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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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There was a new blog entry today showing off the new fun tv. Check it out here...





You know what would make me happy in this part of the Gatekeeper line? A canopy. That would make me much happier than this TV network. It amazes me that the part of the Gatekeeper queue that's almost always full that takes you about 30 minutes to get through is completely in the sun with no relief whatsoever but the parts of the queue that are almost always empty have shade and nice views of the lake.

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Here's something unrelated to the talk on the previous pages that I'm not sure has been brought up, but with the removal of Pilgrim's Plunge at HW do you think we could see STR on the way out in the near future?

I understand we are talking two different parks, two different rides, and two different circumstances...but PP was not an old ride. It just got me thinking.


I would LOVE for them to tear it out and just put in a good old fashioned traditional log ride. Now at the park, if you go on any water ride, you will get soaked. I miss the old Mill Race and White Water Landing for this very reason.

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I love the decorations on Pipe Sream. It looks much better than it did a few days ago with nothing on it. This area is really coming together! Can't wait to get up there and check it out in person!

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With 6 arms and the yellow at opposite ends, is their to be a third color?? Could look pretty sweet when it is all said and done!

I didn't even think of this at first, looks like there are indeed two shades of orange if lighting isn't deceiving me. I might not have chosen those colors but now that it's been pointed out, I like that they did that.

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Sad news to report.


Many of you that are regulars, and hundreds of past and current employees may have knew the supervisor that went by the nickname of "OZ". Just received news that he had passed this afternoon.


He was a great guy and had tought me a lot when I was a team lead at the park.


Safe travels my friend...you will be missed.

Edited by thrillrider
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^That is unfortunate. Never knew of him.



Three points-

  • Pipe Scream has siding.
    Circles provide adequate shading.
    It's a tight squeeze between Monster & Pipe Scream.


The area looks incredible but that's my main concern. Hopefully that area doesn't bottleneck, I'm guessing the foot traffic won't be too crazy, but that's not a lot of space. Or at least, it doesn't appear to be from the webcam.

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^I remember yesterday when I looked at the webcam I could see a guy in that area and, given his size, it didn't really look like a tight squeeze but we'll see.

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Hey everybody, some of my friends and I (four of us all together) are going to be taking a trip to Cedar Point sometime soon, probably in June. We want to be able to do everything though as we live far away and will probably not be back. Does anybody have any tips for how we should ensure ourselves the chance to ride everything, or places to stay, or times to go? Any help would be appreciated, thank you very much.

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Hey everybody, some of my friends and I (four of us all together) are going to be taking a trip to Cedar Point sometime soon, probably in June. We want to be able to do everything though as we live far away and will probably not be back. Does anybody have any tips for how we should ensure ourselves the chance to ride everything, or places to stay, or times to go? Any help would be appreciated, thank you very much.


Time To Visit: Anytime in June is fine. The earlier, the better and avoid Saturdays


Places to Stay: This varies depending on your budget. Breakers is literally walking distance to the park, but it's fairly expensive and the rooms aren't being renovated till next off-season. I did enjoy my stay at Breakers despite the outdated rooms (which you shouldn't be spending a lot of time in anyway). Haven't ever stayed at Sandcastle, but I heard it's not that great. I usually stay at an off-site hotel like Holiday Inn, Motel 6, etc.


Game Plan: Once again, this variable completely depends upon your budget as well long you are staying. It is very easy to accomplish everything major in two days at Cedar Point WITHOUT Fast Lane. However, if you are going only one day, Fast Lane Plus is your friend to do anything and everything. If you can't afford Fast Lane basic or plus, you can still hit a lot of the coasters, maybe just not all of them. Here is a basic plan if you are staying only one WEEKDAY: hit Maverick first thing in the morning, followed by Millennium, and maybe TTD depending on the line, then check on Magnum and Gemini and try to ride those two. Now advance your way to the front of the park and by mid-afternoon, hit Gatekeeper and Raptor. You can also do maXair and Wicked Twister while you're over here. I left out Mantis mainly because I really do not enjoy it, but you may if you like Standups.


So in summary, your don't misses are: TTD, Maverick, Millennium, Raptor, Gatekeeper, Magnum, Gemini, Wicked Twister, maXair, Cedar Downs (awesome carousel, trust me), Blue Streak


If anyone else has anything to add to this, please feel free to chime in and correct me

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