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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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Hershey is claiming this as their 14th coaster. Come on this is not a real coaster and should not be in your coaster count. Don't pull the equivalent of SF calling superloops coasters.


Can we not start with this? No one cares about this except whiny enthusiasts.


Don't call a water slide a coaster and there is no discussion.


It's a water coaster, not a water slide.


A so called water coaster is just a water slide that you sit in a tube. Using the logic that these are coasters than flumes are coasters too. But, nobody calls flumes coasters b/c they aren't.


Why do you care that much about what other people call a coaster? Seriously it's not that big of a deal to get that butt hurt over someone else's opinion. Maybe you should look into another hobby if you are getting this anal over what you consider a coaster or not one.

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These are great additions for Hershey, they certainly needed more slides in the waterpark. On our visit two years ago, we only spent a half day at the waterpark because the slide lines were ridiculously long. The mat racer looks like a lot of fun and should have really good capacity. And I am very happy to see more of these hydromagnetic water coasters being built. I've ridden two this summer (RiverRush at Dollywood and Krakatau at Volcano Bay) and thought they were both fantastic rides. Looks like I am going to have to plan another trip out to Hersheypark!

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because I have NO faith in humanity. . .


I give it less than 1 day, until someone sits up and smacks the crap out of their head (or clotheslines themselves) on the 2nd set of Tunnels on the Mat Racer.


so expect either a fully enclosed Mat Racer, or a fully exposed one, within 4 months of the opening.

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LIM's on a water coaster?? HOW?!

Proslide has been using LIMs on their water coasters since they built Deluge at Kentucky Kingdom back in 2007.


I give it less than 1 day, until someone sits up and smacks the crap out of their head (or clotheslines themselves) on the 2nd set of Tunnels on the Mat Racer.


I mean there are literally thousands of water slides around the world that go back and forth from tunneled sections to no tunneled sections. Has that really happened yet?

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Not to mention I'd imagine the tunnels are designed with enough clearance that if someone sat up they still wouldn't hit their head.


some idiot will find a way to stand up.


you watch.


(as i said, no faith in Humanity)

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Based on the renderings, the only thing that seems to be getting removed is the Shoreline Sprayground complex, which isn't a big loss comparatively speaking. Bring on the park's 14th coaster!!


If you look at the background of the concept art that shows a close up of one of the flying saucer turns, it looks like they actually managed to keep Shoreline Sprayground as well.


In my opinion the water coaster is the perfect addition and the mat racer is just icing on the cake. The water park really needed to add capacity and this will certainly do that, and in probably the best way possible. Hershey has gotta be one of the best value parks in the country when you consider you get access to one of the best ride lineups in the world, what is now a really good looking waterpark, a nice little zoo, the free nighttime preview, and Chocolate World.


And to think they haven't even begun to expand into the golf course they now own....

Edited by prospekt88
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Great additions. But what is the point of the saucer things? The raft doesn't circle around it or anything.


I've never ridden one but I imagine having the one side completely open air with no wall adds a little bit of an extra thrill, especially in this ride's case because it will be right over the midway.

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Based on the renderings, the only thing that seems to be getting removed is the Shoreline Sprayground complex, which isn't a big loss comparatively speaking. Bring on the park's 14th coaster!!


If you look at the background of the concept art that shows a close up of one of the flying saucer turns, it looks like they actually managed to keep Shoreline Sprayground as well.


Good catch, didn't even see that. Awesome!

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I'm happy that they are adding more slides since they never really thought things thru with their water park idea. The water park has always suffered from horrendous lines, even worse than typical water park lines it seemed. I love water park rides but I hate their low ride capacity and waiting in line more than riding. One good thing is it will draw even more people into the water park from the coasters and rides meaning less waiting for them.


It's too bad Hershey just didn't build a separate gate water park since it's so popular people would most likely have paid for it. Now all they really lack in the water park is a big family raft slide, and probably some speed slides too.

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I rode the new one at Fiesta Texas back in July. These new water coasters are such an update to the typical water coaster. There was no feeling like you were not going to make it over the hill. Also the saucer parts give it a awesome feeling.


I am more impressed with the racers. They look awesome!

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Great additions. But what is the point of the saucer things? The raft doesn't circle around it or anything.
Yeah, I don't get it either. Even the POV just makes it feel like a turn. Why the huge saucer spectacle if none of the saucer is even being used? *shrug*


Anyway, certainly great additions, and the racer looks like a ton of fun too.

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Major props to Hershey for such awesome additions. A water "coaster" (if it ain't on RCDB, it doesn't count, imo, lol) and a record breaking mat slide is amazing. What makes it more amazing it is they are not removing any major attractions.


Hershey always does such a great job in using and repurposing spaces in the park! I have never been a water park guy but this addition has me intrigued. Alot of parks are bringing their A game for 2018.

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s. A water "coaster" (if it ain't on RCDB, it doesn't count, imo, lol)

Now, come now. Who are you to gainsay Milton Hershey, Milton Hershey, the amazing chocolatier? If Mr. Hershey wills it to be a water coaster, then a water coaster 'tis. Now good day, sir. I said good day.

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These both look awesome! Great additions. No one will miss Tidal Force once they see this.

You are saying this about the people that to this day complain about the condor ride being removed and the rapids ride being removed a couple years ago. And did you see that one guy in the comments that was upset because Hersheypark removed a little scene from the train ride? The people of Hershey never forgive and never forget.

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Both these rides are made by ProSlide, and the one is marketed is a Water Coaster.... so it is a coaster. Hard to not to call it one. Now if they called it a roller coaster on the other hand, there would be some problems. I think complaining about it being their 14th coaster is just splitting hairs.


These should hopefully bring additional capacity to the boardwalk and cut down on some of the wait times for their other water slides.

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