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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Seems like the gold pass has had a huge effect on attendance. It’s been busy practically every day since they introduced it.


I visited the park on Friday after a big thunderstorm. You would think the park would be totally empty because of that but it wasn’t. It was exactly busy but Valravn, Millennium, and Maverick were all around 45 minutes in the later part of the night, but Raptor was running one train and struggling to fill it. Then, somehow, Vengeance only had a 25 minute wait? It was really bizarre. So not exactly crowded but not dead either. Friday’s have been picking up the last few years.


Yesterday, the entire parking lot and all employee lots were filled, including the parking spaces in between the toll booths and the parking lot itself.


Today, the main lot is almost completely full. Seems like Sunday’s might not be dead anymore either. Kinda sucks that this will be the new normal when you’re used to it being quieter, but more people in the park = More money for CP = More improvements to the park.

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I was there today. Sky Ride was open and running. TTD was closed all day (which made me mad, every single time I go to CP its always closed for one reason or another.) Waits were pretty good during my time there with the exception of Steel Vengeance which was 2 hours pretty much all day. Since I rode SV the week before I concentrated my time on other things. (also no one I was with wanted to ride it) Magnum provided great backseat airtime, though those tiny hills kill your legs.

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While waiting in line for Steel Vengeance, the other weekend, I was thinking about how bad it's practical capacity actually is. The theoretical capacity is 1200 pph, but, in all practicality, with walks of shame and triple-checking restraints, they are only dispatching a train about every 2.5 minutes, dropping the capacity 576 pph. Assuming a 2:1 standby-to-fast lane ratio, the ride only moves 384 pph from standby and 192 pph from FL. Yikes! Really makes you appreciate Magnum and Gatekeeper, doesn't it?

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I am going to be "that guy" and ask a stupid question as despite being a CP visitor for many years, I have usually had a season pass in hand before the season started. Well, this year I have a Gold Pass Voucher to process. My wife and I are going to HalloWeekends tomorrow night and I was wondering if the voucher will cover my parking fee, or do I have to pay the $20 to park because I am technically not a Gold Pass Holder until the card is printed up? I couldn't seem to find the info on their website so I thought I'd ask if anyone here knows.



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From my experience at King's Dominion and Michigan's Adventure, if you show the voucher to the parking attendant they should scan it and let you in.

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I am going to be "that guy" and ask a stupid question as despite being a CP visitor for many years, I have usually had a season pass in hand before the season started. Well, this year I have a Gold Pass Voucher to process. My wife and I are going to HalloWeekends tomorrow night and I was wondering if the voucher will cover my parking fee, or do I have to pay the $20 to park because I am technically not a Gold Pass Holder until the card is printed up? I couldn't seem to find the info on their website so I thought I'd ask if anyone here knows.




FWIW at Kings Island I had to pay for parking, then they reimbursed me at the pass processing. It was dumb but I gave them a $20 and they gave me it back 5 minutes later.


I actually had a similar question since I'm going tomorrow too (hopefully the crowds will be decent!). I bought the Platinum Pass and have the CP app with the virtual pass. I don't see anything about being required to get a physical copy of it. I couldn't find anything on the site about it either.


Has anyone else gotten a Platinum Pass/Pass and just used the QR code to get entry? Not sure if I'll have time to get it processed before the early entry at 5PM so I'm hoping I can go to the park first and worry about processing it later.



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(hopefully the crowds will be decent!)


I have been hoping for that all week!


I bought the Platinum Pass and have the CP app with the virtual pass. I don't see anything about being required to get a physical copy of it. I couldn't find anything on the site about it either.


Has anyone else gotten a Platinum Pass/Pass and just used the QR code to get entry? Not sure if I'll have time to get it processed before the early entry at 5PM so I'm hoping I can go to the park first and worry about processing it later.




This is all I was able to find (guess I should have looked here first for the parking issue - sorry!), but it confused me even more:

How do I get my pass after I purchase?


