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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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How often is the southern gate open? And does it ever open early enough for ERT? It is a lot closer to Copperhead Strike. I went six times last year and I never even checked to see if it was open.


I've been to the park maybe 10 times. The only day that the lot looked slightly busy was my first time there which was the day Thunder Run closed and that was the only time I've ever seen the South gate open. I assume they only use it on super busy days

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Oh wow, I never rode this rapids ride. Walked by it several times. It was in such a prime location for a coaster to be honest— lots of land, near the front gate, you could always make it interact with Fury if need be. A log flume running under Fury would be amazing, and give the park a much-needed successor to Thornberrys after they tore down Whitewater Falls.

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FFS, people... Haven't we learned by now that when there is some new official roller coaster news to WAIT FOR US TO POST IT?!!?!?!?


Posting it yourself doesn't make you look any cooler to the owners of this site. In fact, it makes us have to do MORE WORK because of your impatience....

Edited by robbalvey
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