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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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It seems like very recently, whenever USH has an attraction that first opened at USF, Hollywood always gets a very nice facade. First the neighborhood for Minion Mayhem, and now Springfield's facade. I'm really liking this, and I can't wait to see all the new amounts of effort being put in this season.

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Guests visiting “Springfield” will have the pleasant sensation of being hurled through their television sets


For some reason I found this incredibly funny. I can't wait to come back to USH this summer.


This is what I pictured when I read that (skip to the 14:00 mark):


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The Nighttime Studio Tour sounds like a good idea, especially if they use Norman Bates and the Frankenstein monster well.


The Bates Motel stunt seems really good on paper, but it doesn't really work out on the actual tour, especially with the faded Whoville towering in the background. Bates coming up seems to work only if you sit in the back of the tram, and even then, it's still pretty cheesy to see him raise the knife and return back. I hope they can improve on this part of the tram tour.

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I think he should be able to actually kill anyone on the tram who has a selfie stick!


They'll probably save that for a Friday the 13th maze during HHN. Jason will impale a tourist with a selfie stick!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We recently got a chance to check out the new "Dig: Escape the Room," a new limited run experience that traps guests in a locked room and challenges them to work together to solve riddles and puzzles in order to escape. Our group of about 10 people ALMOST made it out but ended up falling short with only one more puzzle to go. Can't say a much about specifics without giving anything away, I will say if you haven't done one of these escape rooms before go check it out, they're a lot of fun! "Dig: Escape the Room" runs now through March 5th. We also checked out construction of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Springfield.



Great day to come out to Universal!


Escape the Room is located inside the globe theater, this is what awaits on the inside.


Last thing you see before entering the room and that's all I can show you. You'll have to see the rest in person ;)


We didn't escape. :(


Lunar New Year is also going on right now.


Mandarin speaking Optimus Prime was really interesting!


Hogsmede's coming along nicely!



Most of the buildings look almost ready to go!


The Castle's also taking shape.


Another angle.


Springfield's looking great!


Can't wait till this is open!



Love how this is looking!


Fast and Furious is looking good!


The building is HUGE!


Met up with Norman Bates on the tram, I wonder what the Tripadvisor reviews are like?


We'll give you a good review Norman!!!!


With all the construction going on at the park, I love that they've added construction workers as street characters!


Got to hang out with some hot Ancient Egyptian chicks!


Fun day at the park! Lot's of cool stuff going on at Universal!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Springfield is coming along nicely! Employees have been seen going in and out all day.


Bumbleman Taco Truck signage


Walls are starting to come down!


Disco Stu does advertise afterall...


More awesome details!


Oh, and Shrek is getting a nicer queue.

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