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About GnastyGnoric7

  • Birthday 07/27/1994

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  • Location
    Harrisburg, PA
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  1. Ugh, this again. I witnessed someone go into an off-limits area on Project 305 to look for something they lost, and us on the train and in the station booed her good. They are off limits for a reason.
  2. Word of warning. This wasn't just me that experienced this. Carowinds staff seems to start clearing out locker areas at closing time sharp. I was in line for Fury 325 and closing time came. I got off at 7 after and my belongings were not there. I had to go to customer service, then to lost and found, and thank God my belongings were there. Some others said that they couldn't go to the lockers after closing time, and they too had to do what I did.
  3. As long as Top Thrill 2 pulls people away from Maverick, Steel Vengeance, and Raptor, I really don't care about the stats.
  4. From Hersheypark's Facebook page, Wildcat's Revenge is set to reopen today. As for my opinion on the coaster. I prefer Wildcat's Revenge over Steel Vengeance. While Steel Vengeance has the length, Wildcat's Revenge is an aggressive ride, making the most of its ride time. Plus the 3 train system is a welcome sight.
  5. This will be a substantial year for me. I will be visiting, Hersheypark, Kennywood, Kings Island, Six Flags Over Texas, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, Cedar Point, Knoebels, Lake Compounce, Six Flags New England, and Six Flags Great Adventure.
  6. I am so happy to do this event again. I am doing this at Kennywood. This is my 4th year Link to my page http://support.gktw.org/site/TR/CoastingForKids/General?px=1122087&pg=personal&fr_id=1886
  7. I am coming to Busch Gardens on Sunday, June 16th. I am a newbie to this park, but I already know to go to Tempesto first. Any other tips would be greatly obliged, such as Quick Queue, and food options.
  8. I just joined Team TPR at Kennywood. This will be my 4th year doing this event, and it is always exciting to do. Here's my page https://support.gktw.org/pc2_upgrade_11122018/dashboard.html?pc2_page=center&fr_id=1886
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