Age: 16
Middle Name: Arnold
Pet Peeve: any...
Color of your bathroom: white and green
Best Movie of ALL time: Armaggeddon, Mean Girls and the Pirates of the carribean series
Best Song of ALL time: Islands In A Stream
Best TV Shows: Heroes, Simpsons and MTV
Favorite Band/Artist: Nelly Furtado
Favorite Ride at Disney Parks: Never been to a disney
Yummiest Ice Cream: caramel
If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be: My Grandfather
Morning Person or Night Person: Morning person
Pets: 3 dogs - lab, daschund and a border collie. 2 cats
Favorite Color: Blue
Where you would go for fun (not an amusement park): Cape Town
Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Opinion about Peanut Butter and Jelly: euww
Best Vacation Spot: Oudshoorn - SA
Cook or Go Out: go out
Beach, Desert, or Mountains: Beach