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I live in Santa Clara county, so I was going to do my annual California's Great America trip. I'm trying to think of who to spend it with because while I have lots of good friends, a good amusement park companion is a different feat. Will they ride this? Will they mind going on water rides? How much will they pack? Those kind of things.


I am not going to visit Six Flags Discovery Kingdom this year. My last visit was kinda meh. Even with the RMC Joker, I just feel their lineup is full of shuttle coasters, and full length coasters that feel like shuttle coasters (superman). Also the layout is so weird, I just don't have fun there.


I might go to Six Flags Magic Mountain this year and Universal Studios Hollywood, but we'll see.

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Assuming everything holds up, and we don't get sick, the family and I have had a trip to Hersheypark in the books scheduled since March. Once my son gets out of school on Wednesday's early dismissal, we're hitting the road, and staying until Saturday morning. We picked up the two-day "everyone pays kids price" tickets back in February before the season started, so we're planning on doing the preview night on Wednesday, then one day in the waterpark and one day for the rest of the rides (depending upon which day the weather looks best). With any luck, and maybe some Miracle Gro, this should end up being his first rides on Skyrush, Fahrenheit, Great Bear, and Storm Runner. On top of that, my 4-year-old daughter will be getting her first rides on Comet, Laff Trakk, and Sooperdooperlooper. Fingers crossed!

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Awesome! Want to meet up?


I would like to, but the problem is that me and my dad need to leave very soon . Maybe a next time?


No problem!


Just rode Fury. Much better than expected! Few good pops of airtime and some perfect hangtime. Hoping to get a backwards ride now, though. Overall, I think it is a perfect fit for the park.

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My annual Canada's Wonderland day on Tuesday. Last year, when entering the park the woman checking my pass said she needed to see my season pass or a ticket after I handed her my Platinum pass. I just find it amusing that outside of Cedar Point I get looked at funny when presenting my platinum pass (It also happened at kings Island last year at early entry and at Dorney the year before).

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*looks at calendar*

...apparently Dorney Park for the second time this year. I don't know what's wrong with me.


Then next weekend we've got a trip out to the Poconos for Camelback Mountain, Camelbeach, and Aquatopia across a three day jaunt. Should be fun, it's our first time visiting that resort. (I dunno if you can consider it a park but whatever.)


And then in early August we're renting an AirBNB and spending four days down at Wildwood to hit Morey's Piers, their waterparks, the boardwalk, and all that good stuff. Really looking forward to that one! It's been too long since we've been down that way.

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Five years ago I went to Kentucky Kingdom to personally welcome an amusement park that Six Flags closed and a brand new owner that reopened it. The park still had at least a quarter of itself closed to the public in hopes that new rides and improvements to existing attractions would be opened in the upcoming years. Despite the park being smaller, it still packed plenty of thrills. But when I came early in the season (first week of June) two things happened that made this trip less than perfect.


1- I was excited to be riding LIGHTNING RUN and even waited to ride in the front, but when the restraints went down I was told I couldn't fit into the restraints and I had to leave the ride. I had no problems riding THUNDER RUN nor ROLLER SKATER, but I was too big to ride LIGHTNING RUN.



2- I wanted to ride the new water park additions, but they didn't open up until three p.m. While I did ride DAREDEVIL DIVE I couldn't ride the other new additions because they were either closed due to staff shortages or I spend so much time waiting in line I couldn't get on any other water slide.



That was five years ago. . . this is NOW!!! I have lost enough weight so I could ride THE CLAW at HERSHEYPARK, so I figured if I could ride The Claw then I should be able to ride LIGHTNING RUN. As for the water park I'm just going to stay on the dry rides. Plus, they park added more rides that I haven't ridden yet.



So come the last week of July, I shall go to Kentucky Kingdom and get my revenge. I'm also going to Holiday World and I will kick if off my park tour with a visit to Camden Park.


Then I shall be . . .

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I'm planning to make my first visit to Stricker's Grove next month on their Family Day, and taking my kids with me! I don't know what to expect from this small, family run park, so any commentary from those who've been is welcome! Also, if anybody else from TPR is going, let me know, and maybe we can meet up for a ride or two!


The day after that, I'm going to Kennywood, my first time in years, and my kids first time ever! So I'm super excited about that as well, since I love that park!

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