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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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Honestly said, I don't like Holiday Park being Plopsa. I want to get back my old trashy Holiday Park. Holiday Park was never one of these family park things. I mean, there were a lot of families visiting the park, but it was more a park for teenagers to hang around and get thrilled by Intamin! It's a little bit ridiculous with all these new paintings, because I know how it looked like before and that's what Holiday Park will always look like to me.

However, it is really good that there is a company that spends some money on creating new attractions! That's what the park needed! Some input!

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As you will not ride this coaster while raining why would coasters like this a roofed station? As if the roof is needed the station under it would likely be empty...

I just don't like to see the sexy Intamin creature being outside with nothing above under rain, snow, sunshine, storm, etc. I know everything is water proof but I would like to see it being taken care better with a station.

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Premier confirmed by their Facebook that this is indeed the track for Holiday Park's new coaster.



And here is some construction photos.








It appearars (from how they are pouring one big platform) that this new ride will be based on a big frame, instead of supports with induvidal footers.


I had hoped this ride would have been the permanent induvidual footers version, shown on the conept art for Superman, Discovery Kingdom.

Still freaking awesome!




On a note on the re-theme of the flume ride, I actually really like the new look, and I hope they do some re-theme on the rapids ride next.

I would also like Expedition Geforce to get a proper station, in true Plopsa quality.

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Its amazing what Plopsa is doing to the park. I said this last year and I will say it again. The park will be unrecognizable before you know it. Thats certainly not a bad thing though as what they are doing looks fantastic and im sure the new coaster will be a great addition.



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- project name "Sky Scream"

- will have a dark, monster theme

- the park confirmed that this particular ride was originally intended for a Chinese park

- both the Chinese and Plopsa had an order with Premier, the Chinese park got in trouble, and Plopsa will now get the ride intended for China, which was already manufactured

- as a result, the ride will now open much sooner than originally planned, maybe along with the park opening next Spring

- SuperWirbel's corkscrew will be used in the ride's scenery, possibly serving as the entrance arch


Donnerfluss (river rapids):

- will get more/new boats


Tabaluga (scenic boat ride):

- tweaks to the boats

- all 2D decorations will be replaced by better 3D figures


Teufelsfasser (log flume):

- the ride will get a new theme (Wickie / vikings)

- project name "Wickie’s Splash"

- in the new area, also a new shop and a new food stand




- another new coaster, for the whole family



source: Plopsa Fanday / Plopsa Fansite



Edited by BDG
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