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  1. It was stated at a recent Q&A with the management that they just got a new head of maintenance, and their goal is to have all coasters to be open with two train ops (where appropriate... like obviously not Superman) within 2 years
  2. Can't help you on the metro stuff, but as a whole, most schools do not get Earth Day off. LAUSD now gives April 24th off in remembrance of the Armenian Genocide, which is on a Wednesday this year.
  3. No, they still have the Gearworks Theater, near the entrance to the Steampunk area. All the dance/cheer competitions the park hosts throughout the year will be moving there (actually, they already have moved there, some events have already happened in that location)
  4. I suspect they just reused the old footage. I figure we'll get an updated video when more is finalized.
  5. I still haven't gotten this email, and my membership price hasn't gone up in a year. Maybe because I have Diamond Elite VIP (which was given because I continued payments during the pandemic)? Which I'm keeping for as long as possible, because not only does it get me 50% off most merch and food, but 4 Fastpasses per visit. Can't beat that. That said, I'm not going to be surprised the day they announce memberships will be revoked, and everyone will have to go back to the seasonal AP. Honestly, I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has. I suspect the merger may finally put the nail in the coffin for this by next calendar year.
  6. You could say the same thing for Blue Streak at Cedar Point, but that doesn't mean it's preferred to just tear it down for no reason.
  7. I second trying to get a flight from Burbank if possible. The problem is price and times can really be a crapshot. But location-wise, it'd be ideal. SNA isn't really near anything except Disney. I've stayed at the Quality Inn near Knott's. It's okay, but it would be a pretty long walk to Knotts. The on-site hotel would be easier, and it is being upgraded. I've never stayed at a hotel near USH, but there are quite a few of them around, and most should be fine. While I haven't stayed there myself, I've heard nice things about the Beverly Garland hotel. I believe it has a shuttle to the park, and the on site restaurant The Front Yard is surprisingly good and great atmosphere (though expensive). Needing two days at Knotts depends on how involved you want to get. If you're just interested in rides, one day should be enough. If you also want to dig into shows and food (especially if there's an event going on like the Boysenberry Festival), you may need that extra day.
  8. Heard reports of it testing and training, and that they hope to have it open before Haunt.
  9. Was in the park today. While the top of the mountain was closed (Ninja, Superman, Magic Mover--and they often close those rides as they prep for Fright Fest), the only other closed rides today were Apocalypse, JL, and Crazanity. Everything else was open, even Roaring Rapids, Jet Stream, Riddler, Goliath, Drop of Doom, and all the flat rides. Although the app said some rides were closed that were actually open. Also saw all the walls are now up for the Saw maze, as well as large boards for a possible facade. And nearly all the scare zone props are out.
  10. In a world where parks are charging $40-$65 just for parking your car, around $20 for a meal shouldn't really be a shock. Welcome to the world.
  11. The Conjuring has been started, and has been getting worked on for at least a month or more, and is slated to open Sep 15. I know someone working on it, and he says it looks great. Saw seems to be another story, there's nothing there yet, but is scheduled to open at the end of the month.
  12. Apocalypse is being retracked. Superman has been mostly been open, but it can be hit or miss. Riddler has been open of late, that new if it's closed. Same with Roaring Rapids (although it does tend to open later in the day). Goliath has been down for a number of weeks now... same for Crazanity and Ninja. For Ninja, I thought it was for new fencing going up around it, But it's admittedly been down for a while as well.
  13. They haven't announced any scare zones, nor the rumored 2 shows (the Waterworld space and Dreamworks theater), so they could still be incorporated in any of those capacities.
  14. To be fair, I found the app confusing at first, but it becomes more intuitive if you leave on the location tracking. Basically, the games in the app are a treasure hunt, and it tracks you as you move through the park and rewards you the more of the park you see. When the location tracking is left off, you'll get automatic notices to your phone when you've found stuff, and it'll start to make a bit more sense. I think it's something that would add repeat value to the park, because it's clearly a small park, but on subsequent visits, you could devote more time to the games in the app and still be entertained. And the cupcakes are amazing. It's a flight, so they are NOT full sized, but bite sized. But they're high quality, as you can see. Pricey, but worth it IMO. I'll add that while the cupcakes are sold in both main eating locations (at room temperature), they are also sold in refrigerated form in the gift shop at the front of the park.
  15. I visited earlier this summer and was super impressed. Yeah, it's small, but it's so amazingly well themed, there was still a lot to do. You can interact with the park via the app, earning badges by visiting as many locations as possible, which will reveal additional stories. They partnered with a local bakery to create a flight of cupcakes that represent each land (some of the flavors are blue berry, blood orange, and hazelnut). There's a specially made children's book in the gift shop that has one of the characters going through the park. And they even sell a dictionary that translates the language they created. It was really impressive, and the staff was super nice. I do really hope this park makes it, though. There were maybe only about 35 cars in the parking lot the whole day. They seem to be under the umbrella of the waterpark and casino... not really sure why there isn't a shuttle going between those areas to increase more visits. Another problem is location... unless you're local to the area, it's a huge headache to get there. The closest major town with an airport is Des Moines, but it's a regional airport, so flights can be expensive, and it would still be about another 1.5 hour drive. Next closest would be either Omaha or Minneapolis, both at about a 3.5 hour drive. And Chicago is about a 4.5 hour drive.
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