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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Great job Carnage and CedarPoint420!


I've been to Lotte World twice, and both times the ride was closed. The first time, it tested continuously the entire time I was there. (Check out my pictures at RCDB and you'll see ampty cars running around!) The second time, it was down for a week of 'scheduled maintanence.'


A friend of mine got on it and said it was very fun, but described the weirdest line procedure I've ever heard:


Tickets are issued at three times during the day. Wait in line for one of a limited number of tickets. Come back during the window of time shown on your ticket. Wait in line to ride. Ride.


It sounds like FastPass, but without a standby line!


That's why I've been close to riding, but without the opportunity to actually ride.


It also fits the Intamin curse: Lots of apparent downtime and a death! (Earlier this year, drunken employee ejected while riding after work.)


Carnage, I'll buy you a cookie on the UK trip.

CedarPoint420, where would you like your cookie mailed to?

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Yeah, I'm kinda laening toward the Aquatrax anyway, although I was hoping for a wing walker.


Now, about AA at Lotte World...does it ever actually float or have a splashdown? From what I've seen of it it looks like simulated water drops and all coaster track.


Also, what exactly is the Intamin water coaster at Gardaland? It had the Intamin T-bar restraints, Intamin tri-track, and an Intamin cable lift system but it also floats for much of it's course. It certainly felt like a water coaster to me. Yet rcdb does not list it. Does anyone have any real info on it?


Hopefully it's good, but honestly without themeing I can see the ride being fairly dull. Kinda like Journey to Atlantis west vrs east.


At least it's not a KumbaK!



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That's not nearly as thrilling as I was expecting.


Water coasters don't really do much for me.


Same here, they might aswell have just surprised us with an SLC!


I was hoping for a more thrilling coaster than that.


If it is true, then I'm dissapointed but if its not, WOO HOO



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Is it even a water coasters though?


Does it have a water splash or something?


All of the pictures I've seen of Atlantis adventure just look like a well themed Intamin with a special train. No water affects or anything.


Unless there's something I'm really missing?

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Also, what exactly is the Intamin water coaster at Gardaland? It had the Intamin T-bar restraints, Intamin tri-track, and an Intamin cable lift system but it also floats for much of it's course. It certainly felt like a water coaster to me. Yet rcdb does not list it. Does anyone have any real info on it?


T-bars?? Which ride did you go on? The Atlantis ride at Gardaland has seatbelts only

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Sorry rollermonkey, but I really don't think that this is going to be an Intamin aqua trax coaster. I just beleive it is way to hyped up by the people who actually know what it is to be something so disapointing. Although I could be wrong I just don't see this happening because construction has started so early, the "CP clues" don't point to this, and I don't think CP would build this coaster after the accedent the other one had.

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^ That accident has no impact on any future rides built of that type.


It was a case where a drunk employee was able to ride without being secured. He then fell and died.


You can't blame the designer for an accident causd by sheer stupidity in a country with a lack of proper saftey guidelines.

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I am really disapointed in Cedar Point if they do get an aqua trax coaster. This is an outrage, it makes me want to change my screen name (even though I already did want to because Im not really a CP fanboy). Oh well, I guess I will just have to go somewhere else.... this really is making me depressed even though Im trying to act fine.... I HATE YOU CP!


Justin "welcome to my soap opra life," Seabaugh


PS- Maybe it will be something else! Maybe everyone else is wrong!


PSS- No way in hell dude, its practically proven.


PSSS- Well im still hoping....


Post Signature, Signature-

Justin "Yea, Im not really a skitz.... I dont think..." Seabaugh

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Umm, guys that track isnt even at cedar point, since there is something(probably track) by Breakers I belive its called and that doesnt even look remotely like breakers in the back ground


Which pics are you talking about?


It's by Breakers Express,not Breakers. The "real" pics you linked to are the one's we were talking about.


Any other track pics are one's of other rides(like Atlantis in Korea) that people were using as comparisons.

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I am really disapointed in Cedar Point if they do get an aqua trax coaster. This is an outrage, it makes me want to change my screen name (even though I already did want to because Im not really a CP fanboy). Oh well, I guess I will just have to go somewhere else.... this really is making me depressed even though Im trying to act fine.... I HATE YOU CP!


Justin "welcome to my soap opra life," Seabaugh


PS- Maybe it will be something else! Maybe everyone else is wrong!


PSS- No way in hell dude, its practically proven.


PSSS- Well im still hoping....


Post Signature, Signature-

Justin "Yea, Im not really a skitz.... I dont think..." Seabaugh


WOW it starts already and the ride isnt even announced ! I dont get it why would an aquatrax be a bad thing for cp??

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(Disclaimer) I haven't ridden Atlantis Adventure at Lotte, but I have seen it testing. (All d@mn day!)


I saw no floating sections on AA.


The splash effect is done similar to Sheikra's.


There appeared to be multiple sections of LIM boosts and LIM brakes.


The restraint and seating system is unique. You straddle the seat like a sea-doo. It doesn't have the back pad like Vekoma booster bikes. I'm not 100% but it was described to me as being a modified version of the Intamin T-bar. Instead of being connected to the floor, it moves in some sort of track to position itself between your legs. It sounds fantastically stupid!


The ride itself was supposed to be fun.

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^ Good point, I don't think Cedar Point would get an Aqua trax coaster if it has incredibly low capacity. They would go for something that has long, 18 or 20 to 36 people in one train.


...But then again there is Disaster Transport.

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Well, I've been drawn into the drama which is Cedar Point '07. We've got little birdies chirping secrets, kids ready to denounce the name of their favorite park, and a mysterious tarp-covered track lurking in the distance.


So, I'll go ahead and take a stab at it. After looking back over all the "facts" that have been presented, I'll go with the ball coaster theory...and here's why:


1) Elissa suggested another Intamin prototype. While I don't follow this stuff as closely as some of you do, I would tend to believe Elissa on this one.


2) The word prototype is defined as: An original model after which other similiar things are paterned. Am I correct in assuming there's currently no other ball coasters in the world? If not, then this would be the first.


3) Ole Dickie boy and CP like to be the first at whatever they do. It doesn't necessarily need to be the best of whatever it is.....just the first. Ex: Magnum=1st hyper, MF=first giga, TTD=first strata, etc. etc.


4) Judging by the RCDB pics, if it were to be an Aqutrax, that type of coaster seems to work better when highly themed.....and I just don't see CP going all out in the theming department. See examples below.




5) CP has dropped hints such as "put two and two together" and "we're heading in a different direction"....that would seem to match up somewhat with the pic below in several ways.




Of course, if they are indeed going with another low capacity ride, personally I'd rather see the wing walker with the effect similiar to Sheikra. The "spray cone brakes" are patented and wouldn't even be necessary. I just think the design of the wing walker lends itself better to the effect of traveling over water like Sheikra does. Your feet would swoop down over the water rather than having a floorboard beneath you. But heh, whatever.




In the end, I'm probably wrong no matter what I think it might be. But if it is either of the two types mentioned, then I guess CP is also trying to go for the first 8 hour wait in the world too.



Who knows, maybe the B&M track hasn't shown up yet, and this is really gonna be a true dueling coaster..... B&M vs. Intamin. They can give up the name "Maverick" and go with "Clash of the Titans."


Anyway, big thanks to Johnnyupsidedown, Beber, and RCDB for the pics.

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Who knows, maybe the B&M track hasn't shown up yet, and this is really gonna be a true dueling coaster..... B&M vs. Intamin. They can give up the name "Maverick" and go with "Clash of the Titans."


I like that idea. To bad the Medusa and Kraken names have been used.

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