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Holiday Park Discussion Thread

P. 32: "100% Wolf" family coaster and themed land announced!

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It is neat to see the park keeping the old corkscrew in place like Alton Towers did. Hopefully they can integrate it into the theming of the new ride.

Serious question here - do we even know what the theming of the new coaster will even be yet?

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I can't wait to when I get to ride this thing, unfortunately it looks like it may have to wait until 2015.


I'm very interested in the plans that the park revealed, that a family coaster is also in the makings, and not to far away in the future.

I also find it strange that Geforce have still not gotten a proper station, I thought that was one of the first things Plopsa would address.

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I am so glad that more of these rides are actually being built! It is a great addition to Holiday Park! I know it's just a model, but the architecture surrounding the ride makes it look better than Superman: Ultimate Flight so far in my opinion!


I don't follow this ride that much, so this is probably a dumb question, but is this coaster going where Super Wirbel used to be?

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is the wrong rollercoaster for this park. The park needs more family oriented rollercoasters.

Bad choice.


I'm very interested in the plans that the park revealed, that a family coaster is also in the makings, and not to far away in the future.
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