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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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this one does say finale to the studio tour. but the commercial makes it seem like it might be a stand alone ride. kind of misleading. all i know is almost anything has to be better than the old fast and furious on the tram tour.

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this one does say finale to the studio tour. but the commercial makes it seem like it might be a stand alone ride. kind of misleading. all i know is almost anything has to be better than the old fast and furious on the tram tour.


It's no more or less misleading than all the other "rides" that have been a part of the Studio Tour. If anything, I've seen more marketing that has said F&F is part of the Studio Tour than I saw with the new Kong, War of the Worlds set, Earthquake or anything else that's been a part of the tour. No one's ever really complained.


Though I do remember many years ago on our first trip to Universal Orlando in the early 90s, my father was rather upset upon learning that he had to wait in line for Jaws, Earthquake, Kong etc individually rather than riding them all in one shot on a Tour.

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I enjoy having the opportunity to sit on the USH tram tour for awhile after a busy day. Having F&F as the grand finale will be a great way to end the tour. In regards to the super bowl commercial, that is straight out misleading. I thought after Kong, they would not pitch tram tour additions as new rides. It shows guest sitting in a chair with a safety bar no less. There are going to be guests looking for the F&F "ride", would not like to work in customer service for USH this year.

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Kong was marketed as a ride and USH finished with a record year attendance wise. Between this, the night time tour, and Springfield...I don't think guests will mind.


Agreed--I doubt that Guest Relations is going to be dealing with a slew of complaints about being "misled."

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It is honestly a ride though. Think of it this way, the Tram is a ride, itself. But its also the ride vehicle for an Earthquake Ride, a King Kong Ride, a Jaws Ride, and a F&F Ride. I would consider all the motion based scenes as rides.; because, they are, essentially. It's really a grey area, and I don't think anyone will care that they didn't have to wait in an additional line to 'ride' the new F&F ride.

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At least during the day you could clearly see the sets and whatever is going on. It's not quite as exciting at night when it's like "On your left, you can kind of see courthouse square where they are currently filming...."

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At least during the day you could clearly see the sets and whatever is going on. It's not quite as exciting at night when it's like "On your left, you can kind of see courthouse square where they are currently filming...."


I remember taking the studio tour with my family back in the 1970s. Telly "Kojak" Savalas happened to be on the lot that day, and he was letting old ladies rub his bald head.



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^There's no production during the a lot of the times anyways! It is nice when there is production yes, but I still enjoy the tour regardless. But I agree on the lighting however...

most of the production has moved indoors. But it is cool to see people wondering back and forth between offices and stages. It gives the experience of being on an actual production lot.

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