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Universal Studios Hollywood (USH) Discussion Thread

P. 120: Fast and Furious - Supercharged closure announced

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4 hours ago, SharkTums said:

^People care, but until it's more official there isn't much to talk about.  I mean, if they put the Denmark Tornado cars on VelociCoaster then we'll talk more, I promise. 

Lol I agree Alyssa, my question is what happened to the message boards? Seems dead?

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13 hours ago, SharkTums said:

^People care, but until it's more official there isn't much to talk about.

Yeah, that's one of the things I love most about this forum.  We're not full of the people who want to talk about rumors and possibilities like most other sites have.  I mean, yeah, I'll donate to the rumor mill but I'm fairly certain my contributions (like an octuple tire launch for TTD) are so wildly dumb that nobody would take them seriously.  We live in the age of social media, though, where anyone can believe anything, no matter how bugnuts wackadooo it may be, so silly me, I guess.  Also, it's the off season, not much to discuss.

Basically if you want nonstop discussion about nothing of merit then go to Reddit or other forums full of that stuff.

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10 hours ago, Animal said:

Alyssa, my question is what happened to the message boards? Seems dead?

Post more. Be part of the solution. :)

Personally I'm interested to see what happens with this. I'd love for this park to add more unique things that they don't have in Orlando. That's 100% not necessary for the park to be successful, I just selfishly want a reason to go there. lol

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10 hours ago, Animal said:

Lol I agree Alyssa, my question is what happened to the message boards? Seems dead?

So says the person with 3 posts in the past 3 months.

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I feel no one is talking about anything is because there really isn't much to talk about.  It's too many "vloggers" who think they know everything there is to know about the park till it's best to have a wait and see for real info and concrete evidence to rear it's head.  See what happen to that knotts giga. . .

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  • 5 weeks later...

Universal Studios Hollywood has announced that Super Nintendo World will open on February 17th, 2023!



SUPER NINTENDO WORLD™ takes you into the world of Super Mario™. Battle Team Bowser on the groundbreaking Mario Kart™ ride. Play interactive games throughout the land and track your score with a Power-Up Band™. Dine at Toadstool Cafe™, meet Mario and friends, and purchase exclusive merch at the 1-UP Factory™ store. Opens at Universal Studios Hollywood 2/17/2023.

Mario Kart™: Bowser’s Challenge

Ready to experience Mario Kart™ like never before? Put on the special goggles and battle Team Bowser on iconic Mario Kart courses alongside Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach. Collect coins and throw shells to win the Golden Cup on the groundbreaking Mario Kart ride with cutting-edge technology.

Keep score, complete challenges, collect coins with a Power-Up Band™.

Elevate your adventures with your Power-Up Band™! Use your band to keep score throughout the land as you take on key challenges, collect digital coins, and more. With your Power-Up Band, you’ll experience a new way to play.

Power-Up Bands will be available for purchase in the land as well as at a number of retail locations in Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal CityWalk.

Toadstool Cafe™

You’re not imagining things. Inside the Toad House is Toadstool Cafe™. Step in to indulge in fun, tasty dishes crafted by Chef Toad and enjoy playful scenery of the Mushroom Kingdom from the windows.

1-UP Factory™

Find the perfect souvenir at the 1-UP Factory™ store. This super-fun store is where you can find all sorts of items from the Mushroom Kingdom! Browse souvenirs and wearable merch to level up your experience at SUPER NINTENDO WORLD™.


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On 11/11/2022 at 11:49 AM, KBrylczyk said:

No loss with these two (craptacular) shows closing, and hopefully this means they'll finally kill the really really terrible Jabbawockeez HHN show.  That being said, if they relocate to the Waterworld arena and give us a show with explosions and water breakdancing I'm all for it.

Truthfully, I do think it is a loss. The shows obviously didn’t appeal to us as theme park fans, but they filled up during peak times and added more “movie” things to the park. 

The park is definitely going to feel having the new rumored ride, studio tour, lower lot, and Springfield/Simpsons all on one narrow path and no longer having two shows to suck some people off the midways for a bit.

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22 hours ago, Jew said:

Truthfully, I do think it is a loss. The shows obviously didn’t appeal to us as theme park fans, but they filled up during peak times and added more “movie” things to the park. 

The park is definitely going to feel having the new rumored ride, studio tour, lower lot, and Springfield/Simpsons all on one narrow path and no longer having two shows to suck some people off the midways for a bit.

Also, personal note... from talking to folks I know, SO many stunt performers in LA have come and gone through SES and been able to pay their bills with it between other gigs.  So a bunch of good dudes are going to be losing another job opportunity in a field that's already very tough.


Universal Hollywood is weirdly very light on entertainment, considering it's whole concept is showbiz.

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3 hours ago, Manic Monte said:

Agreed. But I'd bet my hat that the Bourn Stuntacular is on it's way to Hollywood.

I’m not sure where they would put it unless WaterWorld is finally done.

My assumption is that the Mel’s/Parisian themed area is eventually swallowed up by something illuminations to complete the transformation of the back of park.

On the lower lot, I assume any future expansion space would go towards Nintendo (the current soundstage 29 used for events butts up right next to it…)

Mummy would be the wildcard, but going from a roller coaster to Bourne seems like a big downgrade. Simpsons if you believe the license will end would make another possibility.

