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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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Anyone local to the park know if Carowinds is running any Black Friday sales this year? I haven't seen any online but I don't follow this park as closely on social media and stuff. I'm tentatively planning a trip there next year and would love to scoop up a discounted single day admission and Fastlane+ if they're offering it (I know I saw one for Cedar Point and Maybe Kings Island).


I have not seen any single day admission tickets for black friday. Most of whats out there is for Winterfest Tickets and all

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I peeked at the webcams on the preview night and couldn't believe how full the parking lot was. I've only ever been to Carowinds in the summer and the parking lot has never even been close to that full. Glad this event seems to be a success chain wide and hopefully someday we'll see Cedar Fair take a Six Flags approach and open a couple more coasters, especially at warm(er) weather parks like Kings Dominion and Carowinds.... One can dream

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It seems like they don't need to take that approach, man. They might as well just keep on doing what they're doing. Cedar Fair doesn't need to worry about what goes on behind the scenes by making sure the queues are well kept, keeping the stations looking nice, adjust maintenance schedules, and hiring additional staff. I've yet to go to a CF Winterfest event, but it seems like they're nailing it by keeping the holiday feel more concentrated.


I've been to two Holiday in the Park events at Six Flags Saint Louis. They're fun and the midways look nice. However, when you leave the midways and go through the cold dreary and run down looking queues, it takes away from the event. Granted, Six Flags Saint Louis is known for unnecessarily long run down queues all season long, but it almost feels like leaving the event for a while and then returning.


I like the two different flavors offered between Six Flags and Cedar Fair.

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CF clearly regretting that decision to cancel winterfest the year they purchased paramount parks. Alot of money lost over all those years.


Remember that these kind of events take a lot of planning to get right. It's not as easy as just opening the front gate for another couple weeks. The addition of several new parks to the Cedar Fair chain was most likely pretty hectic, so it was probably a necessity to cancel Winterfest in order to keep things as "in order" as possible. As time went by and the company became comfortable with the new parks, they probably looked back on Winterfest and started figuring out how to bring it back but even better. Sure they lost money, but they may have lost more money by continuing Winterfest and screwing it up.

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I also think the timing was great. CF parks had an advantage of monitoring the success of SF HITP events before making their own mark on the Holiday Season. I think the one down side to CF's approach is that they won't pull in as many out of town visitors by having less major attractions open. But, like I said before, they don't need to do anything drastically different from their current strategy.

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Just a little fun fact that I noticed today. Copperhead Strike is Cedar Fair's first launch coaster in 12 years - since Maverick. It initially didn't seem right to me, but it makes sense. They haven't worked with Intamin since 2010, they've never built a Mack launched until now, they don't have any modern Premier launch coasters, and the only B&M launched isn't at a CF park.


I know it doesn't mean much, it's just a little bit of information I was pondering today that surprised me a little. Unless I'm wrong and missing a coaster between 2007 and now.

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^Your post made me curious so I looked through RCDB, and turns out Pony Express was built in 2008 so you're off by a year. That was also the year Possessed was relocated to Dorney, but I don't think we're counting re-locations. Still, pretty interesting that this will be Cedar Fair's 1st launch coaster in 11 years.

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^Your post made me curious so I looked through RCDB, and turns out Pony Express was built in 2008 so you're off by a year. That was also the year Possessed was relocated to Dorney, but I don't think we're counting re-locations. Still, pretty interesting that this will be Cedar Fair's 1st launch coaster in 11 years.


I totally forgot about Pony! What's even more embarrassing is it's at my home park that I grew up with


Still, 11 years is fascinating. I'm glad to see Cedar Fair expand their portfolio of manufacturers they purchase from other than B&M and GCI: now we have RMC, Mack, and Gerstlauer on that list. Hopefully Intamin again, one day...

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I do have to wonder what the odds of them adding a new Mack coaster anywhere else anytime soon is. Copperhead Strike is apparently crazy expensive partly due to Mack track needing to be manufactured in Europe. Maybe Kings Island or Canada?

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I love how this ride is coming along.


Side note: I just realized this brings the total "vertical loops" Carowinds has to 8 total. Is there any park with more vertical loops?


EDIT: Six Flags Magic Mountain has 9. Yay research!

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I love how this ride is coming along.



Side note: I just realized this brings the total "vertical loops" Carowinds has to 8 total. Is there any park with more vertical loops?


EDIT: Six Flags Magic Mountain has 9. Yay research!


Michigan's Adventure has zero roller coasters with a vertical loop. They also have zero flat rides with a vertical loop.

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I love how this ride is coming along.


Side note: I just realized this brings the total "vertical loops" Carowinds has to 8 total. Is there any park with more vertical loops?


EDIT: Six Flags Magic Mountain has 9. Yay research!


This didn't seem right, but I suppose it's easy to forget about Vortex, Nighthawk, and Cyclone since those coasters are kinda irrelevant to begin with.


Fury, Intimidator, Afterburn, and now Copperhead. That's a SOLID top 4. Rip out Vortex and Nighthawk and replace them with an awesome GCI somewhere down the line, and Carowinds will have probably have the best top 5 in the country outside of Cedar Point. I love how much this park has expanded and improved over the last 6-7 years.

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^I agree. I have not been since 2012 so I am dying to get back. The park used to be very "meh" to me when the highlights were Intimidator, Afterburn, and Nighthawk with virtually no flats or any major/decent flats. Since then, 2 waterpark expansions, Camp Snoopy, Fury 325, 4 flats, Harmony Hall, and now Copperhead Strike and Mountain Gliders being moved into a non-kids area.

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I can't believe this park has gone through such a drastic transformation since 2010. It really makes you think about how quickly CF could turn around a park like WoF if they thought that it would pay off. CF's big four parks are impressive. All four of them have solid line-ups, well rounded attractions, great atmospheres, and giga coasters. Wait... (Crosses fingers)

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This post is for the Copperhead skeptics. I was once one of you, but laying eyes on this thing destroyed all my doubts. The turns are TIGHT, especially the one after the inverted top hat. It is small, but that is good. The relatively low speeds wont be problem here. The track is so twisted together it's truly exciting. This will be one of Mack's signature rides. It has the potential to be the Maverick of the south.

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