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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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It seems that Cedar Fair parks' FL+ usually has the best, if not all, coasters on the list. Would it be a safe assumption that Copperhead Strike will be on FL+?


I just noticed a 'Scheduled Ride Closures' option under the Explore tab on the Carowinds website. There are currently none listed, but I don't remember seeing that option before.

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^Yes, the parks that have the FL+ option usually keep the newest attractions on that. As well as some of the lower capacity attractions (Electro-spin at Carowinds is a FL+ ride).


For example, CP has their 3 newest from the ground up coasters on FL+ as of 2018. Gatekeeper, Valravn and Steel Vengeance.


You can plan on Copperhead Strike to be on FL+ as well as Fury 325 staying on there for 2019.

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  hoppedup said:
It seems that Cedar Fair parks' FL+ usually has the best, if not all, coasters on the list. Would it be a safe assumption that Copperhead Strike will be on FL+?


I just noticed a 'Scheduled Ride Closures' option under the Explore tab on the Carowinds website. There are currently none listed, but I don't remember seeing that option before.


The only way Copperhead would be off would be if for some reason it was only at one train operations early on in the season.

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Looks like they took down the ERT calendar and posted this in its place:


* Exclusive Ride Time for Copperhead Strike and select Camp Snoopy attractions begins 30 minutes prior to park opening. Carolina Harbor Early Entry begins 30 minutes prior to the scheduled opening of the waterpark. Waterpark attractions will open at the scheduled waterpark open time.


Sa-weet! Would be nice if they had more than one coaster on ERT, but I'll take it.



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So there's a bunch of hotels right around the park. Which is the best and why? (Psst: I'm a Wyndham and Choice rewards member) Also, I can only assume Uber from the airport is fairly simple and straightforward, is it equally easy to get one near the park/hotels back to the airport? It is possible to walk from the hotels to the park w/o an issue? I don't know the area at all.

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Yeah, it seems like they basically have the entire Choice lineup right there plus a Best Western and a Motel 6. Comfort Inn is best for walking since there are no sidewalks or crosswalks and it's a busy street. it's also probably the best hotel except for maybe the Best Western since Comfort Inn (and/or Suites) is basically always the best common Choice brand and the only other competition is... well... a Motel 6.


It's also only 10k points a night on some spring weekends, I'm not sure how many you have but I'd imagine you'd be above that with all of our Virginia bullsh*t.

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The Comfort Inn at the Park is nice and you don't have to cross Carowinds Blvd. on foot. There is a Clarion, Quality, and Sleep Inn on the other side of Carowinds Blvd., so you have a broad selection of Choice hotels really close. If the south gate is open it would be a shorter walk from any of these.


It looks to be 0.6 miles as the crow flies from Comfort Inn to the main entry plaza. And .33 miles to the south entrance.

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Carowinds has taken to Twitter to release several new photos of the construction work around Copperhead Strike!




Coiled up and [almost] ready to strike!



"We build barns." Miami River Lumber Co.



A striking model.



Return of the Mack.


Mack Rides built Ricochet at Carowinds in 2002.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Today Carowinds invited the media out to get a look at the progress of their newest addition, Copperhead Strike, and the development of their (new again) themed area "Blue Ridge Junction" and I went on behalf of TPR. A few years back Cedar Fair decided to start pumping investments into Carowinds, as the park is in a viable market that they can take advantage of. Over the past few years the park has grown. From installing the award winning Fury 325, vastly expanding the water park to adding 8 flat rides over the course of 2 years, Cedar fair is proving how committed they are to making Carowinds a flagship park.


Another sign of that commitment is Copperhead Strike! Let's get to some tidbits shall we . . .


- As far as thematic elements, the entire area will be playing up on the farm theme.


- We will be seeing veggies (especially corn ) growing throughout the area as well as. . . Copperheads!


- Granny's jam factory will have a presence in the area but the team haven't made the decision on everything as far as speciality items (food, souvenirs).


- There will be a small show scene inside the barn. For those of you who are familiar with the area, the park installed a much improved version of their ladder climb game in 2017. Well, they purposely placed it in it's location (directly in front of the barn) so you couldn't see directly into it (the barn).


- There will be a HUGE gas fireplace built directly to the left (if you're looking at it) of said ladder climb. This will be perfect for those winterfest nights.