I suppose they could completely rework the front entrance to use the space that was formerly saddle ranch and the VIP/handicapped parking lot to stretch the park out too if they wanted to.

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16 hours ago, CedarFlags said:

 I would be THRILLED if that happened.  It's incredible.  My favorite non-coaster attraction at the whole UOR.

I wasn’t impressed. Neat technology but really not a good show. T2 was much better. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I went last weekend and was really pleasantly surprised! The area is larger, better themed, and more immersive than I expected. It does admittedly feel like something is "missing" with the lack of the Yoshi omnimover ride, but everything it does have (the ride, mini games, animatronics, restaurant) is a lot of fun. I was worried the ride system chosen for the Mario Kart ride would make it seem slow and boring, but I didn't feel that way at all while riding.

Overall, a great addition to Universal Studios Hollywood, and if the rumors are true with a Donkey Kong coaster expansion, that will really make it feel complete.

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  • 4 months later...

Quick question about Horror Nights at USH. So we plan on getting daytime tickets on a Friday, and then doing HHN in the evening. We are *not* getting the after 2pm ticket (despite this probably being the better value) we are getting a regular admission for the day, and a regular HHN admission for the night. I'd assume it's like Orlando in which there are holding pens within the park for those doing both? Or is it required you have an after 2pm or a special early entry pass they are selling?

Not sure if things are new or not this year, but curious how it worked last year.

I also was going to ask about how reservations for Mario World works but I downloaded the app and think I figured all that out so this is just me rambling. It looks like you have to be in the park to do that (or just fake your location I suppose) I just don't know typically how far out reservations go if we don't plan on getting there right at open. Looks like Mario World is ONLY accessible at night via the special ticket, not a regular HHN ticket, so we will have to do that during the day.

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Hey, if you have a ticket for that night's HHN, then they will give you a wristband and you'd be able to stay in the park.  Not remembering a particular holding area just headed down to the first houses opening for early entry.  HOWEVER make sure early entry is still a thing.  I read where they now offer early entry into the houses for a separate ticket and you'd still need your HHN ticket.  not sure if it's an upcharge now.

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On 6/25/2023 at 10:35 AM, anonymouscactus said:

Quick question about Horror Nights at USH. So we plan on getting daytime tickets on a Friday, and then doing HHN in the evening. We are *not* getting the after 2pm ticket (despite this probably being the better value) we are getting a regular admission for the day, and a regular HHN admission for the night. I'd assume it's like Orlando in which there are holding pens within the park for those doing both? Or is it required you have an after 2pm or a special early entry pass they are selling?

Not sure if things are new or not this year, but curious how it worked last year.

I also was going to ask about how reservations for Mario World works but I downloaded the app and think I figured all that out so this is just me rambling. It looks like you have to be in the park to do that (or just fake your location I suppose) I just don't know typically how far out reservations go if we don't plan on getting there right at open. Looks like Mario World is ONLY accessible at night via the special ticket, not a regular HHN ticket, so we will have to do that during the day.

Well, they just added an upcharge early entry this year, which is new, so not sure how or if that will change anything, but in the past--Hollywood does NOT do holding pens at all.  That's just an Orlando thing.  If you are doing a regular daytime ticket, about an hour or two before HHN starts, you can head back to the park entrance to a podium (but it is still inside the park, no need to exit) where they will give you a wristband that is good for HHN admission.  Be careful, once you put it on, you will no longer be allowed to ride the regular USH park attractions until HHN begins at 7pm (unless you get the HHN early entry).

Toadstool reservations tend to go very, very fast first thing in the morning.  If SNW is important to you, you may want to purchase the early entry ticket for that... it's really the only practical way to do the games, food reservation, and ride.  Do the games first, save ride for just before the park opens to the public.  Once it does open, it'll be SLAMMED for the rest of the day.  It has SR, but it's often just as long as the full queue.

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^ thanks for the advice. We will be doing Scary Farm the night prior, so getting there at 7am from the Anaheim area probably won't happen. I have to pick up our car at 730 in the Disney Resort area (that's the earliest they open that specific rental car location) so we wouldn't be able to do early entry. Ugh. May have to rethink this especially after downloading the app and seeing the wait times for Mario Kart throughout the day. Then again it will be in the fall so things night change drastically by then. Guess we'll wait and see

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  • 1 month later...

It's mind boggling to me that Universal is doing NOTHING with M3gan for HHN.  It was a total hit, it already has a sequel in the works, and it lends itself so naturally to the haunted house format.  I knew that Evil Dead Rise was already developed for last year, but I didn't realize until now that it's not even a Universal picture, it's Warner Bros.  So they're paying a licensing fee to another studio rather than using one of their own properties.

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When those licensing deals happened could be a big factor. It takes a lot of time to design and create these attractions. Every IP used this year is one that existed prior to 2022. M3GAN was a breakout hit this year and thus all licensing deals were completed by that point.

Also, if it was a house, you'd need about 14-18 people to play M3GAN. The character has the body of a 12 year old and an uncanny valley face. Or if it was a scare zone, the character would be mobbed constantly with people trying to take pictures with them. And again, appearance of a 12 year old girl.

The film was also marketed for a younger demographic--one the park may not want at the event.

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