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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Universal Fan Fest Nights details released!

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In my humble opinion as someone who has worked as a monster....


Guest service doesn't go out the window just because it's Halloween. Working for a Halloween event instead of daytime operations doesn't magically make it okay to swear at park guests or insult them crudely. Filing a lawsuit is a little ridiculous, but I 100% do NOT agree with the "well what did she expect?" mentality people have been expressing. Guests go to these events for the same reason they visit theme parks during regular hours, and they should receive the same level of service.

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In my humble opinion as someone who has worked as a monster....


Guest service doesn't go out the window just because it's Halloween. Working for a Halloween event instead of daytime operations doesn't magically make it okay to swear at park guests or insult them crudely. Filing a lawsuit is a little ridiculous, but I 100% do NOT agree with the "well what did she expect?" mentality people have been expressing. Guests go to these events for the same reason they visit theme parks during regular hours, and they should receive the same level of service.


So. Much. This.

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How incredibly stupid. I've been called a lot of names over the years, and it's insane to me to think I should sue them for calling me names. I guarantee those girls are called that and more at school on a daily basis, and I bet they have called others that as well. It's sad how incredibly stupid this country has gotten.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's been years since we have been to Universal, does the lower section open later in the morning still, or does it open at the same time as the park (we want to marathon the rides before the crowds make it down there


It opens at the same time as the rest of the park! In fact, during busier times/days of the year, they'll do "early entry" where you can ride Transformers (which is on the Lower Lot) before the rest of the park officially opens! They've also done this with Despicable Me on the Upper Lot. For what it's worth, I would recommend hitting Despicable Me first if you're getting there at opening to minimize your wait for that one- there's no single rider option unlike all of the Lower Lot attractions (Jurassic Park, Mummy, Transformers). But of course, if you don't care about DM, just go and marathon the Lower Lot since that's even what Universal suggests to their guests on the tips/show times guide!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Theme Park Review was invited to the grand opening of Grinchmas tonight! This year's Grinchmas "Whobilation" takes place at the Universal Plaza and on the Studio Tour. The Universal Plaza is home to the Grinchmas Tree, which is lit nightly by the citizens of Who-ville, the Who-ville Post Office, the Grinchmas tree lot, cookie "Dec-who rating" and photo ops with the Grinch and Max the Dog. A brief re-telling of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" can be seen on the Studio Tour featuring the original Who-ville sets from the movie.


Video of the Grinchmas Tree Lighting:


Photos from the event:


We're at Universal tonight to kick off Grinchms!


What's up Christmas King Kong?


The Citywalk is also fairly festive.



But we're here for this guy!


House of Horrors demo is coming along.


The Grinchmas tree!


Wizarding World in the background is starting to look a bit more Potterish. Looks like the tops of the chimneys have been installed.


The event begins!


The citizens of Who-ville take the stage!


Projection effects were pretty cool.


Who-ville dancers


The Grinch interrupts things!


Cindy Lou-Who makes an appearance.


The Who-ville mayor welcomes Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti to the stage.


Mayor Garcetti gave a brief speech about tourism in LA.


Yvette Nicole Brown from Community is introduced.


Alexa (The Spy Kids) and Carlos PenaVega (Big Time Rush) were also on hand.


Mayor Garcetti reads the first ever "Grinchmas Mayoral Proclamation" and officially kicks off Grinchmas.


Time to light the tree! (see video above)




Looks great!


The Grinch is very popular.


The Grinch and Max


The Grinch answering all the hard questions.


I would be he's currently mobbed.


Mt. Crumpit is the Grinch and Max's usual photo op spot.


One of the activities this year.


The kids and Whos seem to be enjoying it.


Kids can write letters to the Grinch and mail them through the Who-ville Post Office.


Lots of interaction with the Whos which was cool.


Kids are busy with their letter writing.


Who selfie!!


You can make your own ornament and hang it on mini Grinchmas trees.


More character interaction.


Grinchy ornaments


Lots of photo ops with the Whos


Baker Street has gone from Dark Christmas to Happy Christmas. ;)


Later Grinch!


Entrance Plaza looks good at night!


Grinchmas starts this Saturday, go check it out!!

Edited by DallasAlvey
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Being New Year's Weekend you may be in for a bit of a crowd. I wouldn't buy in advance, though. Play it by ear and decide once you're in the park. Every ride has a single rider entrance except Despicable Me, but if you ask the greeters our front where it is they'll probably let you up the express entrance. That's what they did for me back in the spring, at least.

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