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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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Those who haven't gotten a chance to ride this type of ride, you're in for a nice treat! It's quite bizarre and intense. Yes, this thing has 2 moments of ejector airtime followed by being pinned in your seat suddenly. Yea, it's pretty crazy actually...and don't let it's 12-passenger car fool you, lines should move pretty quick!

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Was lucky enough to have a roll back on this coaster.


It's supposed to rollback!


Europe has a lot of cool parks with many different types of coasters. But I can't think of another Premier or any similar type of coaster in Europe. I think this addition will make this park even more attractive to both locals and enthusiasts!

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An identical sister car, the "Superman Ultimate Flight" at Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, enthusiastic since 2012, the California park guests.


There's a tidbit you probably wouldn't see in the press release if this were being built stateside.

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So from an interview with the park manager (from an enthusiast event) we know this:


The project name for the new ride is Sky Rocket Coaster, this is however not the final name for the ride.

The location for the new coaster is excepted to be somewhere around the lake area, however not yet decided.

A dual loading station is not ( ) planned for it.

Construction will start in November.

They hope to have some new facilities around the new ride, like toilets, snack-bar etc..

The ride will get a real station with a roof, unlike Geforce.


Super Wirbel is for sale, although the rides fate has not yet been decided.


The free fall tower will get it's third, broken, side repaired during the winter.


There are no immediate plans for a Wickieland in Holiday Park yet, like in Plopsaland.

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^ Since Super Wirbel's fate is unknown I really hope for it to stay at least 1 more season. I haven't had the chance to ride it yet and a credit is a credit.

Just wondering here, I'm not German. Can a park get permission to build a coaster in Germany without knowing exactly where? I mean it isn't smart in my eye's to announce a ride without the prober paperwork, It could still be stopped then.


I'm really looking forward to next year visiting this park for the first time. Expedition GeForce is a coaster I'm looking at for years now and I'm really exited to try it out, also the new coaster will be my first premier who seem to have some interesting rides.

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I think a dual loading station isn't really needed. Having visited last year on a sunday the waits for GeForce were 10 minutes max with all other rides were a walk-on.


Also IMO it's good they get rid of SuperWirbel - I found it to be even worse than BigLoop or Python. Lots of headbanging and the helices were taken so slow and the cars were oscillating weirdly - maybe the ride was badly calculated to begin with or aged very badly. Either way this ride proves that Vekoma loopers can never stand up to Schwarzkopf loopers in speed, pacing and ageing.

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  • 1 month later...
So is it true that Super Wirbel is coming out for the new ride?


It was said earlier that the location for the new ride was not finalized and also not the faith of Super Wirbel.

The park has now said that Super Wirbel will be leaving, and that the last chance to ride it will be on the 31st of October.


There is no word yet if the ride has been sold, or if it will be scrapped. Theres also no info if the new coaster will use it's location or not, but I would guess that it will, now that Super Wirbel is leaving.


I'm also pretty sure I read that the new coaster would be getting its own unique theme, but don't quote me on that.

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acoding to this info/link:



the parks manager is counting for the coaster to be removed by December where the cleared area will then be used to work on the foundations for the new coaster.

Original opening was planned for july 2014 and according to this article they are now aiming for spring 2014.


let's wait and see

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  • 4 weeks later...

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