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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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In the end, I'm probably wrong no matter what I think it might be. But if it is either of the two types mentioned, then I guess CP is also trying to go for the first 8 hour wait in the world too.


Actually they've already done that a few times.


Magnum,Millenium Force, and TTD all had massive waits at some point in their opening years.


Magnum I saw with 6-7 hour waits, MF I saw with 4 hour waits(and heard from others that it was getting even longer then that upwards of 7 hours on the saturdays), and TTD obviously had waits this long due to the problems in it's opening year.

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I love the idea of an Aquatrax, I noticed it's mostly the younger set that's unhappy about this idea.


My only problem is that unless CP has decided to heavily theme a ride for the first time ever, I don't think the Aquatrax would look good as a stand alone coaster, of course that's IMHO.


I've always been impressed with what Lotte world did with there’s, I would hope that any other park that built one would follow there lead.

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In the end, I'm probably wrong no matter what I think it might be. But if it is either of the two types mentioned, then I guess CP is also trying to go for the first 8 hour wait in the world too.


Actually they've already done that a few times.


Magnum,Millenium Force, and TTD all had massive waits at some point in their opening years.


Magnum I saw with 6-7 hour waits, MF I saw with 4 hour waits(and heard from others that it was getting even longer then that upwards of 7 hours on the saturdays), and TTD obviously had waits this long due to the problems in it's opening year.

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A aquatrax coaster made by intamin who made TTD which broke down alot during the first year + aquatrax single car that fits 8 people= The worlds record for the longest line for an amusement park ride!


Seriously I highly doubt CP is going to get and aquatrax because it HAS TO HAVE GOOD THEMEING to make this an enjoyable coaster, without the themeing it willl be kind of dull. A CP executive said they would not spend alot of money on themeing like they did on Disaster Transporter.

I still think that it is a looping coaster because the footer b y the pond actually shape an interlocking corkscrews.

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Alright, so let me see if I've got this straight. We've gone from it being dueling B&M flyers, to a ball coaster, to a wing walker, to an aqua trax, and now back to square one. This guessing game is getting intense. I wonder how many people are actually right about what they're guessing. It will be interesting to see when CP makes an announcement about 2007.

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I've got a question for those of you more familiar with the park, and more specifically the ride they removed. I'm curious, are they keeping the entire queue building and/or line intact? And if so, is this because they plan for the new ride to follow the same load/unload path the old ride used?

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WWL's station is indeed intact.


I'm sure they'll use it, though possibly with modifications.


If we explore the aqua trax rumour those 8 person trains could fit that roundabout in the station with some modifications made.


But this whole aqua trax thing is really annoying me because I don't understand it. Everyone keeps saying "to be good the aqua trax has to be well themed". Doesn't that just make it a normal roller coaster with good theming?


By that logic wouldn't mine ride be an aqua trax?


As far as I can tell aqua trax just refers to the train itself, not the ride. So I'd think of aqua trax along the same lines as the hyper-coaster trains.

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OK. The Lotte World Aqua Trax has about three trains on the track at a time. They could still make it a dueling version, which would solve a lot of the capacity issue. They took out a water ride, so to replace it with a quasi-water ride and get a coaster (or two) in the deal doesn't sound that bad an idea to me.


If it's the Ball coaster, I don't even want to think of the complications of that. I have only seen single car trains for that, and there's another 8-passenger train and the same capacity issue on top of prototype bugs.


The truth is none of us will know until CP wants us to know.

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The reason why many are speculating the "aqua-trax" coaster design is because of several "CLUES" that have been posted.


1-Look at many of the pics being posted (namely CP's pictures regarding the construction zone. Also, take note of the one sign in particular 'We are going in a different direction').


2-Look at the location. A former site of a water-ride/attraction. It would make economic sense to install a new water-coaster within the same confines of an existing area to save on infrastructure costs. Also, the station, pump units, splash-down area, and other components can be upgraded rather than completely building NEW infrastructure (the money save could already be implemented towards the ride theme-package).


3-B&M footers are different. Take note of many of the B&M footers (and compare them towards the Intamin footers, then look at the following pics posted on this forum).


4-The evidence (from the track under that tarp) surely is NOT a B&M. Unless the Swiss guys had too much to drink and chose a new track design overnite..lol


I know all of us here are speculating, but that's what makes this site (and as coaster enthusiasts) FUN!.


**It would be pretty cool if Intamin incorporated the "Ball Coaster-within the parameters of an 'aqua-trax' coaster all in one combination..lol

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Aren't there enough red coasters at cedar point TTD, Mantis, and Iron dragon.


Thats kind of what I was thinking, Magnum XL 200 is reddish too. Then when I really thought about it, red is sexy! Haha, my contacts are bugging me.




Justin "Im the random king" Seabaugh

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I've just thought about a few of the clues that have been given now I know this makes some sence, but "Here we go again" seems very interesting . It could imply "Ok we did the ride now were doing something else.. and now "Taking a step in a different direction", coupled with that may imply going backwards.. as in "Here we go again.." the other way..



Has anyone thought about that for a second?



This seems to sum something up in my head here.


Listed clues are.

"Bear with us" (animal theme maybe)

"Something is a foot" (footers showed up)

"Taking a step in a different direction"(backwards!)

"The path seen is not always the best taken" (not always going fowards is better)

"Here we go again!" yep new ride that might stop at some point and switch direction!)


Are there any others I missed here?


The Blog also toys with people asking them to be the detectives here. Signs have shown up since day one of the teasing with the plans in the trash and all that jazz but now things will start to heat up.

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I know I've said this a few times, but I really, really doubt that this coaster will duel. Right now, I'm going to say that it will just be a really awesome Aqua-Trax, but will in no way be two tracks. I think theming will be a big deal on this one, which, I think, is better than building dueling coasters with little theme.

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Well... A little birdie told me something too, and to me this sounds more reasonable and believable. I was told that a new White Water Landing will be built with a new Intamin coaster. He didn't tell me what the coaster would be but this idea makes a lot of sense to me. Look at the clues: the station, queue, and sign is still in tact. The logs are even still on the site, and the water pumps were not demolished. All that needs to be done is add the actual log flume that will be bigger, faster, and better than the original. Then build the new Intamin coaster. Hmmm.

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Thinking about this a bit more, in the event of it being an aquatrax, it probably won't be themed as it is Cedar Point, and neglecting that, I think it would be quite hard to theme a ride to red track, unless you were going for a more modern theme, which doesn't fit with the area. It would look somewhat weird having all the old west theming and bright red track. If it is to be an aquatrax, it may have a bit more of an emphasis on the coaster aspect (inversions, airtime etc.) and mildly incorporate the water bit. As for the capacity issue, couldn't that change radically with the layout of the ride? As long as there are sufficient blocks, it could have a decent capacity, or perhaps they can use slightly different trains, like an actual train consisting of more than one car.

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If it was an Aqua Trax it will be a disaster, mainly because they've kept it a huge secret and to suddenly come out with "our new coaster will be an Aqua Track coaster", everyone that has been getting all excited over it will just say.......meh? Its an average coaster that is made better by themeing. If they didn't keep it a secret then it wouldn't be as bad.


And if you think deeply, them signs might just be there to make your mind wonder.


Look what happened to that Intamin track that turned up at Thorpe Park

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