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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Also why are they still calling them selves the coaster capital?

Because what is the "coaster capital?" The park with the most coasters? The best coasters? With the best coaster operations? The most coasters with a 48" or over height restriction? There isn't any definition. So I think if Cedar Point wants to keep calling themselves the "Coaster Capital" I think they have every right to.

Though Magic Mountain has a few more coasters in total, CP has a better collection. If I rated each coaster at both parks and then compared the total numbers, CP would have a higher total. It's also just a better park all around. Better atmosphere, better operations. So I have no problem with their self declaration, I agree with it.

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when was the last time a non intamin. Master has its track modified? Think we can see a new first drop on mantis?


A Nitro-styled drop would be welcomed.


Yes! That is what I was thinking! However like the other poster said, replacing the first drop with a diving inline roll would be awesome and give a new inversion!

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So, two stand up roller coasters close in 2014 to make way for "future projects", anyone else seeing a similar attraction for both Canada's Wonderland and Cedar Point?


Reading the announcement and news articles they sure word it like its gone, and Cedar Fair could just want nothing to do with stand up coasters.

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Second half is indoors.


Call me crazy, but I was thinking the same thing. Having new sit-down trains, a new theme/name, a new color scheme AND having the second half indoors with special effects would be very marketable. Definitely a heck of a lot better than some of the coasters parks are putting in nowadays...


Totally could be done in my opinion, but I still don't think it will. Everything after the MCBR could easily be put indoors and is low to the ground so a high ugly building wouldn't be necessary. Plus, the second half is in an area of the park that is hardly visible, so the building wouldn't have to be beautiful. But we all know CP doesn't mind ugly buildings anyways *cough*Disaster Transport*cough*.


See below:




I'd take this over a Wonder Mountain's Guardian ride any day. Before you jump on me, I don't think this is happening, just throwing out some wild thoughts.

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Second half is indoors.


Call me crazy, but I was thinking the same thing. Having new sit-down trains, a new theme/name, a new color scheme AND having the second half indoors with special effects would be very marketable. Definitely a heck of a lot better than some of the coasters parks are putting in nowadays...


Totally could be done in my opinion, but I still don't think it will. Everything after the MCBR could easily be put indoors and is low to the ground so a high ugly building wouldn't be necessary. Plus, the second half is in an area of the park that is hardly visible, so the building wouldn't have to be beautiful. But we all know CP doesn't mind ugly buildings anyways *cough*Disaster Transport*cough*.


See below:

[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 7.07.30 PM.png[/attachment]

[attachment=1]Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 7.07.38 PM.png[/attachment]


I'd take this over a Wonder Mountain's Guardian ride any day. Before you jump on me, I don't think this is happening, just throwing out some wild thoughts.

That would actually be really sick.

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Um... i think Mantis is going to relocate




3. Relocate Mantis



Does anyone think relocating Mantis to Canada's Wonderland is an option at all? I'd be so upset if so the ride hurts so much I rode it two weeks ago with my partner and he hated it to I really hope we don't see Mantis show up...


From what I saw on the Canada Wonderland forum, they showed a Google Earth pick of the old Skyrider site that looks a little similar to a Mantis footprint. However, I am actually pulling for a redo with new floorless trains, paint and refurb of the area. And Valleyfair and other CF parks need a coaster before CW.

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Um... i think Mantis is going to relocate




3. Relocate Mantis



Does anyone think relocating Mantis to Canada's Wonderland is an option at all? I'd be so upset if so the ride hurts so much I rode it two weeks ago with my partner and he hated it to I really hope we don't see Mantis show up...


From what I saw on the Canada Wonderland forum, they showed a Google Earth pick of the old Skyrider site that looks a little similar to a Mantis footprint. However, I am actually pulling for a redo with new floorless trains, paint and refurb of the area. And Valleyfair and other CF parks need a coaster before CW.

Also, why would they relocate a B&M Stand-Up if they got rid of a TOGO Stand-Up

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Then ad 2 kidding coasters to take back the record.

Six Flags already have ad coasters. I think they were kidding about Looping Dragon being a coaster, too.


It is pretty clear what is going to be announced here:


Dueling Draggin' Iron!!! Double the Dullness.

And Double the Duelness too.

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You know if Mantis does get the overhaul, I hope some good money is put into some extremely nice themeing. Banshee is exceptional for Cedar Fair, so hopefully we see a nicely themed ride instead of just a sign for Cedar Point?

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Looks like somebody took TPR Forum posts a little too seriously

Among the (hopeful) conjecture from park fanatics: a complete reworking of wooden coaster Mean Streak, a new water coaster known as AquaTrax and – perhaps most popular – the addition of a dark ride to the midway area near the Blue Streak roller coaster.


www.cleveland.com (last paragraph)

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Darkness falls on #12. Does this mean the 2015 addition will be announced on Oct. 12th? Or do you think it will be the 19th along with Mantis's squishing?


I believe it was the twelfth coaster at the Point (5 were built after, then Wildcat was removed-16 presently).

Edited by hey...hey
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Here's what I gotta say: I hope for a new coaster if it were to be added next year, however if Mantis were leaving, a new coaster probably wouldn't go in its spot till 2016 at the latest. So if thats the case, then I hope that they re-profile it and make it a lot better.


The reason I say this is because I'm going next year and I don't want to lose a credit unless I'm getting a new one in its place

But it'll probably be the re profile.


Second half is indoors.


Call me crazy, but I was thinking the same thing. Having new sit-down trains, a new theme/name, a new color scheme AND having the second half indoors with special effects would be very marketable. Definitely a heck of a lot better than some of the coasters parks are putting in nowadays...


Totally could be done in my opinion, but I still don't think it will. Everything after the MCBR could easily be put indoors and is low to the ground so a high ugly building wouldn't be necessary. Plus, the second half is in an area of the park that is hardly visible, so the building wouldn't have to be beautiful. But we all know CP doesn't mind ugly buildings anyways *cough*Disaster Transport*cough*.

I love this idea! I hope it happens! It probably won't though, but I can dream!

Edited by CPSFMMCW
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Darkness falls on #12. Does this mean the 2015 addition will be announced on Oct. 12th? Or do you think it will be the 19th along with Mantis's squishing?


I believe it was the twelfth coaster at the Point (5 were built after, then Wildcat was removed-16 presently).



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