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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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That was awesome. My family and I are all huge FaceOff fans, so I'm sure they'd get a kick out of some of this report. I got excited a couple weeks ago when they announced that the winner of that challenge would be featured in HHN. Unrelated, but I remember from the Judge Match episode how different Glenn is when he's not judging. My dad was kinda shocked to see how normal he is.

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Does this event come well recommended? We've got a night free in the area and I'm trying to decide whether it's worth buying tickets for this, vs. doing 'general sightseeing' in Hollywood (or the LA area generally).


We're already doing SFMM Fright Fest the previous night, so just a bit nervous that they might be too similar...

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Unrelated, but I remember from the Judge Match episode how different Glenn is when he's not judging. My dad was kinda shocked to see how normal he is.


I too was surprised by Glenn's change of demeanor. At the red carpet, it is clear that he is just a normal guy. The rumor that he and his family frequent Disneyland, so I asked them all if they are "theme park" fans in general. Glenn started rattling off his favorite parks, and even went so far to say that his favorite attraction is The Haunted Mansion.


Does this event come well recommended? ...We're already doing SFMM Fright Fest the previous night, so just a bit nervous that they might be too similar...


The event was certainly enjoyable, but it wasn't the best (compared to itself from past years). SFMM's Fright Fest can't hold a candle to even the worst of HHN mazes. Definitely do HHN, but seriously consider upgrading to a Gate A pass if you want to get through all the mazes. I am never a sucker for any upsell in life, but this is the ONE thing I will always get!

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Soundstage 28 is no more

Seriously, - why is this a big deal and why does ANYONE give a crap?!?!?


I'm so incredibly SICK of people all-of-a-sudden caring about things they never cared about before, never even knew existed, just because it's going away. It's just so insanely dumb to me. I'm willing to make a Las Vegas bet that 99.999999999% of the people who are all "OMG! Universal got rid of Soundstage 28!?!?!?" had probably NEVER EVEN HEARD of it before they found out about it on some stupid blog.


We just posted an awesome update from Horror Nights, and this is how you choose to respond to this thread?


Ugh, just so sick of all this "weekend activist" crap.

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Soundstage 28 is no more

Seriously, - why is this a big deal and why does ANYONE give a crap?!?!?


I'm so incredibly SICK of people all-of-a-sudden caring about things they never cared about before, never even knew existed, just because it's going away. It's just so insanely dumb to me. I'm willing to make a Las Vegas bet that 99.999999999% of the people who are all "OMG! Universal got rid of Soundstage 28!?!?!?" had probably NEVER EVEN HEARD of it before they found out about it on some stupid blog.


We just posted an awesome update from Horror Nights, and this is how you choose to respond to this thread?


Ugh, just so sick of all this "weekend activist" crap.


Completely agree! Hopefully this means we'll see something newer and better built if anything!


I went to opening night on Friday for HHN, and I had a great time. The Walking Dead stuff is a little bit of a bust. If you've been the last few years, not much has changed and the zombies aren't particularly terrifying. American Werewolf in London was probably my favorite maze of the night when it came to actual scares. Clowns 3D was fun. AVP was very well done with lots of big sets and giant props.

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If you do not have a FOL pass (they WILL sell out in advance---don't count on being able to upgrade at the park), you should take advantage of early entry. The gates will open around 5PM for you to queue up to get a head start on the lower lot mazes. This line usually shuts down by 6PM. The only trade off is you miss the opening ceremony, but that is nothing special to begin with...


OR...as I stated earlier, if you are local and have an annual pass you are able to enter the park for day operations and queue up in the transformers queue for HHN instead of leaving the park. You go through security and have your HHN ticket scanned down there and get to head towards the backlot around 6:15PM. That queue opens at 4:30 and closes at 5:30.


As far as Stage 28 goes, it was barely used---no theme park guests ever had access and productions mainly used it for staging instead of filming. It was an old wooden building. The opera house sets were removed for preservation, and those are not even entirely original---they were modified over the years.

