I'm able to skip a long line, then yes, I'm paying for it. I've gotten mean looks, and some people even said smart remarks as I walk by, but at the end of the day YOU have the same opportunity just like I did to save up the extra funds. With a great coaster lineup that Hersheypark has, who wouldn't pay for it!

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As someone who was a semi-local to Hersheypark for twenty-five years, I wouldn't.


When I lived in Pennsylvania, I would go to Hersheypark maybe once a year. I never went in with the expectation that I would've been able to ride every coaster, including Skyrush, during my visit - and I have never had a single visit to Hersheypark, even on the busiest weekends, where I have left unsatisfied about the rides I got to go on. Even now, when I'm on the complete opposite side of the country, I still wouldn't go for the Fast Track pass if I were to visit Hersheypark when I fly home every few years.


However, I do concede that this is a great thing for singles, couples and families that make Hersheypark their vacation destination once every few years (like yourself). It will mean that their visit will be as hassle-free as possible - and that's great! When you have a great experience, you come back, and that's what they want.

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See? I am glad Hersheypark is charging 110 $ for this unlimited option. As someone has already mentioned, they are still keeping their old skip-the-line programme which allows you to skip the line once for a smaller fee, so no it's that big of a problem.


These passes are a premium service. Making them available to just about every visitor defeats the purpose of having fewer people using them. Maybe it's not an option for locals, but for international visitors I am sure it will be extremely popular. Heck, I'd gladly pay for it if I had not been to Hershey before. I just pray they apply a fair ration at the merge point (if all parks applied Disney's FP ratio it would be a blessing!).

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