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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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Hey guys, I'm planning on visiting USH this Sunday. I haven't been there since before the Mummy opened.

Even though I don't anticipate crowds (I love going to theme parks on Super Bowl Sunday), I'm looking for tips on ride order. Is the "lower lot first" still good advice? My first thought was to do Minion Mayhem and Studio Tour first, but I'm by no means an expert!


Thanks for any help!

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Universal Studios Hollywood Announces "Fast & Furious" Ride!1871502259_FastandFuriousSuperchargedteaserimage.thumb.jpg.896f7ddfacccbf36a4596a984db3cd3b.jpg

Universal City, California, January 30, 2015 – Universal Studios HollywoodSM shifts into high gear with the debut of an innovative, national 30-second commercial for its summer 2015 launch of the “Fast & Furious—Supercharged” thrill ride during NBC’s Super Bowl Pre-Game coverage on Sunday, February 1, 2015.


The gripping spot will jump-start Universal Studios Hollywood’s campaign for the eagerly-anticipated opening of “Fast & Furious—Supercharged,” a high-octane, adrenaline-fueled thrill ride and new grand finale to the world-famous Studio Tour.


“What better place is there than the Super Bowl to launch a campaign where millions of viewers huddle for non-stop, edge-of-your-seat suspense,” said Larry Kurzweil, President, Universal Studios Hollywood. “In just 30, thrilling seconds, our compelling spot resonates with the exhilaration this immersive thrill ride will deliver when it opens at Universal Studios Hollywood this summer.”


“Fast & Furious—Supercharged” will reunite stars from the Fast & Furious series in a groundbreaking mega-attraction, conceived as a new installment to the dynamic film franchise that can only be experienced at The Entertainment Capital of L.A. Featuring Vin Diesel (Dominic “Dom” Toretto), Michelle Rodriguez (Letty Ortiz), Dwayne Johnson (Luke Hobbs), Tyrese Gibson (Roman Pearce) and Luke Evans (Owen Shaw), “Fast & Furious—Supercharged” will catapult guests into the high-stakes underground world of fast cars in a harrowing escapade to save one of their own from an international crime cartel.


The dynamic hydraulic motion-based ride will tell an original Fast & Furious story that fuses sophisticated hyper-realistic special effects with a state-of-the-art 3D audio system and 3D-HD imagery, projected onto the world’s longest and most expansive 360-degree screen. Spanning nearly 400 feet in length to encircle Studio Tour guests within a newly constructed 65,000-square-foot structure on the legendary backlot, the sprawling custom-built screen will employ 34, 4K projectors and a sophisticated projection configuration system to fully envelope guests in unprecedented realism.


Coupled with an intense blend of thrilling visceral effects, “Fast & Furious—Supercharged” will take guests on a wild ride that begins the moment they board the Studio Tour. Exclusive interstitial content, filmed with the cast members, will be featured on the tram monitors highlighting interactions as they engage guests en route to the ride’s climatic scenes. Along the tram route and featured at the ride, sightings of numerous prop cars from the Fast & Furious series, including Dom’s iconic Dodge Charger, will enhance the story.


The adventure will culminate with spectacular action sequences that send guests careening through the streets of Los Angeles—at perceived speeds in excess of 120 miles per hour—aided by the elite team of unforgettable heroes.


The commercial will be available here when it airs on the Super Bowl: https://www.youtube.com/user/UniversalStudios

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Yes there has been a super bowl theme park commercial. Every year wgen the mvp states hes going to Disneyland


True, but that doesn't count!!!!!


I have always wondered why a park in the local market of a winning team never tried to pull a "I'm going to Six Flags New England!" type promo with a player from the winning team. There are probably copyrights involved with the MVP and all but I feel like someone could pull off a similar promo somehow.

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