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What is this Gate A I saw mentioned at AvP? Is that just another term for the front of line access? I'm thinking I'll be heading out that way October 2nd for Knott's and the 3rd for HHN. I'm planning on getting a FOL pass as soon as I'm sure I have those days off of work, but if there's another option I'd be very happy to know.

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Question, I know one is usually given their FOL pass when entering through the front gates. But if I want to go do the early entry for the lower lot mazes, will my FOL pass be handed out to me when going through the early entry area? Or do I have to pick it up elsewhere? Thanks for any help.

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Sooooooo I just binge-watched the entire Season 4 of Walking Dead so I have some clue about what the heck I'm looking at when I'm at Universal on Friday. I gotta say, I was pretty much done with Walking Dead after how bad season 3 was, but season 4 was excellent! They ramped up the action and made the characters have to actually fight to survive again rather than just wander around a prison talking (90% of season 3 was endless pointless dialogue).


Can't wait to see how well they pull off the haunt! I'll be live tweeting all night long from HHN so if you're interested you can follow me @DrMambo85 on Twitter. I'll also be live tweeting tomorrow night, Thursday, from Knott's Scary Farm.

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I noticed something weird when I went to HHN on the Saturday of the first weekend. Having worked at Knott's before, I 100% understand that the first weekend isn't the best, but the lack of character scaring was extremely noticeable and disappointing. Considering that most of their talent is aspiring actors, I would expect at least some level of interaction or dialogue, but I didn't hear a word come out of a monster's mouth in any maze. Some of them didn't even make sound of any kind.


Did it get better during week 2?

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I noticed something weird when I went to HHN on the Saturday of the first weekend. Having worked at Knott's before, I 100% understand that the first weekend isn't the best, but the lack of character scaring was extremely noticeable and disappointing. Considering that most of their talent is aspiring actors, I would expect at least some level of interaction or dialogue, but I didn't hear a word come out of a monster's mouth in any maze. Some of them didn't even make sound of any kind.


Did it get better during week 2?


HHN Scareactors don't use voices, unless they have a speaking role.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all! I am planning a trip to HHN on Sunday night, October 26th, as this will be my first time to the event I was wondering if I should plan to get the front of the line pass that night! How are crowds typically on Sundays towards the end of the month?? Thanks !

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It will probably sell out. The FOL pass will probably sell out in advance as well. The only way you won't need the FOL is if you get there early and take advantage of early entry (you can enter through the former amphitheater gates and queue up to have first dibs on the metro set mazes). Early entry goes from 5:30-6:15ish.

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I just posted the Universal HHN update earlier today to my photo TR thread.




Hello all! I am planning a trip to HHN on Sunday night, October 26th, as this will be my first time to the event I was wondering if I should plan to get the front of the line pass that night! How are crowds typically on Sundays towards the end of the month?? Thanks !


Buy it in advance and love it. Take my experience as an example. I was there at the beginning of the month and did the early entry. I was able to blow through all of the haunts in the backlot and lower lot with no lines (5 haunts total). I didn't need to touch my FOL pass at all. By the time I made it back to the upper lot, though, the crowds had arrived in force and I had to start using my FOL pass. Remember, this was early in the event. Going the weekend before Halloween the place is going to be even more insane. Just spend the money for the front of line pass, get there by 6 to take advantage of early entry, and go straight to the backlot haunts. Do as many as you can using the standby line so you don't waste your front of line access when there's no wait. Once the crowds show up you'll be able to do a second loop of the haunts without waiting while everyone else wastes their night standing in line.

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IOR...as I stated earlier, if you are local and have an annual pass you are able to enter the park for day operations and queue up in the transformers queue for HHN instead of leaving the park. You go through security and have your HHN ticket scanned down there and get to head towards the backlot around 6:15PM. That queue opens at 4:30 and closes at 5:30.


We're going on Friday and planning on taking advantage of AP First Stab. Is it important to get in the line ASAP, or can we take our time? It's just a place to line up, right? I'm guessing no services, just hang out and wait. Thanks.

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