- It's interesting how the launch system works. On COpperhead Strike (and i'm sure on other launch coasters) the coal is to have it operate at the highest efficiency point. The actual speed of the launch will depend on the weight of the train at that time. They will test and tweak the launch system with water dummies at different weights. The initial test will be with the dummies weighing 170lbs each as that is the standard weight of adults. Then they will raise the weight to 220lbs each to see how that will effect the launch. From there, will be able to provide a near perfect ride, each time, regardless of the train is full or not.


- The expansion of Country Kitchen will allow for dual serving lines and one of the main featured dishes will be rotisserie chicken made right there in the restaurant!


- There are a lot of foundations on this coaster. Coming in at 230, it surpasses Fury and Intimidators 170 and 180.


- The onride photo section location is yet to be determine. It has been narrowed down to two spots (don't quote me lol) which are after the first vertical look and before the top hat element.


- As far as a light package, I wouldn't expect anything like hangtime. While no decision has been made, I would bet my money on some spotlights, if anything.


Now, before we get to the pictures . . . some people have noticed Rip Roaring Rapids (the park's raft water ride) has been omitted from the ride list on the website. Well, that was no oversight and very intentional! Needless to say, the future is looking brighter (and wetter ) For the park.


Thanks for reading and on to the pictures!


The park is building on-site dorms which should help out with housing students from across the region and around the world, allowing the park to develop programs such as a full internship for travel and tourism students.


The extension of the former wings and now Country Kitchen


I can assume some bette retaining wall is on the way, possibly with seats.


This area is pretty open now.


There were two game booths here which are now gone.


I think this will be my favorite section of the coaster!


You can kinda see where the area for the coaster will end (at the tree line)


I can imagine how much fun this launch is gonna be!


The electricians were busy installing the wiring for the LSM launch.


The model MACK had at IAPPA was given to the park.

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The backwards train is a reversal on the Six Flags philosophy. Meaning they're going to start out with the ride trains operating backwards. Ten years from now they'll turn the train around facing forward and market it as a new ride.

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  dorneyparkrules said:
The 2019 operating hours are now up! https://www.carowinds.com/explore/calendar-and-hours


Excellent. Ill (finally) be going here this year, early June, on a weekday. Im thinking Thurs the 6th. Hoping crowds will be very light. Saw a pic of Copperhead Strike with the launch over that airtime hill and despite my brain saying temper expectations the heart is waaaay too excited to ride

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  prozach626 said:
The backwards train is a reversal on the Six Flags philosophy. Meaning they're going to start out with the ride trains operating backwards. Ten years from now they'll turn the train around facing forward and market it as a new ride.

Sweet. They can call it "Striking Copperhead" or "Copperhead: Reverse Strike"

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So this below was posted on Facebook by VHCoasters. So you guys think this would affect Cooperhead or any other Mack coaster for 2019 and recently built rides? Or is a China trying to pull something? Or is this article bogus?


Some interesting if odd news from China as it seems large parts of the Mack built Blue Fire ride for Wanda Wuxi have had to be returned to Mack due to quality defects.


"From October 2016 to January 2018, Wuxi Wanda City Investment Co., Ltd. imported a set of launched roller coaster tracks from Germany in six batches, valued at 2,382,300 euros.


Wuxi Customs carried out safety performance inspection according to law and found that there are many problems of safety performance quality of linear defects in the local base metal of the track. After re-inspection and after treatment by German technology, it still found that there were many safety performance quality problems in the local base material of the track. Wuxi Customs determined that the quality of 124 tracks of the launched roller coaster was unqualified."


While it explains the continuing absense of the ride from the contruction site in Wuxi it is a bit of an odd news story.



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I mean, October 2016 to January 2018 was roughly the entire time frame Silver Dollar City was building Time Traveler, and there haven't been any major issues as far as we know. Icon was also built in that time frame and, again, hasn't had major structural issues as far as the public knows. Copperhead was also built very quickly in the last few months. Granted testing hasn't begun yet, but part of me is skeptical about that article.

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does anyone know if carowinds is doing a copperhead strike first rider auction charity benefit? (like they did on fury 325)


i can't find anything on it. looks like the soonest anyone can get on the ride is for season passholder preview night on fri march 22 from 6-10pm, then the following day is the park's grand opening. will those days be crowded?


any intel out there? found this article too:



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The launch barn is nearing completion and the Miami River Lumber Company would be proud. Inside the barn, you'll get a glimpse of Granny's jam-making operation. You may even learn a few things about her secret recipe.


^^One of those things that makes this interest feel juvenile. Other than that, Copperhead Strike looks great.

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