In your email order confirmation, you will receive a season pass voucher. This will be used for parking upon your first visit, and you will exchange this voucher for a physical card as you enter the park at the gate. This voucher can be printed, or displayed on a mobile phone.


So does this mean I can bypass the Season Pass Center and I will be given a pass at the main entrance turnstiles? That doesn't sound right to me but that's what the website says. And as far as the App goes, I bought my Gold Pass on the day they were announced and at that time it showed up in the App as a valid ticket. Now, it's no longer there and I can't add it. Gotta love modern technology!

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Yes. Proceed to the turnstile. They will scan your paper (or app) and give you a physical card. They just scan the card and hand it over to you. Good to go. Any of them can do it. No need to waste time at the windows/customer service/etc.

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Yes. Proceed to the turnstile. They will scan your paper (or app) and give you a physical card. They just scan the card and hand it over to you. Good to go. Any of them can do it. No need to waste time at the windows/customer service/etc.


They will also take your pic at the turnstile with a webcam style camera. I watched them do this to quite a few people all summer.

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This is what the Disneyland Resort did at their entry gates, when we were there over a week ago. Although all we had, were four day park-hopper passes, they were on paper as we don't have cell phones . We each gave ours to the nice lady at our gate, she smiled and said "smile", we did, and our cards were instantly given to us. Very easy thing to do.


Our Knott's hotel keys, which were rather...uh....back dated(?), beside our Disney Resort park-hopper passes.

David got the Falcon. And of course, I got Midway Mania. (o;

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Confirmed. Got it at the Magnum gate no problem.


Only problem yesterday was that Maverick was down all night. It was really weird to see the park busy, but half of the rides motionless. It really is a long list of closed rides. We had fun, though!


Oh one more thing. There is a list of scare zones, like Blood On the Bayou and Cornstalkers, but they are outdoor haunted houses. Not just an area of the path with fog and actors like the wilderness path by MF. Don't miss Cornstalkers 2.0! Get there early though it had a loooooong line after we go out of it.





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I was amazed at how busy the park was last night. We didn’t arrive until 7:30 and it took us 20 minutes to get in at the main gate. The pass process was relatively painless as others have said though!


This year’s Midnight Syndicate show wasn’t as good as prior years. There was a heavy focus on the “story”, which featured the use of old school magic tricks and less focus on Gavin and Ed and their music. It wasn’t bad, don’t get me wrong, but I think I enjoyed the show more when they played more of their music.


The only fright zone we got to do was Trail of the Forsaken. I didn’t know that this zone had been reduced in size. And that reduction in size seemed to come with a reduction in scares. We walked through in both directions and had not one scare. Of course, that could have something to do with the large number of people wearing No Boo necklaces.


This year’s new addition is called Boneyard Battleground. The park calls it an “entertainment zone”. Located in Celebration Plaza, there is a live band playing songs like “Chop Suey” from System of a Down, all while young girls grind and gyrate on various stages through the zone. At another point, a pole was brought out on stage and a girl was doing erotic moves on said pole. As we walked past families with children, one of the male visitors pulled out some dollar bills and started waving them at the performers. While I’m definitely not a prude, I was definitely surprised that Cedar Point signed off on this as they have traditionally been much more family friendly. Also in this zone we’re several food trucks which seemed to be overlooked as their corner is quite dark. In any case, it’s a unique idea, I’m just not sure if it will go over too well with the large number of families.


The CP app had Steel Vengeance with a 135 minute wait and Valravn and Millennium Force with 75 minute waits. That’s crazy for the second Friday of HalloWeekends. I’m guessing the warm weather had something to do with it. Well, that and the fact that all of northern Ohio now seems to have a Gold Pass (myself included!).


I’ll be heading back next week to see if I can check out the rest of the scare zones. CornStalkers no longer has FrightLane access, so that is going to have to be a first stop. There is a very cool pumpkin animatronic out front that seemed very popular with selfie takers.


Ok, I have rambled long enough. In conclusion, decent night but much busier than anticipated.

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